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Created October 2, 2017 22:01
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Working example of fetch_zotero_refs()
# The ID of a Zotero user or group can be found via E.g. the public group "PSYCH 490 ARTICLES"
# can be found at The URL contains the group ID 1738107.
# To access the group via the Zotero API you need an account and an API key. API keys can be created and accessed
# at when you are logged into your user account.
# As of the current development version fetch_zotero_refs() has not been exported (to be honest, I don't know why).
# Hence, the papaja:::-prefix is required.
x = "1738107"
, bib_name = "psych490.bib"
, API_key = "insert_your_API_key_here"
, lib_type = "group"
# For a slightly more involved example consider the public group "Psychiatrie perinatale"
# (, which has seven collections. To download the
# references from a specific collection you need the collection ID. The URL of the desired collection
# "6. Rapports/Nouvelles" (
# again contains the group (79334) but also the collection ID (J6ZNSQE9).
x = "79334"
, bib_name = "perinatale.bib"
, API_key = "insert_your_API_key_here"
, lib_type = "group"
, collection = "J6ZNSQE9"
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