关于 AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui 的 FAQ
该 FAQ 并非意图一次性提供所有必要信息, 仅仅是提供必要的指路. 最后的杂项部分是宝藏区, 建议都翻翻看啦!
查看最新消息参阅 SD RESOURCE GOLDMINE 2 (English), 或者 sudoskys/StableDiffusionBook (中文)
建议优先阅读官方文档或者 SD RESOURCE GOLDMINE 或者 VOLDY RETARD GUIDE或者としあきdiffusion
中文教程见 sudoskys/StableDiffusionBook.
如果以上教程都不想看, 为什么不试试这个超小白教程, 或者听听暴躁老哥的教程 呢?
我假设读者已经搭建好了 AUTOMATIC1111 分支的 stable-diffusion-webui. 若尚未搭建完成请参照其他教程, 亦可参照 Troubleshooting 一节
注: 使用 NAIFU (NovelAI AI Image Frontend Ultimate) 或者 NovelAI 官方服务的读者会可能会发觉此文没什么卵用, 本人也不推荐使用基于 泄露版 NovelAI 的前端, 因其不再更新, 且缺少必要的 Prompt Mixing 语法, 若有需求可参照 NovelAI 的 Prompt Mixing 一节.
请仔细阅读该 disccusion Emulate NovelAI
加 negative prompt
, 加载 hypernetwork
和 vae
. (见 Hypernetwork 一节)
Stop At last layers of CLIP model ignore last layers of clip mode 改成 2: 不能套其他模型, 这是 NovelAI 专属 hack (commit)
甚至我会说Novel AI模型skip
01 都是玄学,只有2才是正确食用方式
prompt 加上 masterpiece, best quality
有奇效, 见
还记得泄露的文件夹里边有个 config.yaml
么? 将其改名为 模型前缀.yaml
和模型丢在一起就能加载啦, 效果还是有提升的. (commit)
我个人认为不够 interesting, 不做展开介绍, 请参阅 Emulate NovelAI.
NovelAI 默认 Negative Prompt source
lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry
Emulate NovelAI 里面还给出了其他 hacks, 像是改 eta (What are "Sampler Parameters"?)
NAI preset seed: 31337 emulates strenght:0.69, noise: 0.667.
别抱着 NovelAI 泄露的模型不放, 那玩意虽然 consistent 但是结果看多了挺无趣的, 为什么不试试混合 (merge) 模型呢? (have a try but don't be too serious)
- Textual Inversion 体积小, 易分享, 可嵌入 PNG 图片内
- 风格化就炼 Hypernetwork
(我会说 Hypernetwork 仅仅是把原模型认识的画风更加具象地表达出来了, 没有增添任何的新东西)(权重生成器, 可学习新概念, 但效率不高, 适合炼独特的上色风格) - 不认识的概念就 DreamBooth (我愿称之为 Copy and Paste Machine, 使用时请保证数据集 consistent)
丢到 embeddings
文件夹, prompt 提到你要用的 embedding 的文件名即可
reports that training with medvram is possible.
想要找现成的 TI embedding? 看看 list of Textual Inversion embeddings for SD. 请自行寻找, 链接正在死去整理不便.
Unload VAE and CLIP from VRAM when training
这个选项完全无用, 仅仅是把 VAE 加载到内存而已节省显存罢了, 要真正去掉 VAE 目前只能改名. 训练 Embedding 的时候必须卸载 VAE, 否则会出现错误的生成效果.
给出两组参考 Learning Rate, 请自行调整
1e-4:2000, 3e-5:5000, 1e-5:10000, 3e-6:20000, 1e-6
5e-3:100, 1e-4:2500, 1e-5:20000, 1e-6
见 Move Hypernetworks and Model selection underneath "Generate"
你的 models
├── Codeformer
├── hypernetworks
│ ├── aini.pt
│ ├── anime_2.pt
│ ├── anime_3.pt
│ ├── anime.pt
│ ├── furry_2.pt
│ ├── furry_3.pt
│ ├── furry_kemono.pt
│ ├── furry_protogen.pt
│ ├── furry.pt
│ ├── furry_scalie.pt
│ ├── furry_transformation.pt
│ └── pony.pt
├── LDSR
├── Stable-diffusion
│ ├── final-pruned.ckpt -> novelai 的 model.ckpt (pruned)
│ ├── final-pruned.vae.pt -> novelai 的 animevae.pt
│ ├── final-pruned.yaml -> model.ckpt 同文件夹的 config.yaml
│ └── 其他模型文件.ckpt
└── SwinIR
启动 cli 有提示加载就 OK, 去设置选模型那里选喜欢的 hypernetwork.
- Hypernetwork training (该 Discussions 也是一个很好的训练教程).
- Stable Diffusion Hypernetworks
- Hypernetwork training for dummies.
- Hypernetwork Style Training, a tiny guide
可以指定不同阶段时的 learning rate 了 commit
训练 Hypernetwork 需要极低的 Learning Rate, 这里给出一组参考值 5e-5:100, 1e-5:1000,5e-6:2500, 1e-6:5000, 2.5e-6:10000, 5e-7
Hypernetwork 不需要卸载 VAE, 即使卸载了也没什么问题. 卸载 VAE 正确的方式是修改文件名.
To DreamBooth or not to DreamBooth, that is the question.
TLDR 想训练画风的话建议 Native Training (需要准备较多数据集), 想训练人物/物体的话建议 DreamBooth (可 one shot/few shot, 适合少量数据集)
one shot 即为使用一张图作为 Instance 集. few shot 则是用几张图.
我假设读者已经配置好了训练环境 (Windows 下配置环境有较多问题, 建议使用 Linux)
- crosstyan/dreambooth-scripts-for-autodl (AutoDL 以及 Linux 配置推荐阅读)
- DreamBooth example of ShivamShrirao/diffusers.
- DreamBooth Stable Diffusion (NovelAILeaks Ver.) (魔改版本)
- DreamBooth Stable Diffusion (Adapted to NovelAILeaks) (另一魔改版本) (推荐阅读以及使用)
非教程目标, 仅供备考
以下说明以 CCRcmcpe/diffusers 中所有的功能为准. 参见 dreambooth.yaml.
本身目的是为了使用少量图学到某个物体的特征, 训练画风并非其目标使用目的. 但仍然不意味着这么干是 错误的.
启用 prior_preservation
以开始 DreamBooth 训练. prior_loss_weight
越低则越难过拟合, 但是也越难学到东西.
