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Created March 15, 2013 00:52
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<script src="//"></script><!-- required to getJSON from our server -->
<script src=""></script><!-- required to parse dates in ISO format -->
var device_tracking_type = "mac_address";
var current_user_device_type = "android";
var current_user_country_code = "ca";
var current_user_mac_address = "11:11:11:11";
var current_user_location = "37.8188,-122.4784";
var current_impression_uuid = "mynetworkimpression-iowd23e823jsd094";
var current_time = new Date();
$.getJSON('{YOUR_CROWDMOB_PERMALINK}/ads.json', function(data) {
console.log("Returning the markup for the highest bid:", highestCpcCampaignMarkup(data));
// Returns the ad markup for the campaign that has the highest bid matching the current_user_device_type, in the country defined by current_user_country_code, at the current time, or null if there isn't a matching campaign.
function highestCpcCampaignMarkup(data) {
var campaigns = data.campaigns;
var lastHighestCampaign = null;
for (var i = 0; i < campaigns.length; ++i) {
var campaign = campaigns[i];
// First, make sure we are between the right dates, right now (or the campaign doesn't end at a specific date), that isn't paused
if (Date.parse(campaign.starts_at) <= current_time && (campaign.ends_at == null || Date.parse(campaign.ends_at) > current_time) && campaign.paused_at == null) {
// Second, make sure that this campaign has a bid for the device type, in the region, and that that region is enabled
if (campaign.bids[current_user_device_type] && campaign.bids[current_user_device_type][current_user_country_code] && campaign.bids[current_user_device_type][current_user_country_code].enabled) {
// Finally, if the matching campaign has a higher bid than the last one found, mark it as found
if (lastHighestCampaign == null || lastHighestCampaign[current_user_device_type][current_user_country_code].network_cpi_bid < campaign.bids[current_user_device_type][current_user_country_code].network_cpi_bid) {
lastHighestCampaign = campaign;
if (lastHighestCampaign) {
var CAMPAIGN_TEMPLATE = "<a href='{{CLICKTHRU_URL}}'><img src='{{APPICON}}'/>{{APPTITLE}}<br/>{{APPDESCRIPTION}}</a>";
// First replace the Click-Thru URL Parameters
var finalizedClickThruUrl = lastHighestCampaign.click_through_url.replace(
'DEVICE_TYPE', current_user_device_type
'DEVICE_UUID_TYPE', device_tracking_type
'DEVICE_UUID', current_user_mac_address
'SOURCE_CLICK_UUID', current_impression_uuid
'USER_LOCATION', current_user_location
return CAMPAIGN_TEMPLATE.replace(
"{{CLICKTHRU_URL}}", finalizedClickThruUrl
else {
return null;
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