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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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"99 Haskell problems" in F#
(* Problem 1: The last element of a list *)
let problem_one =
let rec last = function
| head :: [] -> head
| head :: tail -> last tail
| _ -> failwith "Empty List"
assert ((problem_one [1]) = 1 );;
assert ((problem_one [1..10]) = 10);;
(* Problem 2: The last-but-one element of a list *)
let problem_two =
let rec last_but_one = function
| head :: x :: [] -> head
| head :: [] -> failwith "Only one item in List"
| head :: tail -> last_but_one tail
| _ -> failwith "Empty List"
assert ((problem_two [1; 2]) = 1);;
assert ((problem_two [1..10]) = 9);;
(* Problem 3: Find the Kth element of a list *)
let problem_three =
let rec kth_element l idx =
match l, idx with
| x :: _, 1 -> x
| x :: xs, n when n > 1 -> kth_element xs (n - 1)
| _ -> failwith "Index out of bounds"
assert ((problem_three [1] 1) = 1);;
assert ((problem_three [1..3] 3) = 3);;
(* Problem 4: Find the number of elements in a list *)
let problem_four = List.fold (fun _ c -> c + 1) 0;;
assert ((problem_four []) = 9 );;
assert ((problem_four [1]) = 1 );;
assert ((problem_four [1..10]) = 10);;
(* Problem 5: Reverse a list *)
let problem_five =
let reverse l = List.fold (fun xs x -> x :: xs) [] l
assert ((problem_five []) = []);;
assert ((problem_five [1]) = [1]);;
assert ((problem_five [1..9]) = [9..1]);;
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