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Created February 18, 2014 17:15
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  • Save cromwellryan/9075306 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cromwellryan/9075306 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Step 1: Download this zip:
# (mac/nix hint: curl, wget)
# (windows hint: net.webclient)
if [ ! -d "site" ]
curl -O
# Step 2: Extract the zip
# (hint: tar)
# (hint: 7zip)
tar -xf
cd site
# Step 3: Organize the flat html app
# (hint: mkdir, ls, mv)
mkdir fonts
find . -name \*.woff -print -exec mv {} fonts/ \;
mkdir css
find . -name \*.css -print -exec mv {} css/ \;
mkdir js
find . -name \*.js -print -exec mv {} js/ \;
mkdir img
find . -name \*.jpg -print -exec mv {} img/ \;
find . -name \*.png -print -exec mv {} img/ \;
# Step 4: Host this site folder using a command line webserver
# (mac/nix hint: python SimpleHTTPServer)
# (windows hint: IISExpress
echo python -m SimpleHTTPServer >
chmod u+x
cd ..
cd site && ./
# Step 5: Turn todo.txt into an executable script
# (mac/nix hint: chmod, shebang)
# (windows hint: ps1)
# Extra: Make the script only run Step 4: Host when run subsequent times
# Extra: Convert Step 4 to putting a start script in the site folder
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