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Created April 13, 2020 12:51
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# Authenticate to Azure
# List the subscriptions your account has access to
# You may have multiple subscriptions. If the one you want to use for this tutorial
# is not your default subscription, you can do this to change what subscription
# this script will operate against.
# Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId "<enter your subscription id>"
# Create resource group to hold all resources for the tutorial.
# Change the region as appropriate for your location
$groupName = "rg-igas-01"
$location = "eastus"
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $groupName -Location $location
# Create an app service plan
$plan = New-AzAppServicePlan -Location $location -Name "asp-igas-01" -ResourceGroupName $groupName -Tier "S1"
# Create the App Service to host the application
# The name has to be unique across all of Azure because it is part of the public URL.
# Set the prefix variable to something unique, either completely random or meaningful, doesn't matter.
$prefix = "???"
$app = New-AzWebApp -ResourceGroupName $groupName -Name "$prefix-igas-01" -Location $location -AppServicePlan $plan.Id
# Browse to the URL of the new application to make sure the app service is up.
$newurl = "https://$"
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