DreamBooth 需要四样东西:
- Instance Image 你所训练的目标
- Instance Prompt 默认实现为全局共享一个 prompt, 这对于 few shot 是可能有效的, 即 DreamBooth (original paper method) 但当你的训练目标增多之后则不适用, 可以开启
选项, 为每个 instance 准备一个 prompt (通常为 txt) 即为 DreamBooth (alternative method). Instance Prompt 之中应该包含一个唯一标识符[V]
. 见下方 Token 一节. - Class/Regularization Image 应该为 自动生成 即 auto-generated 的图像, 用于检测 AI 的先验知识. 不应该放任何非 AI 生成的图像. 如果你确定这么做为什么不去使用 Native Training 呢? (掺杂同风格图在 clas image 属于早期探索的弯路, 目前已经不再鼓励)
- Class Prompt 随意, 反正是自动生成出来的, 建议从其他支持 CLIP SKIP 2 的推理前端单独生成好之后丢到 class img 集内, 同样可以从独立的 txt 中读取内容.
DreamBooth 本身具有十分强烈的 copy and paste 效果. 使用 class/regularization 可以适当压制该效果.
Native Training 为原生训练, 与 DreamBooth 不同的是, Native Training 会直接使用你的训练集进行训练, 不再需要 Class Image.
关闭 prior_preservation
选项以开始以原生方式进行训练, 是训练画风的推荐方式 在此训练中没有 Instance/Class Image 之分, 所有的图都会被用于训练.., 但是你需要为每个图准备一个 Instance Prompt, 就像传统的 hypernetwork 一样同文件名称, 通常为 txt.
Native Training 需要较多的数据集, 但这个量众说纷纭, 大约在 [100, 10000]
这个区间, 多多益善 (但仍然建议人工挑选)
What your training set is about | Instance prompt must contain | Class prompt should describe |
A object/person | [V] |
The object's type and/or characteristics |
A artist's style | by [V] |
The common characteristics of the training set |
假设你想训练的人物叫做 [N]
, 你不应该直接使用 [N]
作为代表特征词, 而是应该使用在该词汇表 中存在但是没有对应概念或者说对应概念不明显的词 [V]
. 具体可在 NovelAI Tokenizer 验证其 token 长度以辅助确定.
注: 原论文中使用的示例词
和现实中的枪械 SKS 相同, 属于不适合被使用的词汇. 但是如果你的训练程度足够高的话说不定可以 override 其影响.
推荐使用 crosstyan/blip_helper 去给你的图像打标. 或者使用 DeepDanbooru 和 BLIP
- 处理数据的方式有许多: 最常见的有反转, 旋转, 亮度和裁切.
玄学打碎, 或者对背景/大头等单独裁切, 也许会有帮助
调成 enable: true
. 见 Aspect Ratio Bucketing.
简称 ARB, 原版训练均只能使用 1:1
的图像, 开启 ARB 使得训练非 1:1
的图像成为可能, 但并非任意比例尺的图像.
[[ 256 1024], [ 320 1024], [ 384 1024], [ 384 960], [ 384 896], [ 448 832], [ 512 768], [ 512 704], [ 512 512], [ 576 640], [ 640 576], [ 704 512], [ 768 512], [ 832 448], [ 896 384], [ 960 384], [1024 384], [1024 320], [1024 256]]
不在 bucket 内的图像将会被裁切.
ARB 与 DreamBooth 一起使用的相性不好, 仅推荐 Native Training 时使用.
我愿称之为玩坏 Text Encoder, 不推荐使用.
有玄学说法是在达到训练的某个百分比/epoch/step 之后应该关闭以防止过度玩坏.
- 你一开始写的 instance prompt 要长一些, 概括你的训练目标 (但是又不要太长, 不要覆盖你常用的词) (像是 girl 我会换成 woman, 1boy 换成 male)
- 第一, text prompt 读进去是寄. 因为词数太多了影响分散, 效果不明显.
- 第二, instance prompt 不能只填一个
否则那个词也废掉了. - 试着大火爆炒
炼出来调用的话看情况加你训练的 instance prompt 的词, 看你想要多少味道.
用 DreamBooth 是可以训练多个概念/人物/动作/物体的. 但是若训练两个人物则推理时不能使其同时出现, 两者的特征会被混合起来.
一个 yaml 配置例子
resolution: 512
center_crop: false
# You can add more concepts
- instance_set:
path: 'example/data/sks/instance'
prompt: 'sks 1girl'
combine_prompt_from_txt: false
prompt_combine_template: '{PROMPT}, {TXT_PROMPT}'
path: 'example/data/sks/class'
prompt: '1girl'
combine_prompt_from_txt: false
prompt_combine_template: '{PROMPT}, {TXT_PROMPT}'
enabled: true
negative_prompt: 'lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry'
steps: 28
cfg_scale: 11
num_target: 100
batch_size: 1
- instance_set:
path: 'example/data/ujw/instance'
prompt: 'ujw 1girl'
combine_prompt_from_txt: false
prompt_combine_template: '{PROMPT}, {TXT_PROMPT}'
path: 'example/data/ujw/class'
prompt: '1girl'
combine_prompt_from_txt: false
prompt_combine_template: '{PROMPT}, {TXT_PROMPT}'
enabled: true
negative_prompt: 'lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry'
steps: 28
cfg_scale: 11
num_target: 100
batch_size: 1
如果用其他版本的 DreamBooth 训练方法检查 --concept_list
参数, 可以读入一个类似的 json
不推荐, 玩玩可以, 别太认真了, 该不会真的以为加权平均就能得到更好的效果吧.
Fruit Salad Guide
Recipe for the "Fruit Salad" checkpoint:
Make sure you have all the models needed, Novel Ai, Stable Diffusion 1.5, Trinart-11500, Zeipher F111, r34_e4, Gape_60 and Yiffy.
Open the Checkpoint Merger tab in the web ui
Set the Primary Model (A) to Novel Ai
Set the Secondary Model (B) to Yiffy e18
Set the Tertiary Model (C) to Stable Diffusion 1.4
Enter in a name that you will recognize
Set the Multiplier (M) slider to the left, at "0.1698765"
Select "Add Difference"
Click "Run" and wait for the process to complete
Now set the Primary Model (A) to the new checkpoint you just made (Close the cmd and restart the webui, then refresh the web page if you have issues with the new checkpoint not being an option in the drop down)
Set the Secondary Model (B) to r34_e4
Set the Tertiary Model (C) to Zeipher F111 (I've tested it, it changes EVERYTHING)
Set Multiplier (M) to "0.56565656"
Select "Weighted Sum"
Click "Run" and wait for the process to complete
Restart the Web Ui and reload the page just to be safe
Now download a previous version of WebUI, which still contains the "Inverse Sigmoid" option for checkpoint merger.
