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Last active September 27, 2019 19:54
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If you're reading this, you're awesome! Thank you for helping us make this project great and being a part of the Material-UI community. Here are a few guidelines that will help you along the way.

Git workflow

  1. Fork the Material-UI repository on GitHub

  2. Clone the fork to your local machine and add upstream remote

git clone<yourname>/material-ui.git
cd material-ui
git remote add upstream
  1. The master branch represents the development as well as the release branch for the latest version (v4) of Material-UI. The two other branches (v0.x and v3.x) are for legacy versions of Material-UI. Any work you do should be based on the latest upstream master branch. So before starting to work on a new topic always synchronize your local master branch with the upstream one:
git checkout master
git pull upstream master
  1. Creat a new topic branch:
git checkout -b my-topic-branch
  1. Make changes, commit and push to your fork:
git push --set-upstream origin my-topic-branch
  1. Go to your fork on and make a pull request.


  1. Install yarn on your OS and start the development server with (in root folder of the project) yarn && yarn start. The sandbox application (with live reload) is available on localhost:3000.

NOTE: If you are working with TypeScript files, also run yarn docs:typescript --watch in a separate terminal.

  1. Make changes to the code, format it properly, add tests and update API documentation. If new feature was added, considered adding a demo to the documentation.

NOTE: If you are submitting a new component, add it to the material-ui-lab package instead of material-ui core package.

  1. Commit and push to your fork: git push --set-upstream origin my-topic-branch

  2. On go to your fork and make a PR back to mui-org/material-ui. Please name the PR as [ComponentName] subject_line_format. (Check subject line format)

Code formatting

Material-UI uses eslint for code linting. It is recommended to use eslint plugin for your editor. The linting can also be run manually with yarn lint.

You can also run yarn prettier to reformat the code.

Code formatting is also doublechecked by Circle CI when you submit a PR.


Although test coverage is limited at present, please include tests along the new code. Tests can be run with yarn test. You can read more about our test setup in our test README.

Updating API documentation

If you change the API of some component, you should update its PropTypes (including PropTypes' comments). The updated API documentation (shown on Material-UI webpage) can then be generated using:

yarn docs:api

Adding a demo in the documentation

Let's get started.

It's simple. You just need to create a new file and modify two files. For example, let say you want to add new demos for buttons component, then you have to go through the following steps:

1. Add a new React component file under the related directory.

In this case, I'm going to add the new file to the following directory:


And let's give it a name: SuperButtons.js.

We try to also document how to use this library with TypeScript. If you are familiar with that language try writing that demo in TypeScript in a *.tsx file. When you're done run yarn docs:typescript:formatted to automatically add a JavaScript version.

Apart from the inherent pros and cons of TypeScript the demos are also used to test our type declarations. This helps a lot in catching regressions when updating our type declarations.

2. Edit the page Markdown file.

The Markdown file is the source for the website documentation. So, whatever you wrote there will be reflected on the website. In this case, the file you need to edit is docs/src/pages/components/buttons/, and I'm going to add a description about SuperButtons.

Changes should only be applied to the english version e.g. only and not For contributions concerning translations please read the section about translations.

+ ### Super buttons
+ Sometimes, you need a super button to make your app looks **superb**. Yea ...
+ {{"demo": "pages/components/buttons/SuperButtons.js"}}

3. You are done 🎉!

In case you missed something, we have a real example that can be used as a summary report.

About TypeScript demos

To help people use this library with TypeScript we try to provide equivalent demos in TypeScript.

Changing demos in JavaScript requires a manual update of the TypeScript version. If you are not familiar with this language you can add the filepath of the TS demo to docs/scripts/formattedTSDemos.js. Otherwise our CI will fail the test_build job. A contributor can later update the TypeScript version of that demo.

If you are already familiar with TypeScript you can simply write the demo in TypeScript. yarn docs:typescript:formatted will transpile it down to JavaScript.


Translations are handled via Crowdin. You don't need to apply any changes to localized versions of our markdown files i.e. files having a -someLocale suffix. Crowdin automatically takes care of syncing these changes across the localized versions.


To get a sense of where Material-UI is heading, or for ideas on where you could contribute, take a look at the ROADMAP.


By contributing your code to the mui-org/material-ui GitHub repository, you agree to license your contribution under the MIT license.

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