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Last active May 9, 2023 11:56
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R Code to simulate and describe a reaction-time decision process
# A reaction time experiment works as follows: On each trial, an
# observer is asked to view a stimulus and categorize it into one of
# multiple values. For instance, it may be a noisy motion stimulus,
# and the observer is asked to classify the motion as "leftward" or
# "rightward."
# The diffusion model for reaction time experiment data supposes that
# observers maintain an internal "decision variable," which evolves
# from the start of the trial. The stimulus adds a drift to this
# internal variable; when it drifts past either a lower or upper bound
# the observer makes a response at that time. The dicision variable
# also accumulates noise, so the evolution of the decision variable
# follows a Wiener process.
# (In prosaic terms, we are supposing that observers form decisions by
# implementing a sequential probability ratio test or more generally a
# Kalman filter, then we are trying to perform inference _about_ the
# observer's inferential process.)
# This function simulates a single reaction time trial, producing a named vector
# of the reaction time and the binary response.
sim_single_trial <- function
strength=0, #strength of signal
bias=0, #constant added to drift (parameter)
startingpoint=0, #another bias parameter
noise=1, #how much variance accumulates per unit time (>0)
bound=1, #how high the bounds on the accumulator (>0)
timestep=0.02, #how small the timestep
ndt = 0.2, #residual decision/reaction time (>0)
fuzz = 0.05, #response time fuzz (to hide timesteps) (>0)
decision_variable <- cumsum(rnorm(n=nsteps,
mean=(bias + strength)*timestep,
sd=sqrt(noise) * sqrt(timestep))) + startingpoint
escape_step <- which(abs(decision_variable) > bound)[1]
c(rt=ndt + escape_step * timestep + rnorm(1, sd=fuzz),
response = decision_variable[escape_step] > 0)
#here is a randomly simulated trial:
#"strength" is the strength of the signal in the stimulus; a typical
#experiment will use a mixture of strengths, positive and negative,
#Here are the strengths we will use:
strengths <- as.vector((2^(10:15) / 10000) %o% c(-1, 1))
#Simulate 1000 trials at each strength. <- rdply(1000, cbind(strength=strengths, ldply(strengths, sim_single_trial)))$.n <- NULL
#We don't have patience for simulating extremely long trials, so we
#have limited the number of time steps. This resulted in some trials
#where no decision was recorded (in which case `rt` and `response` are
#`NA`.) In practice, response times are limited, so we drop extremely
#long reaction times (and hopefully model the data as right truncated.) <- subset(, !( | rt > 4))
#Here are ten randomly selected rows of '':[sample(nrow(, 10),]
#Function to fold the data so that "correct" responses (where observer
#responds in same direction as stimulus) are considered positive:
fold <- function(data)
response = xor(response, strength<0),
strength = abs(strength))
#Function to compute bernoulli means and CIs for plotting
bernoulli_mean_ci <- function(x) {
conf = prop.test(sum(as.logical(x)), length(x))$
data.frame(y = mean(x), ymin = conf[1], ymax = conf[2])
# As stimulus strength increases, observers are more likely to respond
# correctly. Qualitatively their responses are fit well by a
# logit
psi.plot <- (
+ aes(x=strength, y=as.numeric(response))
+ stat_summary(, geom="pointrange")
+ labs(x="Coherence", y="Proportion correct")
+ geom_hline(y=0.5) + geom_vline(x=0)
+ geom_smooth(method="glm", formula=y~x-1,
# The model also predicts a distribution of response times.
rt.plot <- (
ggplot(fold( + aes(x=rt)
+ stat_density(position="identity", fill="NA", geom="line")
+ labs(x="Response time", y="Density", title="Response time distribution")
+ theme(axis.text.y = element_blank())
+ geom_hline(y=0)
#There are subtleties to how response times vary. One hallmark of
#typical reaction time data is that (_when aggregating trials with
#varying stimulus strengths_) errors tend to have longer response times
#than correct responses:
slow.error.plot <- (
+ aes(color=factor(response))
+ labs(color="Response\ncorrect"))
#Another is to look at response time stratified by coherence. With
#stronger stimuli, response times are shorter.
rt.strength.plot <- (
+ aes(rt, color=factor(strength))
+ stat_density(geom="line", position="identity")
+ scale_color_discrete("Strength", h=c(270,0), direction=1)
+ labs(x="Response time", y="Density",
title="Distribution of response times by stimulus strength")
#But it turns out that "errors are slow" is false once you also
#condition on stimulus strength. Errors seem slow because observers
#encounter a mixture of stimulus strengths; at any particular stimulus
#strength RT is independent of error.)
(ggplot(fold( + aes(x=factor(strength), y=rt, color=response)
+ stat_summary(, geom="pointrange",
+ labs(title="RTs conditional on correct answer and stimulus strength",
x="Stimulus strength",
y="Response time",
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