Now set the Primary Model (A) to the new checkpoint you just made
Set the Secondary Model (B) to Trinart-11500
Set Multiplier (M) to "0.768932"
Select "Inverse Sigmoid"(this is kind of like Sigmoid but inverted)
Click "Run" and wait for the process to complete
Restart the Web Ui and reload the page just to be safe
Now set the Primary Model (A) to the new checkpoint you just made.
Set the Secondary Model (B) to SD 1.5
Set the Tertiary Model (C) to Gape_60
Set the name of the final mix to something you will remember, like "Fruit's Salad" ;)
Set Multiplier (M) to "1"
Select "Weighted Sum"
Click "Run" and wait for the process to complete
Restart the Web Ui and reload the page just to be safe
At the top left of the web page click the "Stable Diffusion Checkpoint" drop down and select the Fruit's Salad.ckpt (or whatever you named it)
看着就是个邪门玩意, 不是么? 隔壁的 anything 估计也是如法炮制的. 故不鼓励, 但或许十分有趣.
等 Merge on the fly 实装.
Stable Diffusion web UI (Advance Prompt Tuning)
Why don't you learn how to write a proper prompt.
美学? 玄学! 会使得 prompt 失控
Why don't you learn how to write a proper prompt.
: 迭代多少次, 取值和 sampling method 有关, DDIM 收敛较快, 见 Sampler vs. Steps Comparison (low to mid step counts) 我用 DDIM 取20 够了18 足矣.batch count/batch size
: 决定生成的图片数量, 显存够就加batch size
, 不够就batch count
, 得到的图片数量是两者之积 (小显存还是只动 count 就好)sample method
: 我无脑 DDIM, Eula 也挺好用? (带 a 的是 ancestral 的意思, step 增长出图不稳定)cfg scale
: 符合 prompt 的程度, 值越高越会字面看待 prompt, 低则给模型较大的发挥空间, 但是实际模型表现上来看 cfg scale 低 (6-8) 饱和度低, 偏线稿, 偏杂乱, 高 (18-22) 则饱和度偏高, 偏 CG 风格.denoise strength
: img2img 专属参数, 从 0 到 1 取值, 值越高 AI 对原图的参考程度就越低 (同时增加迭代次数), 我个人喜欢低 cfg 高 denoise 重绘图, 高 cfg 低 denoise 改细节.
Euler a (short for ancestral) produces great variety with a low number of steps, but it's very difficult to make small adjustments. The non-ancestral samplers all produce mostly the same images as the number of steps increases, use Euler if you're unsure. (source)
Can anyone offer a little guidance on the different Samplers?
关于 cfg 和 denoise strength 有张好图可以说明. 原图为Lenna. (XY plot 大图分流)
不过这些参数都能自己用 XY plot 跑
See Extension on wiki.
原本为已经 merged 的 PR, 被下放到 Extension 中.
See Implementation of Stable Diffusion with Aesthetic Gradients (Pull Request).
Also chec Custom Styles in Stable Diffusion, Without Retraining or High Computing Resources
I have no idea how to train this and it is NOT interesting enough.
原本为 Custom Script, 被下放到 Extension 中.
在 /scripts/wildcards/
文件夹, 建立命名为 idkwhatever.txt
(显然 idkwhatever
可以被替换成任意词语), 放你想要替换的 token, 一行一个.
在 Custom Script 中起用 wildcards, prompt 中填写 __idkwhatever__
便会每次随机 roll idkwhatever.txt
搭配 Generate Forever 效果更佳.
不知道怎么写? 看看Wildcard Lists.
集成图片浏览器, 原本为内置功能, 被下放到了 Extension 中.
在 Extension 出现之前就有的自定义脚本.
放到 scripts
文件夹下, 加上 --allow-code
见 xformers, 加速推理, 对质量影响未知, 分辨率越高加速效果越好, 见 What does the new xformers update mean?
在 Windows 上编译似乎比较麻烦 (I'm running Linux anyway) Windows version installs binaries mainained by C43H66N12O12S2. (only for Ampare) (source)
加上 --xformers
参数即可, 应该会自动装上构建好的 wheel, 但是也可以自行编译.
Aside from your wheel not working with older architectures, is there a reason to drop pre-Ampere support? No. (source)
我自己是用 pip install -U setuptools
装最新版 setuptools
才编译成功的 (python 3.10
- Interrogate CLIP (在 img2img 标签中, 出来的描述偏 SD 原版自然语言)
- DeepDanbooru 审问出来的是 tags. 加上
作为启动参数 (commit) - LenKiMo_Bot 闭源, 后端未知, 不过效果不错
我原本以为是低显存触发 split attention 会这样, 不过似乎不管显存高低高分辨率都容易出怪东西.
群友的修复方法 (source)
- 使用 —medvram 或者 —lowvram 参数启动webui
- 正常输入 prompt,选择较小分辨率生成图片。记住你生成图片的分辨率。生成完毕之后,复制图片的Seed。
- 重点来了!生成完毕后,先查看图片是否满意。如果效果满意,直接将图片扔进Img2img。可点击“Send to img2img”。
- 在img2img界面底部,有一 Script 选项。将 Script 选为 SD Upscale,里面的 Tile overlap 尽量调小。
- 一般地,扔进Img2img的图,会继承原txt2img的所有prompt和negative prompt。如果你发现prompt有变动,回到txt2img,复制prompt到img2img。
- 选择合适的Sampling Steps和Sampling method。
- 确认你的 Width 和 Height 与原图一致。这一步非常重要!这里的 Width 和 Height 是超分时 img2img 的图片分割大小,如果不合适会导致出现重叠问题。
- 将第 2 步复制的 Seed 填入img2img的 Seed 里。
- Generate!
或者用 highres-fix
By default, txt2img makes horrible images at very high resolutions, and this makes it possible to avoid using the small picture's composition.
--use-cpu all
尽可能的使用CPU进行生成 (PR)
临时解决办法, 开多个实例, 每个实例指定 GPU.
查看内嵌 prompt 信息- Change UI Defaults
- Generate 右键可以一直生成一直爽 (PR)
- 自定义左上角的快速设置 (You can customize it in the quick settings field in Settings tab.) UI/UX please put Hypernetwork & Clip Skip at the Top beside the Model and add Hypernetwork to main page
- 自用启动参数
python webui.py --deepdanbooru --xformers --allow-code --no-half-vae --listen --port 6006 --share --gradio-auth user:password
(什么意思? 去看看 Command Line Arguments and Settings 和 Optimizations)
AI 画图要是还要 AI 生成 Prompt 那身为人类的我们不就是只会点击鼠标的工具么?
