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Last active May 10, 2018 14:11
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AA and DITL Things

First round of notes


  1. Graph spacing - We still need to work out the spacing of the charting

    • When selecting Dr. Jennifer Jones, the gantt chart data overlaps the time bar above the chart
    • When selecting Dr. Hardy Harriet, the time bar is pushed to the left and partially out of view.
  2. Need to wire up to the data sources so providers match. Currently still using the data from Demo app and the providers in dropdown are different than the ones in the heatmap graph.

  3. We need to pass the data to the DITL on the Heatmap click event.

    • Will need the Provider (name or id) and the Date (M, D, Y).
    • All of this information is displayed in the tooltip so it is available for each cell in heatmap.
  4. Scroll looks nice, but the dropdowns and exit button scroll out of view. This could possibly include the time bar and single row heatmap.

    • Should everything be fixed in place down to the x-axis and the rest of the chart scroll up from there?

ActiveAdmin (Tenant Admin)

  1. Data Sources should not be shown as option to work with. Arcadia sets up the Data Sources and provides the S3 URL so the app can locate the data. Tenant Admins would not have these links and should not be able to edit these.

  2. Tenants should not be shown as an option to work with. Arcadia sets up Tenants and provides the Sub-Domain for them at that time. If a Tenant admin were able to edit these they could mess up the function of the app because part of the Arcadia setup is to config the DNS for the new tenant Sub-Domain.

  3. Users

    • Clicking the New User button kicks the Tenant Admin out of AA and back to root path with DS select modal. Need to allow Tenant Admins to set up users
    • Should not be able to select the Tenant for the new user. It should be assumed that the Tenant admin would only be setting up Users for the tenant they are an Admin for.
    • Data Sources should only be shown for the Tenant that the Admin is associated with. They can then select the Data Sources that the user should have access to. Question: How will the Admin know what each Data source is or means by name? Will the name be enough?

ActiveAdmin (Arcadia Admin)

  1. Data Sources

    • Need a URL field in order to input the S3 URL for the data source?
    • Do we need to have a note that states that a Tenant should be setup first in order for that Tenant to be an option in the Tenant selector?
  2. Tenants

    • Arcadia field relates to the Arcadia ID (I assume)? Is it required to set up a Tenant? It is currently not shown as a required field.
  3. Users

    • Should the Data Source Options be shown based on the Tenant selected for the user? Currently, all Data Sources would be shown.
      • I would assume this would be a Yes to avoid assigning a wrong Data Source to a User associated with a different Tenant.
      • Is there a catch in our code to avoid associating a User in Tenant A with a Data Source from any other Tenant?
    • If Setting up an Arcadia Admin (arcadia role) they are not a Tenant so there would be no need to select a Tenant or Data Sources at set up.
      • Do we have an catch in place to qualify the email of a User being set up with the Arcadia role so that a user from a Tenant is not accidentally set up with this role and granted access to all data?

*We may need to meet to discuss the execution of all of this to make sure it makes sense and we have covered all bases.

Users (Basic User Role)

  1. If they try to hit /tenant_admin/dashboard/ they are denied access (GREAT), but they are redirected to the root_path of the sub-domain with nothing populated if they only have one Data Source associated with them. They should be redirected to their default DS like when they first sign in. Users with Multiple DS are redirected to the sub-domain root_path and the DS selector modal is provided.
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