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Last active June 4, 2024 00:27
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  • Save crpb/7afce347f8fb57640248be42ca12d22f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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DiskSpd auto download with drive and core cound selection
$DiskSpd = "$PSScriptRoot\DiskSpd\$($Env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE.ToLower())\diskspd.exe"
if ( -Not ( Test-Path $DiskSpd ) ) {
# Destination will be the directory of the script + 'DiskSpd'
$destdir = "$PSScriptRoot"
$tempdir = "$env:TEMP"
New-Item -Type Directory -Path $tempdir -ErrorAction Ignore
$file = "DiskSpd.ZIP"
$tempfile = Join-Path -Path "$tempdir" -ChildPath "$file"
Set-Location -Path $tempdir
$repo = "microsoft/diskspd"
$latest = "${repo}/releases/latest"
#Write-Host "$AppName-Updater called with v=$Version`n"
# Check URI for latest release
$request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($latest)
$response = $request.GetResponse()
$redirectedurl = $response.ResponseUri.OriginalString
$latestversion = $redirectedurl.split('/')[-1].Trim('v')
$downloaduri = $redirectedurl.Replace('tag', 'download') + '/' + $file
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $downloaduri -OutFile $tempfile
$dir = $file.Split('.')[0]
Expand-Archive $tempfile -Force -Destination "$tempdir\$dir"
Remove-Item $tempfile
Move-Item "$tempdir\$dir" -Destination "$destdir\$dir" -Force
Set-Location -Path "$PSScriptRoot"
$DiskSpd_log = "$PSScriptRoot\DiskSpd_$(Get-Date -Format FileDateTime).log"
$CoresMax = $((Get-CimInstance Win32_ComputerSystem).NumberOfLogicalProcessors)
Write-Host "CPU Cores available: $CoresMax"
if (!($Cores = Read-Host -Prompt "Choose how many Threads/Cores should be used - 1..${CoresMax} or more..: [1]")) { $cores = 1 }
if (!($Duration = Read-Host -Prompt "Duration in sec. [120]")) { $Duration = 120 }
if (!($ReadWrite = Read-Host -Prompt "Read/Write ratio? 0=100% read, 100=100% write, 50=50/50: [0]")) { $ReadWrite = 0 }
if (!($FileSize = Read-Host -Prompt "File size: [5G]")) { $FileSize = "5G" }
$Drives = (Get-PsDrive -PsProvider FileSystem |? { $_.Free -gt 0 })
Write-Host "Possible Disks: $($Drives.Name -Join ", ")"
if (!($Drive_selected = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter Drive Name: [C]")) { $Drive_selected = "C" }
$DiskSpd_file = Join-Path -Path ($Drives |Where-Object -Property Name -EQ -Value $Drive_selected).Root -ChildPath
# x_0
# $DiskSpd_opts = "-t${Cores} -o32 -b4k -r4k -w0 -d120 -Sh -D -L -c5G $DiskSpd_file"
$DiskSpd_opts = "-t${Cores} -o32 -b4k -r4k -w$ReadWrite -d$Duration -Sh -D -L -c$FileSize $DiskSpd_file"
$Parms = $DiskSpd_opts.Split(" ")
& "$DiskSpd" $Parms | Set-Content $DiskSpd_log -Force
Remove-Item -Path $DiskSpd_file
Get-Content $DiskSpd_log
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