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Created November 14, 2015 12:06
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  • Save cromica/57efc7eee344e84cdb8c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cromica/57efc7eee344e84cdb8c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
fake build script sample
#r @"tools/FAKE.Core/tools/FakeLib.dll"
open Fake
open System
let authors = ["Sdl Community"]
//project details
let projectName = "GroupShareKit"
let projectDescription="A GroupShare API client library for .NET"
let projectSummary = projectDescription
let buildDir = "./Sdl.Community.GroupShareKit/bin"
let testResultsDir ="./testresults"
let packagingRoot = "./packaging"
let packagingDir = packagingRoot @@ "groupsharekit"
let releaseNotes =
ReadFile ""
|> ReleaseNotesHelper.parseReleaseNotes
let buildMode = getBuildParamOrDefault "buildMode" "Release"
MSBuildDefaults <-{
MSBuildDefaults with
ToolsVersion = Some "14.0"
Verbosity = Some MSBuildVerbosity.Minimal
Target "Clean"(fun _ ->
open Fake.AssemblyInfoFile
open Fake.Testing
Target "AssemblyInfo" (fun _ ->
CreateCSharpAssemblyInfo "./SolutionInfo.cs"
[ Attribute.Product projectName
Attribute.Version releaseNotes.AssemblyVersion
Attribute.FileVersion releaseNotes.AssemblyVersion
Attribute.ComVisible false ]
let setParams defaults = {
defaults with
ToolsVersion = Some("14.0")
Targets = ["Build"]
Properties =
"Configuration", buildMode
Target "BuildApp" (fun _ ->
build setParams "./Sdl.Community.GroupShareKit.sln"
|> DoNothing
Target "IntegrationTests" (fun _ ->
!! (sprintf "./Sdl.Community.GroupShareKit.Tests.Integration/bin/%s/**/Sdl.Community.GroupShareKit.Tests.Integration.dll" buildMode)
|> xUnit2 (fun p ->
{p with
HtmlOutputPath = Some (testResultsDir @@ "xunit.html")
TimeOut = TimeSpan.FromMinutes 10.0 })
"The integration tests were skipped because the GROUPSHAREKIT_BASEURI, GROUPSHAREKIT_TESTORGANIZATION and GROUPSHAREKIT_PASSWORD environment variables are not set. " +
"Please configure these environment variables for a GitHub test account (DO NOT USE A \"REAL\" ACCOUNT)."
|> traceImportant
Target "CreateGroupSharePackage" (fun _ ->
let portableDir = packagingDir @@ "lib/portable-net45+wp80+win+wpa81/"
CleanDirs [portableDir]
CopyFile portableDir (buildDir @@ "Release/Portable/Sdl.Community.GroupShareKit.dll")
CopyFile portableDir (buildDir @@ "Release/Portable/Sdl.Community.GroupShareKit.XML")
CopyFile portableDir (buildDir @@ "Release/Portable/Sdl.Community.GroupShareKit.pdb")
CopyFiles packagingDir ["LICENSE"; ""; ""]
NuGet (fun p ->
{p with
Authors = authors
Project = projectName
Description = projectDescription
OutputPath = packagingRoot
Summary = projectSummary
WorkingDir = packagingDir
Version = releaseNotes.AssemblyVersion
ReleaseNotes = toLines releaseNotes.Notes
AccessKey = getBuildParamOrDefault "nugetkey" ""
Publish = hasBuildParam "nugetkey" }) "groupsharekit.nuspec"
Target "Default" DoNothing
Target "CreatePackages" DoNothing
==> "AssemblyInfo"
==> "BuildApp"
RunTargetOrDefault "Default"
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