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Last active July 3, 2019 13:43
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Pythonic Getters and Setters
class Customer:
__slots__ = ['member_discount']
def __init__(self, member_discount:float):
self.member_discount = member_discount
class Product:
__slots__ = ['_price', '_discounted_price', '_color_way']
def __init__(self, price:float, discounted_price:float, color_way:str,):
self._price = price
self._discounted_price = discounted_price
self._color_way = color_way
def color_way(self):
return self._color_way
def price(self):
return self._price
@property # -> getter
def discounted_price(self) -> float:
return self._discounted_price
@discounted_price.setter # -> setter
def discounted_price(self, value:float):
self._discounted_price = value
# data retrieved from API
product_data:dict = { 'price': 50., 'discounted_price': 0, 'color_way': 'red+black' }
customer_data:dict = {'member_discount': .25 }
# hydrate customer
customer:Customer = Customer(**customer_data)
# hydrate product
sneakers:Product = Product(**product_data)
# calculate discount
def calc_discount(price:float, discount:float) -> float:
return price - (price * discount)
# apply discount only for specific color way
if sneakers.color_way == 'red+black':
# simple property assignment uses `setter` under the hood
sneakers.discounted_price = calc_discount(sneakers.price, customer.member_discount)
print('after discount: ', sneakers.discounted_price)
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