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Last active March 4, 2017 21:03
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type Activator = Double -> Double
type Weights = Matrix
type Bias = Vector
-- A layer can be seen as a big function from Vector -> Vector
-- When the `input` is omitted, this becomes a curried function
layer :: Weights -> Bias -> Activator -> (Vector -> Vector)
layer weights bias activator input = map activator
(weights |*| input |+| bias)
type ProtoType = (Vector, Vector)
data Perceptron = Perceptron { weights :: Weights
, bias :: Bias
, activator :: Activator }
apply :: Perceptron -> Vector -> Vector
apply (Perceptron w b a) = layer w b a
-- Uses the perceptron learning rule to modify an existing network
evaluate :: (Perceptron, Int) -> ProtoType -> (Perceptron, Int)
evaluate (p, successCount) (prototype, target) =
( Perceptron (weights p |+| err |*| prototype)
(bias p |+| err)
(activator p)
, success)
result = apply p prototype
err = target |-| result
success = case sum err of
0 -> successCount + 1
_ -> 0
-- Takes the # of classes, and a list of the prototyes
perceptronNet :: Int -> [ProtoType] -> (Vector -> Vector)
perceptronNet classCount prototypes =
let initialBias = map (const 0) $ fst $ head prototypes
initialWeights = map (const initialBias) [1..(classCount `div` 2)]
initial = (Perceptron initialWeights initialBias hardLim, 0)
Just (convergent, _) = find (\(_, count) ->
count == length prototypes - 1)
$ scanl evaluate initial (cycle prototypes)
in apply convergent
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