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Last active April 5, 2017 18:46
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Calculate correlation among repeated measures in a factorial design
# x data.frame. Aggregated data for the factorial design, e.g., from aggregate(measure ~ subject * factor1 * factor2, data, mean).
# measure Character. Name of the measure.
# formula Formula. A formula specifying the factor (combination) for which to calculate the correlation, e.g., `subject ~ factor1` for a
# main effect or `subject ~ factor1 + factor2` (yes, it needs to be a "+") for an interaction. Note that G*Power can be
# used to perform power analyses for up to two repeated measures factors as long as one of them has only two levels.
# To do so, enter the larger number of factor levels into the field "Number of measurements" and multiply the effect
# size f by √p, where p is the number of levels of the other factor). If both factor have more than two levels G*Power
# will underestimate the required sample size! (See [German] for details)
# type Character. Specifies the estimation approach. "min" corresponds to smallest observed correlation among repeated measures,
# "mean" corresponds to the average observed correlation.
# level Numeric. Defines the width of the interval if confidence intervals are plotted. Defaults to 0.95 for 95% confidence intervals.
repeated_measures_correlation <- function(x, measure, formula, type = "mean", level = 0.95) {
# Define helper functions
fisher_z <- function(r) {
return(0.5 * log((1 + r) / (1 - r)))
inv_fisher_z <- function(z) {
return((exp(2 * z) - 1) / (exp(2 * z) + 1))
r_ci <- function (r, n, level = 0.95) {
alpha <- 1 - level
z <- fisher_z(r)
se_z <- 1 / sqrt(n - 3)
z_critical <- -qnorm(alpha / 2)
z_ci <- z + c(-1, 1) * (z_critical * se_z)
r_ci <- matrix(inv_fisher_z(z_ci), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
attr(r_ci, "conf.level") <- level
# Restructure data
melt_data <- melt(x, measure.vars = measure, na.rm = FALSE)
wide_data <- dcast(melt_data, formula = formula, mean, value.var = "value")
n_data <- nrow(wide_data)
wide_data <- wide_data[complete.cases(wide_data), ]
if(nrow(wide_data) < n_data) warning("Dropped ", nrow(wide_data) < n_data, " incomplete cases")
# Calculate empirical correlations
correlation_matrix <- cor(wide_data[, -1])
correlation_matrix <- correlation_matrix[upper.tri(correlation_matrix)]
# Select estimate
if(type == "mean") {
estimated_correlation <- inv_fisher_z(mean(fisher_z(correlation_matrix)))
} else if(type == "min") {
estimated_correlation <- inv_fisher_z(min(fisher_z(correlation_matrix)))
} else {
stop("Type must be either 'min' or 'mean'.")
estimated_correlation_ci <- r_ci(estimated_correlation, n = nrow(wide_data), level = level)
results <- c(estimated_correlation, estimated_correlation_ci)
names(results) <- c(paste0(type, "_r"), "ll", "ul")
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