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Total variation denoising
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Total variation denoising."""
import argparse
import time
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from scipy.linalg import blas
EPS = np.finfo(np.float32).eps
def dot(x, y):
"""Returns the dot product of two arrays with the same shape."""
return blas.sdot(x.reshape(-1), y.reshape(-1))
dot(np.array(0), np.array(0))
def axpy(a, x, y):
"""Sets y = a*x + y and returns y."""
shape = x.shape
x, y = x.reshape(-1), y.reshape(-1)
return blas.saxpy(x, y, a=a).reshape(shape)
axpy(1, np.array(0), np.array(0))
def tv_norm(x):
"""Computes the total variation norm and its gradient. From jcjohnson/cnn-vis."""
x_diff = x - np.roll(x, -1, axis=1)
y_diff = x - np.roll(x, -1, axis=0)
grad_norm2 = x_diff**2 + y_diff**2 + EPS
norm = np.sum(np.sqrt(grad_norm2))
dgrad_norm = 0.5 / np.sqrt(grad_norm2)
dx_diff = 2 * x_diff * dgrad_norm
dy_diff = 2 * y_diff * dgrad_norm
grad = dx_diff + dy_diff
grad[:, 1:, :] -= dx_diff[:, :-1, :]
grad[1:, :, :] -= dy_diff[:-1, :, :]
return norm, grad
def l2_norm(x):
"""Computes 1/2 the square of the L2-norm and its gradient."""
return np.sum(x**2) / 2, x
class LBFGSOptimizer:
"""Implements the L-BFGS quasi-Newton optimizer."""
def __init__(self, params, opfunc, step_size=1, n_corr=10, c1=1e-4, c2=0.9, max_ls_fevals=10):
"""Initializes the optimizer."""
self.params = params
self.opfunc = opfunc
self.step_size = step_size
self.n_corr = n_corr
self.c1 = c1
self.c2 = c2
self.max_ls_fevals = max_ls_fevals
self.step = 0
self.fevals = 0
self.loss = None
self.grad = None = []
self.yk = []
def update(self):
"""Returns a step's parameter update."""
self.step += 1
if self.step == 1:
self.loss, self.grad = self.opfunc(self.params)
self.fevals += 1
# Line search.
step_size, step_min, step_max = 1, 0, np.inf
ls_fevals = 0
while True:
if ls_fevals == self.max_ls_fevals:
raise RuntimeError('Gave up on line search')
# Compute search direction, step, loss, and gradient
p = -self.inv_hv(self.grad)
s = step_size * p
loss, grad = self.opfunc(self.params + s)
self.fevals += 1
y = grad - self.grad
ls_fevals += 1
# Test that the weak Wolfe curvature condition holds
if dot(p, grad) < self.c2 * dot(p, self.grad):
step_min = step_size
# Test that the Armijo condition holds
elif loss > self.loss + self.c1 * step_size * dot(p, self.grad):
step_max = step_size
self.store_curvature_pair(s, y)
# Both hold, accept the step
# Compute new step size
if step_max < np.inf:
step_size = (step_min + step_max) / 2
step_size *= 2
# Update params
self.params += s
# Store curvature pair and gradient
self.store_curvature_pair(s, y)
self.loss, self.grad = loss, grad
return loss, self.params
def store_curvature_pair(self, s, y):
"""Updates the L-BFGS memory with a new curvature pair."""
if len( > self.n_corr:, self.yk =[1:], self.yk[1:]
def inv_hv(self, p):
"""Computes the product of a vector with an approximation of the inverse Hessian."""
p = p.copy()
alphas = []
for s, y in zip(reversed(, reversed(self.yk)):
alphas.append(dot(s, p) / (dot(s, y)) + EPS)
axpy(-alphas[-1], y, p)
if len( > 0:
s, y =[-1], self.yk[-1]
p *= dot(s, y) / (dot(y, y) + EPS)
p /= np.sqrt(dot(p, p) / p.size) + EPS
for s, y, alpha in zip(, self.yk, reversed(alphas)):
beta = dot(y, p) / (dot(s, y) + EPS)
axpy(alpha - beta, s, p)
return p
def printf(s, *args, **kwargs):
print(s.format(*args), **kwargs)
def main():
"""The main function."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('input_image', help='the input image')
parser.add_argument('strength', type=float, default=50, nargs='?',
help='the denoising strength')
args = parser.parse_args()
img = np.float32(
img += np.random.normal(scale=30, size=img.shape)
orig_img = img.copy()
step_size = 1
lmbda = args.strength
def opfunc(img):
tv_loss, tv_grad = tv_norm(img)
l2_loss, l2_grad = l2_norm(img - orig_img)
loss = tv_loss + l2_loss/lmbda
grad = tv_grad + l2_grad/lmbda
return loss, grad
last_loss = np.inf
steps = 0
time_start = time.perf_counter()
print('Optimizing using gradient descent.')
while True:
steps += 1
loss, grad = opfunc(img)
print('step:', steps, 'loss:', loss)
if loss > last_loss:
last_loss = loss
axpy(-step_size, grad, img)
time_end = time.perf_counter()
printf('{} iterations', steps)
printf('{:g} ms total', 1000 * (time_end - time_start))
printf('{:g} ms/iteration', 1000 / steps * (time_end - time_start))
img_gd = img
img = orig_img.copy()
opt = LBFGSOptimizer(img, opfunc, n_corr=4)
last_loss = np.inf
steps = 0
time_start = time.perf_counter()
print('\nOptimizing using L-BFGS.')
while True:
steps += 1
loss, img[:] = opt.update()
print('step:', steps, 'loss:', loss)
if loss * 1.01 > last_loss:
last_loss = loss
time_end = time.perf_counter()
printf('{} iterations', steps)
printf('{} function evaluations', opt.fevals)
printf('{:g} ms total', 1000 * (time_end - time_start))
printf('{:g} ms/iteration', 1000 / steps * (time_end - time_start))
Image.fromarray(np.uint8(np.clip(img_gd, 0, 255))).show()
Image.fromarray(np.uint8(np.clip(img, 0, 255))).show()
if __name__ == '__main__':
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