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Forked from tamtamchik/
Last active December 23, 2015 17:29
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IT Tech-sheet

  1. Google
  3. MVC / MVVM
  4. LAMP
  5. AJAX
  6. Comet / WebSockets / Pooling
  7. git / Mercurial / SVN
  8. BASH
  9. SQL
  10. NoSQL
  11. SSH
  12. AWS
  13. Cloud Computing
  14. VM
  15. Cryptography
  16. HASH (MD5, SHA1)
  17. HTML / HTML5
  18. CSS
  19. SASS / LESS / Compass
  20. SOLR / SphinX
  21. SQL analysis / optimization
  22. Debug / Logging
  23. Patterns / Antipatterns
  24. Web Servers
  25. Caching
  26. Data models / Relations
  27. UML
  28. Mindmaps
  29. Prototyping
  30. CMS (Drupal, Joomla)
  31. TDD, BDD, DDD
  32. Automated testing
  33. Agile, SCRUM, Kanban
  34. Known OS (Win, OSX, Linux)
  35. XML, JSON
  36. .ini, .yml
  37. Use Case / Test Case
  38. IDE
  39. Web Inspector / Firebug
  40. Browser Capabilities
  41. Remote Control systems
  42. Document structure (.doc, .odf)
  43. SEO
  44. OOP
  45. Functional programming
  46. Habrahabr / Stackoverflow
  47. Build / Deploy systems
  48. Issue tracking systems
  49. Extreme programming
  50. KISS / DRY / YAGNI
  51. API (RPC / SOAP / REST)
  52. Framework
  53. RegExp
  54. ORM
  55. Responsive Web
  56. Client - Server architecture
  57. Profiling
  58. HAML/Slim
  59. Multithread programming
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