TODO. See SD GUIDE FOR ARTISTS AND NON-ARTISTS IN-DEPTH TIPS, TRICKS, TUTORIALS AND MORE. What I would do is just copy and paste/translate this document.
- 逗号用得越少越好, 除非要明确不同主体
和 NovelAI 语法不同, 用 ()
增强, 减弱仍然是 []
(但强度不同, AUTOMATIC1111 为 1.1倍, NovelAI 为 1.05 倍)
a (word:1.5) # token 强度乘上 1.5 (增强) 约为 ((((word)))) (1.1^4 = 1.4611)
a (word:0.25) # token 强度乘上 0.25 (减弱) 约为 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[word]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] (1/1.1)^14 = 0.263331254
a \(word\) # 用 \ escape 掉括号, 用于你真的想用括号作为 token 的一部分的时候 (常见于人物)
Prompt Editing 生成时实时调整 prompt 比重. 同时也能起到低 token 数的同时使得画面更有多样性.
# when 小于 1 是百分比, 大于 1 是确切的 step 数目
[from:to:when] # 从 from 来, 到 to 去, 于 when 时开始
[to:when] # 从 when 时加上 to (一开始没有该 token)
[from::when] # 从 when 时拿去 from (一开始有该 token)
示例 prompt 透明雨衣
[lewd:assertive:0.3] small sweat [nude::0.8] [nipple::0.95] 1girl with disheveled messy atmosphere cherry bloom hair sitting in white [((((translucent)))):((transparent)):0.9] [hoodie:trench coat :0.4] liquid crystal [((transparent)) sailor dress::0.7] indoor inside [vehicle], [downpour raining:0.5] [nightclub:cyberpunk:0.3] city, public crowd
Negative prompt: ugly, fat, obese, chubby, (((deformed))), [blurry], bad anatomy, disfigured, poorly drawn face, mutation, mutated, (extra_limb), (ugly), (poorly drawn hands fingers), messy drawing, morbid, mutilated, tranny, trans, trannsexual, [out of frame], (bad proportions), (poorly drawn body), (poorly drawn legs), worst quality, low quality, normal quality, text, censored, gown, latex, pencil
PS: 我在想有没有类似 {word:step_start:step_end}
的等价替代, 可以让更灵活地替换 prompt.
import modules.prompt_parser
modules.prompt_parser.get_learned_conditioning_prompt_schedules(['abc [:[x::0.3]:0.17] def'],100)
[17, 'abc def'],
[30, 'abc x def'],
[100, 'abc def']
# 0-16 'abc def'
# 17-29 'abc x def'
# 30-100 'abc def'
是中间某步加 prompt 的正确语法 (真他娘怪)
奇数步与偶数步交替 source (或者循环每一项, 看你怎么理解)
# photo of [cow|horse|bird]
# translated as
photo of cow
photo of horse
photo of bird
photo of cow
photo of horse
photo of bird
... # you know, Alternative
photo of cow
photo of horse
photo of bird
怪东西, 在想有什么更加实际的使用例子. [messy sketch|watercolor]
或者 [sketch|oil paint]
可以混合画风? heterochromia [left blue|right red] eyes
NovelAI 的思路截然不同, 它并不是指定加入或者去除 token 的步数, 而是对 整个 prompt 进行融合, 注意是整个完整的 prompt (理论上也可以用在单个或者部分 token 但是他们没这么写), 可能是懒得写分词 (加个括号的事情).
权重可以取 0.1
至 100
(why?). 权重可为负数但 -1
# 以此类推
# 完整 prompt 见个人 prompt 的枪娘部分
pointing at viewer:0.1 | upper body {{{fang}}} 1girl aiming at viewer holding handgun {{muzzle flash}} in black serafuku red ribbon [[black leather gloves]] {dual wielding}, cyberpunk city
NovelAI 并没有 AUTOMATIC1111 版本的 Prompt Editing 的完全等价替代, 不过这也已经能增加一部分多样性了. (仍然不够灵活, 我希望可以将两者结合起来)
具体实现见源码 (日后官方可能会有改动)
所谓 AND
语法, 暂时没研究能怎么用, undocumented.
Composable-Diffusion Compositional Visual Generation with Composable Diffusion Models
See commit.
Wait for Implement multi-cond guidance for Composable Diffusion to merge. Not gonna happen.
部分 negative prompt 有做训练时数据集标注, 像是 bad anatomy 和 bad hands 以及 error 这些在 Danbooru 都有实际标记的 tag, 故请使用那些正确的 tag 以获得更好的效果.
其他提高质量的 negative token 属于玄学范畴. 我会说 negative propmt 的提升和 positive prompt 一样甚至更加重要. 同样的一个正面 prompt 在有和没有 negative prompt 生成的效果有天壤之别, 所以请不要吝啬. 但是也不要走向另一个极端叠 buff, 这会让你的图像看起来 less interesting.
- 用 Daz Studio 或者 MikuMikuDance 之类的三维软件摆好姿势, 生成的图像送给 img2img. (新时代三渲二)
- Dream Texture 优化 3D 创造工作流
- 健全图片用 img2img 脱衣服 (画差分), 见智乃脱衣过程
- 用 outpainting 扩展图片
注意这些 prompt 只能在 AUTOMATIC1111 的 WebUI 中使用 (因为用了 mixing 语法) 请勿直接丢到 NovelAI 出图, 质量不做保证.
