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Last active February 26, 2017 03:56
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Experimental quasi-Newton optimizer for image synthesis from CNNs
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import blas
from scipy.ndimage import zoom
# Machine epsilon for float32
EPS = np.finfo(np.float32).eps
# pylint: disable=no-member
def dot(x, y):
"""Returns the dot product of two float32 arrays with the same shape."""
return blas.sdot(x.ravel(), y.ravel())
# pylint: disable=no-member
def axpy(a, x, y):
"""Sets y = a*x + y for float a and float32 arrays x, y and returns y."""
y_ = blas.saxpy(x.ravel(), y.ravel(), a=a).reshape(y.shape)
if y is not y_:
y[:] = y_
return y
def resize(arr, size, order=1):
"""Resamples a CxHxW NumPy float array to a different HxW shape."""
h, w = size
resized_arr = zoom(arr, (1, h/arr.shape[1], w/arr.shape[2]), order=order, mode='wrap')
assert resized_arr.shape[1:] == size
return resized_arr
def roll2(arr, xy):
"""Translates an array by the shift xy, wrapping at the edges."""
if (xy == 0).all():
return arr
return np.roll(np.roll(arr, xy[0], -1), xy[1], -2)
class DMSQNOptimizer:
"""Implements an experimental Quasi-Newton optimizer that incorporates Hessian damping,
momentum, per-feature learning rate scaling, and iterate averaging."""
def __init__(self, params, step_size=2, averaging=True, avg_decay=3, n_corr=10, b1=0.75,
"""Initializes the optimizer."""
self.params = params
self.step_size = step_size
self.averaging = averaging
assert avg_decay >= 0
self.avg_decay = avg_decay
self.n_corr = n_corr
self.b1 = b1
self.phi = phi
self.step = 0
self.xy = np.zeros(2, dtype=np.int32)
self.grad = None
self.g1 = np.zeros_like(params)
self.g2 = np.zeros_like(params) + EPS
self.p1 = params.copy() = []
self.yk = []
def update(self, opfunc):
"""Returns a step's parameter update given a loss/gradient evaluation function."""
self.step += 1
if self.step == 1:
_, self.grad = opfunc(self.params)
self.g1 *= self.b1
self.g1 += self.grad
self.g2 += self.grad**2
# Compute step, loss, and gradient
self.g1 *= self.b1
s = -self.step_size * self.inv_hv(self.g1 + self.grad)
self.params += s
loss, grad = opfunc(self.params)
self.g1 += grad
self.g2 += grad**2
# Store curvature pair and gradient
y = (1 - self.phi) * (grad - self.grad)
axpy(self.phi, s, y)
y *= np.sqrt(self.g2)
self.store_curvature_pair(s, y)
self.grad = grad
# Polynomial-decay averaging
weight = (1 + self.avg_decay) / (self.step + self.avg_decay)
self.p1 *= 1 - weight
axpy(weight, self.params, self.p1)
if self.averaging:
return self.p1, loss
return self.params, loss
def store_curvature_pair(self, s, y):
"""Updates the L-BFGS memory with a new curvature pair."""
if len( > self.n_corr:, self.yk =[1:], self.yk[1:]
def inv_hv(self, p):
"""Computes the product of a vector with an approximation of the inverse Hessian."""
p = p.copy()
alphas = []
for s, y in zip(reversed(, reversed(self.yk)):
alphas.append(dot(s, p) / dot(s, y))
axpy(-alphas[-1], y, p)
if len( > 0:
s, y =[-1], self.yk[-1]
p *= dot(s, y) / dot(y, y)
p /= np.sqrt(self.g2)
for s, y, alpha in zip(, self.yk, reversed(alphas)):
beta = dot(y, p) / dot(s, y)
axpy(alpha - beta, s, p)
return p
def roll(self, xy):
"""Rolls the optimizer's internal state."""
if (xy == 0).all():
self.xy += xy
if self.grad is not None:
self.grad[:] = roll2(self.grad, xy)
self.g1[:] = roll2(self.g1, xy)
self.g2[:] = roll2(self.g2, xy)
self.p1[:] = roll2(self.p1, xy)
for i in range(len([i][:] = roll2([i], xy)
self.yk[i][:] = roll2(self.yk[i], xy)
def set_params(self, last_iterate):
"""Sets params to the supplied array, partially clearing the optimizer's internal state."""
self.step = 0
self.params = last_iterate
self.grad = None
xy = self.params.shape[-2:]
self.g1 = resize(self.g1, xy)
self.g2 = np.maximum(resize(self.g2, xy), EPS) * (self.g2.size / last_iterate.size)
self.p1 = np.zeros_like(last_iterate) = []
self.yk = []
def restore_state(self, optimizer):
"""Given a DMSQNOptimizer instance, restores internal state from it."""
assert isinstance(optimizer, DMSQNOptimizer)
self.params = optimizer.params
self.grad = optimizer.grad
self.g1 = optimizer.g1
self.g2 = optimizer.g2
self.p1 = optimizer.p1 =
self.yk = optimizer.yk
self.step = optimizer.step
self.xy = optimizer.xy.copy()
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