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Last active May 20, 2023 04:04
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"""Matrix square roots with backward passes.
Cleaned up from
import torch
def sqrtm_ns(a, num_iters=10):
if a.ndim < 2:
raise RuntimeError('tensor of matrices must have at least 2 dimensions')
if a.shape[-2] != a.shape[-1]:
raise RuntimeError('tensor must be batches of square matrices')
if num_iters < 0:
raise RuntimeError('num_iters must not be negative')
norm_a = a.pow(2).sum(dim=[-2, -1], keepdim=True).sqrt()
y = a / norm_a
eye = torch.eye(a.shape[-1], device=a.device, dtype=a.dtype) * 3
z = torch.eye(a.shape[-1], device=a.device, dtype=a.dtype)
z = z.repeat([*a.shape[:-2], 1, 1])
for i in range(num_iters):
t = (eye - z @ y) / 2
y = y @ t
z = t @ z
return y * norm_a.sqrt()
class _MatrixSquareRootNSLyap(torch.autograd.Function):
def forward(ctx, a, num_iters, num_iters_backward):
z = sqrtm_ns(a, num_iters)
ctx.save_for_backward(z, torch.tensor(num_iters_backward))
return z
def backward(ctx, grad_output):
z, num_iters = ctx.saved_tensors
norm_z = z.pow(2).sum(dim=[-2, -1], keepdim=True).sqrt()
a = z / norm_z
eye = torch.eye(z.shape[-1], device=z.device, dtype=z.dtype) * 3
q = grad_output / norm_z
for i in range(num_iters):
eye_a_a = eye - a @ a
q = q = (q @ eye_a_a - a.transpose(-2, -1) @ (a.transpose(-2, -1) @ q - q @ a)) / 2
if i < num_iters - 1:
a = a @ eye_a_a / 2
return q / 2, None, None
def sqrtm_ns_lyap(a, num_iters=10, num_iters_backward=None):
if num_iters_backward is None:
num_iters_backward = num_iters
if num_iters_backward < 0:
raise RuntimeError('num_iters_backward must not be negative')
return _MatrixSquareRootNSLyap.apply(a, num_iters, num_iters_backward)
class _MatrixSquareRootEig(torch.autograd.Function):
def forward(ctx, a):
vals, vecs = torch.linalg.eigh(a)
ctx.save_for_backward(vals, vecs)
return vecs @ vals.abs().sqrt().diag_embed() @ vecs.transpose(-2, -1)
def backward(ctx, grad_output):
vals, vecs = ctx.saved_tensors
d = vals.abs().sqrt().unsqueeze(-1).repeat_interleave(vals.shape[-1], -1)
vecs_t = vecs.transpose(-2, -1)
return vecs @ (vecs_t @ grad_output @ vecs / (d + d.transpose(-2, -1))) @ vecs_t
def sqrtm_eig(a):
if a.ndim < 2:
raise RuntimeError('tensor of matrices must have at least 2 dimensions')
if a.shape[-2] != a.shape[-1]:
raise RuntimeError('tensor must be batches of square matrices')
return _MatrixSquareRootEig.apply(a)
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