solo seductive small sweat blush 1girl masturbation against [desk] standing (((orgasm))) opalescent eyes with disheveled messy white [rainbow] streaked hair [in open shirt:with white pantie:0.5] in indoors, hydrophobic wet cream dripping [pussy] ejaculation squirting, presenting, looking at viewer, fluorescent cyberpunk city, radiant [infrared:ultraviolet:0.5] blacklight accent lighting
Negative prompt: ugly, fat, obese, chubby, (((deformed))), [blurry], bad anatomy, disfigured, poorly drawn face, mutation, mutated, (extra_limb), (ugly), (poorly drawn hands), messy drawing, morbid, mutilated, tranny, trans, trannsexual, [out of frame], (bad proportions), (poorly drawn body), (poorly drawn legs), worst quality, low quality, normal quality, text, censored, sitting, chair, big large medium huge breasts, full
upper body (fang:1.1) 1girl [(pointing at viewer:1.3):(aiming at viewer:1.5):0.38] (muzzle flash:1.1) (holding:1) [(handgun:1.1):(revolver:1.6):0.8] in black serafuku red ribbon (black leather gloves:0.89) dual wielding, floating bullet, cyberpunk city
Negative prompt: bad anatomy, bad hands, text, missing fingers, signature, watermark, blurry, deformed, [blurry], bad anatomy, disfigured, poorly drawn face, mask, glasses, (mouth mask), camera
# NovelAI 语法 (见上文 prompt mixing) (感觉这个出图更 consistent)
pointing at viewer:0.1 | upper body {{{fang}}} 1girl aiming at viewer holding handgun {{muzzle flash}} in black serafuku red ribbon [[black leather gloves]] {dual wielding}, floating bullet, cyberpunk city
透明雨衣, 见 Prompt Editing/Mixing 一节
VR 眼镜
sweat flat nude (fang) 1girl in (vr headset) sitting [spread legs:m legs:0.6] masturbation (orgasm) [shake hips] ((with machine)) white thighhighs, [(dildo): (viberator):0.6], party ((in front of a large crowd)), (wet pussy), [white wet cream dripping fluid]
Negative prompt: lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, missing fingers, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, signature, watermark, blurry, eyes
# ((飞机耳)) 加个玄学 token, 虽然没有兽耳
[(:o:0.5):0.3] 1girl [(hand on hips:0.8):(hand in pockets:1):0.35] standing smoking in black serafuku pleated skirt red ribbon, fire lighter, [pocky :0.05] cigarette in mouth, steam, 3/4
Negative prompt: lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, blurry, deformed, ugly, full, long fingers, multiple
# 注: イカ 是章鱼, 而 イカ耳 却是飞机耳 (why?)
# 这展现了 SD 是可以理解多语言的 (理解了, 又没完全理解)
(イカ耳:1.8) cat ears 1girl toast in mouth late for school
Negative prompt: lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, blurry, deformed, ugly, full, long fingers
# 前两天一直有人在问就来调一下, 怎么那么简单的东西怎么都调不出来.
# seman Stable Diffusion 不认, cum 认但是只会到身体或者少量滴在地板, 唯一的思路就是 fluid, 很多很多的 fluid
nude 1girl [reclining:bath:0.6] [urinal:bathtub:0.6] in (wet cream white [translucent:0.6] [goo:fluid:0.4]:1.5), cum on body face , (wet cream dripping pussy:1.2)
Negative prompt: lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, bad legs, text, error, cropped, worst quality, extra arms, ((extra legs)), low quality, normal quality, blurry, deformed, ugly, full, latex, bodysuit, leather
(Sampler: DDIM, CFG scale: 6), Model hash: e6e8e1fc, Clip skip: 2
白浊液喷尿高潮 (比上面的更色了)
# 不要害怕 token 重复, 你觉得某样东西很重要肯定要重复, 比如说那黄色的圣水
(nude:1.1) sweat sweatdrop small breasts nipples 1girl [reclining:bath:0.8] [(urinal:1.1):(bathtub:1.1):0.65] (orgasm:1.2) (peeing:1.2) (female ejaculation:1.1) (pee:1.4) in [(wet cream white [translucent:0.6] [goo:fluid:0.5]:1.5):((golden:1.3) [translucent:transparent:0.75] pee fluid oil:1.5):0.7], [(golden:1.3) water wet [translucent:transparent:0.8] pee fluid fluidity oil:1.1):0.7], cum on body face, female ejaculation (wet cream dripping pussy:1.2)
Negative prompt: lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, bad legs, text, error, cropped, worst quality, extra arms, ((extra legs)), low quality, normal quality, blurry, deformed, ugly, full, latex, bodysuit, leather, silk, futa, trans, trannsexual, [[[dress]]], [[[pantie]]], [[clothes]], [[towel]], [[[[slime]]]]
(Sampler: DDIM, CFG scale: 6), Model hash: e6e8e1fc, Clip skip: 2
# 金色大厅版本 (写错语法了但是效果意外不错?)
disheveled messy (fang:0.9) [long hair:0.9] [(two side up:1.1)::0.8] flat breasts 1girl [with heterochromia multicolored red eyes::0.8] in black red ribbon sailor dress (white socks:0.9) (peeing:1.4) standing on liquid female [(ejaculation:0.6)::0.9] orgasm, ([lifted by self:lift dress:0.4]:1.3), (wet cream dripping [cum in::0.9] pussy:1), [(dripping golden (transparent:0.7) pee (oil:0.4) water fluid :1.6) from pussy::0.85], (golden fluid [on the ground::0.9]:0.6), no panties, [American shot::0.3], [cowboy shot::0.35]
Negative prompt: lowres, bad anatomy, (bad hands), bad leg, bad proportions, bad perspective, text, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, blurry, comic, emphasis lines, futanari, futa, erection, 1boy, missing limb, extra legs, slime, [extra hands arms], [mutation], [2girls], [yuri], [sitting], lying, ((closeup)), lower body, large breasts, (breasts out:1), gown, latex, pencil
# 正常放尿
disheveled messy (fang:0.9) [long hair::0.9] [(two side up:1.2):0.7] flat breasts 1girl [with heterochromia multicolored red eyes:0.8] in black red ribbon sailor dress (white socks:0.9) (peeing:1.4) standing on liquid female orgasm, ([lifted by self:lift dress:0.4]:1.3), (wet cream dripping [cum in:0.8] pussy:1), [(dripping golden (transparent:0.7) pee (oil:0.4) water fluid :1.6) from pussy:0.8], (golden fluid [on the ground::0.9]:0.6), no panties, [American shot::0.3], [cowboy shot::0.35]
Negative prompt: bad anatomy, (bad hands), bad leg, bad proportions, bad perspective, text, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, blurry, comic, emphasis lines, futanari, futa, erection, 1boy, missing limb, extra legs, slime, [extra hands arms], [mutation], [2girls], [yuri], [sitting], lying, ((closeup)), lower body, large breasts, (breasts out:1), gown, latex, pencil
咬裙子, 超级涩!
