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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Experiment: Normalising an ingredient list
require 'engtagger'
# Normalises a line from an ingredient list
module IngredientParser
def parse(line)
tagger =
tagged = tagger.add_tags(line)
tagger.get_nouns(tagged).keys.reject { |t| metadata? t }.join ' '
def metadata?(token)
[:number_or_quantity?].map { |test| send test, token }.any?
def number_or_quantity?(token)
# Metric units:
m_prfxs, m_sfxs = %w(k m kilo milli) << '', %w(g gram l liter litre)
units = m_prfxs.product(m_sfxs).map { |p, s| p + s }
# Imperial units:
units.concat %w(lb oz floz)
# Spoon units:
s_prefxs, s_sfxs = %w(tea table), ['spoon', ' spoon', '-spoon']
units.concat s_prefxs.product(s_sfxs).map { |p, s| p + s }
# Esoteric units:
units.concat %w(stick splash dash knob pinch glass bottle)
# Is the token (probably) a quantity? { |u| /^\d*(#{u}(s)?)?$/.match token }.any?
ingredients = [
'200g of heavily salted butter',
'six bottles of beer',
'50ml of clotted cream',
'plain brown flour',
'1 oz french cheese',
'8 large eggs',
'2kg of salted pork',
'a pinch of salt',
'a tablespoon of honey'
] { |i| IngredientParser.parse i }
# => ["butter",
# "beer",
# "clotted cream",
# "flour",
# "cheese",
# "eggs",
# "pork",
# "salt",
# "honey"]
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