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Created April 13, 2023 21:39
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Pads an image for Bluesky."""
import argparse
import math
from pathlib import Path
from PIL import Image
def get_output_size(size, aspect):
in_w, in_h = size
in_aspect = size[0] / size[1]
if in_aspect < aspect:
out_w = int(in_h * aspect)
out_h = in_h
out_w = in_w
out_h = int(in_w / aspect)
return out_w, out_h
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument("image", type=Path, help="the input image")
"--bg", type=int, nargs=4, default=(0, 0, 0, 0), help="the background color"
args = parser.parse_args()
allowed_aspects = [3 / 4, 1.0, 4 / 3]
allowed_log_aspects = [math.log(x) for x in allowed_aspects]
image ="RGBA")
# Find the closest aspect ratio
log_aspect = math.log(image.size[0] / image.size[1])
aspect_diffs = [abs(log_aspect - x) for x in allowed_log_aspects]
out_aspect = allowed_aspects[aspect_diffs.index(min(aspect_diffs))]
# Paste into output image
out_size = get_output_size(image.size, out_aspect)
out_image ="RGBA", out_size, tuple(
paste_x = (out_size[0] - image.size[0]) // 2
paste_y = (out_size[1] - image.size[1]) // 2
out_image.paste(image, (paste_x, paste_y))
# Save the output image
out_path = args.image.with_stem(args.image.stem + "_pad").with_suffix(".png")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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