# 感谢群内大佬 @TLMEMO 的 prompt, 我愿称您为顶级魔法师
# 原始 prompt
# masterpiece,best quality,solo a girl lift her dress on mouth and use mouth bite the dress,clothes in mouth,navel,pussy
# 金色大厅版本 (写错语法了)
dishevled messy [long hair:0.9] [(two side up:1.1)::0.6] small breasts 1girl [with heterochromia multicolored red eyes::0.8] lift her [long shirt:dress:0.4] on mouth and use mouth bite the [long shirt:dress:0.4] standing on liquid female [(ejaculation:0.6)::0.9] , [mouth hold:(dress lift:0.1) with mouth:0.7], (wet cream dripping [cum in::0.9] pussy:1), [(dripping golden (transparent:0.7) pee water fluid :1) from pussy::0.85], (golden fluid:0.6), breasts out nipples, navel, [(panty pull:0.6)::0.8], [American shot::0.3], [cowboy shot::0.35]
Negative prompt: lowres, bad anatomy, (bad hands), bad leg, bad proportions, bad perspective, text, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, blurry, comic, emphasis lines, futanari, futa, erection, 1boy, missing limb, extra legs, slime, [extra hands arms], [mutation], [2girls], [yuri], ((closeup)), lower body, large breasts, gown, latex, pencil, bodysuit, swimsuit, vomiting, (handkerchief:0.8), sandwich, (cum in mouth:1.2)
# 修正后
dishevled (:3:0.1)messy [long hair:0.9] [(two side up:1.1)::0.6] small breasts 1girl [with heterochromia multicolored red eyes:0.8] lift her [long shirt:dress:0.4] on mouth and use mouth bite the [long shirt:dress:0.4] standing on liquid female [(ejaculation:1):0.8] , [mouth hold:(dress lift:0.1) with mouth:0.7], (wet cream dripping [cum in::0.9] pussy:1), [(dripping golden (transparent:0.7) pee water fluid :1.6) [between legs:from pussy:0.95]:0.9], (golden fluid:0.6), breasts out nipples, navel, no panties, [American shot::0.3], [cowboy shot::0.35]
# 无放尿版 (更加 consistent?)
dishevled messy [long hair:0.9] [(two side up:1.1)::0.6] small breasts 1girl [with heterochromia multicolored red eyes::0.8] lift her [long shirt:dress:0.3] on mouth and use mouth bite the [long shirt:dress:0.3] standing on liquid female [(ejaculation:0.8)::0.8] , [teeth hold:(dress lift:0.1) with mouth:0.7], (wet cream dripping (cumdrip:1.2) [cum in::0.9] pussy:1), (golden fluid:0.6), breasts out nipples, navel, [(panty pull:0.6)::0.8], no panties,[American shot::0.3], [cowboy shot::0.35]
Negative prompt: lowres, bad anatomy, (bad hands), bad leg, bad proportions, bad perspective, text, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, blurry, comic, emphasis lines, futanari, futa, erection, 1boy, missing limb, extra legs, slime, [extra hands arms], [mutation], [2girls], [yuri], ((closeup)), lower body, large breasts, gown, latex, pencil, bodysuit, swimsuit, vomiting, (handkerchief:0.8), sandwich, no pantie, (cum in mouth:1.2), (gag:0.8), fellatio
# 用于 benchmark hypernet/embedding 或者是某 artist 的效果
# 最后的 [messy sketch|watercolor] 可酌情删去
cat ears [lewd:assertive:0.2] small breasts [(loli:0.9):0.8] (fang:1) nude girl with in in bright silver disheveled (two side up:1) messy disheveled (long:0.9) hair with hair flower ornament squatting (double middle finger:1.1) [hands up:0.3], [female orgasm:(female ejaculation:1):0.5], (wet [cum in:0.8] cumdrip pussy:1), cowboy shot, [messy sketch|watercolor]
Negative prompt: lowres, (bad anatomy), bad leg, bad proportions, bad perspective, signature, watermark, username, text, worst quality, low quality, blurry, emphasis lines, futanari, futa, erection, 1boy, missing limb, extra legs, slime, [extra hands arms], [mutation], lower body, large breasts, censored, (blush:1), panties
Steps: 18, Sampler: DDIM, CFG scale: 11, Size: 384x640, Model hash: 925997e9, Batch size: 6, Batch pos: 0, Clip skip: 2
[(sketch:0.95)|illustration|(oil painting:1.2)] of [machinery::0.1] [(evil grin:0.85)::0.5] [fang:0.5] flat breasts pervert [lewd|assertive] sweat [(loli:0.7)::0.6] 1girl (presenting:1.1) long two side up hair nude squatting looking at viewer [hands up::0.6] [(v:1.22) gesture|(victory signs:1.2):(peace sign:1)] [spread legs:m legs:0.6] with ([sex:toy:vibrator:0.6]:0.95) [with machine::0.2], cumdrip uncensored (spread:0.6) pussy (clitoris:1.25) (labia minora:1.25), navel, nipple with (vibrator:1.2), female orgasm ejaculation, cowboy shot
Negative prompt: lowres, bad anatomy, (bad hands:0.25), missing fingers, (extra digit:0.5), (fewer digits:0.5), bad leg, bad proportions, bad perspective, text, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, blurry, emphasis lines, futanari, futa, erection, 1boy, multiple girls, missing limb, extra legs, [mutation], lower body, large breasts, gown, latex, pencil, bodysuit, swimsuit, (high heel), censored, monochrome, (blush:0.7), [(sex:0.5):sex:0.4], [comic::0.4], 2koma, 3koma, 4koma, instant loss, collage, multiple girls, [pov::0.25]
# 分辨率宽屏注意
# 建议搭配 aki99 或者 Nachoneko 的 hypernetwork, kinnnotama 也行
# 适当调节权重, 更换姿势 (像是 [spread legs|m legs] 之类的常规操作)
# NovelAI 还是很懂 21:9 的构图的
(closeup:0.5) [(loli:1):(loli:1.1):0.8] [nude:0.7] flat chest (small breasts:0.9) nipples cat ears 1gir with two side up long curly messy disheveled hair standing in shirt on [realistic::0.2] in cyberpunk neon (night:1.05) [raining:0.8] city public (crowd:0.95) (masturbation:1.1) exhibitionism presenting, flower hair ornament, cowboy shot, (wet:1) (cumdrip pussy:1), (collarbone:1.05), [sketch|line art] [(oil painting:1.2):0.7] spot color by [(Jeremy Mann:1.4)::0.6] [(Akihiko Yoshida:1.4):0.4], [dynamic angle:0.7]
Negative prompt: bad legs, bad face, bad eyes, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, elf, panties, pants, 1koma, 2koma, 3koma, 4koma, comic, male, boy, fellatio, [sex:0.7], doggystyle , vomit
Steps: 21, Sampler: DDIM, CFG scale: 11, Size: 1280x576, Model hash: 925997e9, Hypernet: Nachoneko-hn, Batch size: 4, Batch pos: 2, Denoising strength: 0.7, Clip skip: 2, First pass size: 896x384
# 只要把手砍掉 AI 就不会画不好手了 (认真)
# 说实在的, 换成义肢的效果是真的好, 增加了 SF 风又解决了手脚问题
# 以下的权重是推荐带 hypernet/embeddings 的
# 因为通常 hypernet/embedding 会强化人物表现, 所以权重的数值需要提升压下人物
# 建议配合的 himitsu hyper 或者我炼的 kantoku 线稿 embedding (见 https://t.me/StableDiffusion_CN/193551)
# TODO: 可靠的托管文件平台
# 21:9 分辨率注意
(closeup:0.5) [(loli:1):(loli:1.1):0.8] ([pervert|assertive]:0.9) dieselpunk machinery [nude:0.6] flat chest (small breasts:0.9) nipples cat ears 1girl with white two side up long curly messy disheveled hair reclining in (trench coat:1.05) on [realistic::0.2] in (night:1.05) [cyberpunk|dieselpunk] sci-fi public city (crowd:1) (masturbation:1) in white thighhighs exhibitionism presenting with ((mecha:0.8) cyborg (prosthesis:1.1) artificial organ:1.05), flower hair ornament, cowboy shot, navel (wet:1) (cumdrip spread pussy:1.1), (collarbone:1.05), [sketch|line art] [(oil painting:1.2):0.7] spot color by [(Jeremy Mann:1.45)::0.6], [dynamic angle::0.4]
Negative prompt: bad legs, bad face, bad eyes, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, elf, panties, pants, 1koma, 2koma, 3koma, 4koma, comic, male, boy, fellatio, [sex:0.7], doggystyle , vomit, [gundam::0.7], [bodysuit, swimsuit::0.6], pencil, gown
Steps: 20, Sampler: DDIM, CFG scale: 11, Seed: 416762085, Size: 1280x576, Model hash: 925997e9, Batch size: 4, Batch pos: 3, Denoising strength: 0.7, Clip skip: 2, First pass size: 832x384
原版的 Stable Diffusion 中便已经有许多 artists 的风格印在 "脑" 海里了 (见杂项中的 Artist Style Study 部分), 我们需要做的只是去认识并调用它而已.
当然我不是反对训练新模型, 新模型当然是有必要的, 不过当原始的 artists 风格要玩明白也够玩不短时间了.
Jeremy Mann sketch 风
核心词条为 by [ (Jeremy Mann:1.7) :(Jeremy Mann:1.4):0.6] [and (Patrice Murciano:1.3)::0.4] [and (Carne Griffiths:1.4):0.6], [messy sketch|watercolor]
这是个缝合怪, 所以结果也不稳定, 偶尔色彩绚丽 (Patrice Murciano 和 Carne Griffiths 所带来的), 但我主体仍然想强调一个 high-contrast 的风格, 类似摄影的黑白底片.
权重看着调, 不同动作和背景的权重效果不一样.
# 配合 anime 风格的 hypernetwork 有奇效 (需要拉高 artist 风格比重)
# 推荐甘城猫猫和毛玉老师的 hypernetwrok
cowboy shot (anime:1) (fang:0.8) cat ears assertive nude (loli:1) girl in bright silver disheveled (two side up:1) (long:0.9) hair (looking at viewer:0.9) with hair flower ornament sitting (presenting:1.1) female ejaculation in open wet [(wedding:1.1):0.7] [(queen:0.8):0.8] (sailor dress:1.2) red ribbon white thighhighs in (street:1.05) [crowd:0.8], (public indecency:1.05), sexually suggestive, (labia wet cream cumdrip dripping pussy and (anus:0.8):0.8) by [ (Jeremy Mann:1.7) :(Jeremy Mann:1.4):0.6] [and (Patrice Murciano:1.3)::0.4] [and (Carne Griffiths:1.4):0.6], [messy sketch|watercolor]
Negative prompt: lowres, (bad anatomy), (bad hands), bad leg, bad proportions, bad perspective, signature, watermark, username, text, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, blurry, emphasis lines, futanari, futa, erection, 1boy, missing limb, extra legs, slime, [extra hands arms], [mutation], lower body, large breasts, gown, latex, pencil, bodysuit, swimsuit, (high heel), realistic, (blush:0.6), (tongue out:0.6)
# 最原始的版本
[cowboy shot:0.5] (anime:1.2) small breasts nipples assertive nude girl in (twintails:1) (long:0.9) hair looking at viewer standing (presenting:1.1) female ejaculation white thighhighs in street [crowd:0.8], public indecency, sexually suggestive, labia wet cream cumdrip dripping pussy and (anus:0.8) by [(Jeremy Mann:1.6):(Jeremy Mann:1):0.6] [and Patrice Murciano::0.4] [and Carne Griffiths:0.6], [sketch|watercolor]
Negative prompt: lowres, bad anatomy, (bad hands), bad leg, bad proportions, bad perspective, text, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, blurry, emphasis lines, futanari, futa, erection, 1boy, missing limb, extra legs, slime, [extra hands arms], [mutation], lower body, large breasts, gown, latex, pencil, bodysuit, swimsuit, (high heel)
Steps: 18, Sampler: DDIM, CFG scale: 11, Seed: 1469635569, Size: 384x640, Model hash: 925997e9, Clip skip: 2
新川洋司 (Yoji Shinkawa)
# See also
# by [(Yoshitaka Amano:1.8):(Yoshitaka Amano:1):0.7], ink sketch, spot color
[cowboy shot:0.5] small breasts (fang:0.5) assertive nude girl in multicolored rainbow (twintails:1) (long:0.9) hair looking at viewer (squatting:1) (presenting:1.1) female ejaculation white thighhighs, sexually suggestive, labia wet cream cumdrip dripping pussy and (anus:0.8) by [(Yoji Shinkawa:1.8):(Yoji Shinkawa:1):0.7], spot color, ink sketch
Negative prompt: lowres, bad anatomy, (bad hands), bad leg, bad proportions, bad perspective, text, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, blurry, emphasis lines, futanari, futa, erection, 1boy, missing limb, extra legs, slime, [extra hands arms], [mutation], lower body, large breasts, gown, latex, pencil, bodysuit, swimsuit
Steps: 18, Sampler: DDIM, CFG scale: 8, Seed: 3323305485, Size: 384x640, Model hash: 925997e9, Clip skip: 2
[cowboy shot:0.5] small breasts (fang:0.5) assertive nude girl in multicolored rainbow (twintails:1.2) long hair looking at viewer [sitting:squatting:0.4] (presenting:1.1) female ejaculation white thighhighs in street [crowd:0.8], sexually suggestive, public indecency, labia wet cream cumdrip dripping pussy and (anus:0.8) by [(Agnes Cecile:1.65)::0.7]
Negative prompt: lowres, bad anatomy, (bad hands), bad leg, bad proportions, bad perspective, text, missing fingers, (extra digit), (fewer digits), worst quality, low quality, normal quality, blurry, comic, emphasis lines, futanari, futa, erection, 1boy, missing limb, extra legs, slime, [extra hands arms], [mutation], lower body, large breasts, gown, latex, pencil, bodysuit, swimsuit, (elf:1.1), high heels, (blush:0.6)
Steps: 18, Sampler: DDIM, CFG scale: 7.5, Seed: 1810426879, Size: 384x640, Model hash: 925997e9, Clip skip: 2
Kitagawa Utamaro 和 Hokusai, Katsushika 都有效. 套上二次元的时候就是增加许多日本风格的元素 (虽然并没有马上变成浮世绘) 试着修改下权重吧.
[cowboy shot:0.5] small breasts (fang:0.5) assertive girl in multicolored rainbow (twintails:1.2) long hair looking at viewer [sitting:squatting:0.4] (presenting:1.1) female ejaculation in serafuku pleated skirt white thighhighs in street [crowd:0.8], sexually suggestive, public indecency, labia wet cream cumdrip dripping pussy and (anus:0.8) by (Katsushika Hokusai:1.6)
Negative prompt: lowres, bad anatomy, (bad hands), bad leg, bad proportions, bad perspective, text, missing fingers, (extra digit), (fewer digits), worst quality, low quality, normal quality, blurry, comic, emphasis lines, futanari, futa, erection, 1boy, missing limb, extra legs, slime, [extra hands arms], [mutation], lower body, large breasts, gown, latex, pencil, bodysuit, swimsuit, (elf:1.1), high heels, (blush:0.6)
Steps: 18, Sampler: DDIM, CFG scale: 7.5, Seed: 2854368763, Size: 384x640, Model hash: 925997e9, Clip skip: 2
# giger 不必多说, 玩 midjourney 都知道的 artist
# 我会说是触手必备 tag? 虽然不是我的 XP
[cowboy shot:0.5] small breasts (fang:0.5) assertive girl in (twintails:1.2) long hair looking at viewer [spread legs:m legs:0.2] (presenting:1.1) female ejaculation in serafuku pleated skirt white thighhighs in street [crowd:0.8], sexually suggestive, public indecency, labia clitoris wet cream cumdrip dripping pussy and (anus:0.8) by (giger:1.35), (looking at viewer:1.1)
Negative prompt: lowres, bad anatomy, (bad hands), bad leg, bad proportions, bad perspective, text, missing fingers, (extra digit), (fewer digits), worst quality, low quality, normal quality, blurry, comic, emphasis lines, futanari, futa, erection, 1boy, missing limb, extra legs, [extra hands arms], large breasts, gown, latex, pencil, bodysuit, swimsuit, (elf:1.1), high heels, (blush:0.6)
Steps: 18, Sampler: DDIM, CFG scale: 7.5, Seed: 1270237875, Size: 384x640, Model hash: 925997e9, Clip skip: 2
Patrice Murciano and Carne Griffiths Cyberpunk style
[cowboy shot:0.5] small breasts nipples [( :o :1.2):(parted lips:1):0.9] assertive nude girl in (twintails:1) (long:0.9) hair looking at viewer (squatting:1) (presenting:1.1) female ejaculation white thighhighs, sexually suggestive, cyberpunk neon city street, labia wet cream cumdrip dripping pussy and (anus:0.8) by [(Patrice Murciano:1.6):(Carne Griffiths:1.2):0.6] [:[and (Ryan Hewett:1.2)::0.9]:0.6], [sketch|oil paint], cinematic lighting
Negative prompt: lowres, bad anatomy, (bad hands), bad leg, bad proportions, bad perspective, text, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, blurry, emphasis lines, futanari, futa, erection, 1boy, missing limb, extra legs, slime, [extra hands arms], [mutation], lower body, large breasts, gown, latex, pencil, bodysuit, swimsuit, (high heel), [(realistic:1.2):0.1], thick lips, lipstick, 3d
Steps: 18, Sampler: DDIM, CFG scale: 8, Seed: 11307460, Size: 384x640, Model hash: 925997e9, Batch size: 6, Batch pos: 0, Clip skip: 2
Linkdump, 都是好东西
- としあきdiffusion
- Dreamer's Guide to Getting Started w/ Stable Diffusion!
- Stable Diffusion Akashic Records
- Stable Diffusion - InstallGentoo Wiki
- Awesome Stable-Diffusion
- NovelAI信息并联计划
- Larger resolutions with Stable Diffusion (upscale guide)
- Inpainging & Outpainting
- Stable Diffusion DreamBooth Models
- A Guide to Writing Prompts for Text-to-image AI
- Tools and Resources for AI Art
- Wildcard Lists 配合 Wildcard custom script 使用
- Stable Diffusion Hypernetworks
- Stable Diffusion Conceptualizer
- AIBooru
- openart.ai
- lexica (SD search engine)
对 Prompt Engineering 有帮助的参考
- Tags 中英对照表 (prefer wiki if you know English) (source)
- 手抄本法术书
- NovelAI法术书
- E-Hentai/ExHentai TAGs 中文翻译
- NAI Wizards 誰かの性癖に刺さりそうなモノやグッと来たものを適当に集めています。
- 元素法典 NovelAI 元素魔法全收录
- 元素法典 part 1.5
- 元素法典 绚丽术
- 禁忌魔典——限制级咒文收录 该法典具有独特的字体选择品味 (指无法阅读)
- Danbooru Wiki (for searching tags)
- Aesthetics Wiki like a style guide
- MidJourney-Styles-and-Keywords-Reference
- NovelAI 5ch Wiki NovelAIのPromptsを収集するWikiです
- List of colors by shade
- tag groups
- tag group:image composition
- tag group:attire
- tag group:sex acts
- tag group:sexual positions
- tag group:locations
- Stable Diffusion Artist Style Studies (Notion) introduction
- Artists, Keywords, Art styles known to work with text to image
- Image Synthesis Style Studies Database (The List)
- SD Artist Study
- SD Top 500 Artist
- Stable Diffusion Modifier Studies
- Artists To Study
- Some random logs in 2chan
- Hentai Diffusion General (4chan) (Archived, find the latest thread by yourself)
- Stable Diffusion General (4chan)
- AIに絵を描いてもらって適当に貼って適当に雑談するスレ (二次元裏 MAY) (2chan thread) (You know the thread will be deleted so find the archived by yourself. )
- StableDiffusion Show (Telegram)
SD Training Labs(Discord) (archived)- SD Training Labs (Discord) (new)
- Ai 绘画中文组 (Discord)
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环境变量. 或者用 proxychains
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的仓库源换成 huggingface 的
设镜像或者挂代理, 推荐清华源
感谢 huige233 的贡献.
在打开的cmd窗口内输入git pull
请下载一个 git
先将error内提示的文件保存一份 然后依次在cmd内输入
git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/master
git pull
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