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Last active July 11, 2017 16:27
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  • Save crshnbrn66/40c6be436e7c2e69b4de5cd625ce0902 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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[String] [Parameter(Mandatory)]
#this is the evironment that is in the Solution config to read where things need to go (TEST/DEV/QA/Prodution)
#for example - C:\tfs2013\Test Automated Deployment Sharepoint.rptproj
[string] [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Environment,
#this is the name of the Datasource as it exists in Sharepoint without the .rsds extension
[string] [Parameter(Mandatory)] $DataSource,
#This is the connection string that will be set for the report data source.
#this is only necessary if this is the first time the reports are being deployed.
[string] [Parameter(Mandatory)] $connectString,
#the username that the Datasource will run under
#defaults to the user that this script is running under
[string] [Parameter(Mandatory)] $username = "$([environment]::UserDomainName)\$([environment]::Username)",
[string] [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Password = 'password',
[string] $reportExtension = '*.rdl',
[string] $setDataSourceOnly = $false,
[string] $setCache = $false,
[string] $cacheValue = '30',
[string] $cacheFiles = '',
[string] $datasetFilter = '.rsd'
write-output "__________________________________________________________________"
write-output "SolutionFile:`t`t$solutionFile"
Write-output "Environment: `t`t$environment"
write-output "Datasource: `t`t$datasource"
write-output "Connection String: `t`t$connectString"
write-output "Username: `t`t$username"
write-output "Password is not Null: `t`t$($password -ne $null)"
write-output "reportextension: `t`t$reportExtension"
write-output "SetDatasourceOnly: `t`t$setDataSourceOnly"
Write-Output "SetCache: `t`t$setCache"
Write-Output "CacheValue: `t`t$cacheValue"
Write-Output "CacheFiles: `t`t$($cacheFiles)"
Write-Output "datasetFilter: `t`t$($datasetFilter)"
write-output "__________________________________________________________________"
write-verbose 'fix to set the variable for the setting of the datasource.'
if ($setDatasourceonly -eq 'true')
{$setdatasourceonly = $true }
{$setdatasourceonly = $false}
if ($setCache -eq 'true')
{$setCache = $true}
{$setCache = $false}
if ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)
$scriptpath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$d = Split-Path $scriptpath
write-output -InputObject "Script Directory: `t`t$D"
import-module "$d\sqlreporting.psd1" -DisableNameChecking -Force
import-module "$d\subscriptions.psm1" -Force
import-module .\sqlreporting.psd1 -DisableNameChecking -Force
import-module ".\subscriptions.psm1" -Force
if (test-path $solutionfile -pathtype Leaf)
$reportPath = (get-item $solutionfile).DirectoryName
[xml]$x = get-content $solutionfile
$test = ($x.Project.Configurations.configuration |Where-Object {$ -eq $environment}).options
$hasSubscriptions = "$(((get-item $reportPath).Parent).FullName)\$((Get-Item $reportPath).Name).subs"
if (Test-Is2013SharepointUrl $test.targetServerUrl )
$sharepoint = $true
$webservice = [System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlDecode(([System.Net.WebUtility]::HtmlDecode("$($test.TargetServerURL)/_vti_bin/ReportServer/ReportService2010.asmx")))
$u = [uri] $test.targetServerUrl
$webservice = $u -replace ($u.PathAndQuery), '/ReportServer/ReportService2010.asmx'
$sharepoint = $false
Write-output "webservice: `t`t$webservice"
$dataSourceTarget = [System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlDecode(([System.Net.WebUtility]::HtmlDecode($test.TargetDataSourceFolder)))
write-output "datasourceTarget: `t`t$datasourceTarget"
$documentLibrary = [System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlDecode(([System.Net.WebUtility]::HtmlDecode($test.TargetFolder)))
write-output "DocumentLibrary: `t`t$documentLibrary"
$d = Get-ChildItem "$reportPath\$datasource*.rds"
$dataSourceName = $ -replace $d.Extension, '' #remove the extension from the reportdatasource physical filename.
if ($x.project.DataSets.ProjectItem)
$dataSets = $x.project.DataSets.ProjectItem
else {$dataSets = $null}
if ($cacheFiles -match "`r`n")
Write-Output "CRLF Detected"
[string[]]$cacheFiles2Set = $cacheFiles -split "`r`n"
elseif ($cacheFiles -match "`n")
Write-Output "New line detected"
[string[]]$cacheFiles2Set = $cacheFiles -split "`n"
[string[]]$cacheFiles2Set = $cacheFiles -split ','
$cache = @()
foreach ($cacheitem in $cacheFiles2Set)
$Split = $cacheItem -split ','
if ($Split.count -gt 1)
$cFile = ($split[0].trimstart()).trimend()
$cache += [pscustomobject]@{'CacheFile' = $cfile
'minutes' = $Split[1]
$cFile = ($split[0].trimstart()).trimend()
$cache += [pscustomobject]@{'CacheFile' = $cfile
'minutes' = $cacheValue
if ($dataSets)
write-output "DataSetNames: `t`t$(($ -replace '.rsd', '' ) -join ",")"
#$dataSetnames = $
$TargetDatasetFolder = [System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlDecode(([System.Net.WebUtility]::HtmlDecode($test.TargetDatasetFolder)))
write-output "TargetDatasetFolder: `t`t$TargetDatasetFolder"
############################# integrated SSRS Deployment in first if ############################
if ($sharepoint) # this is to tell the script that we are deploying to sharepoint
$results = Deploy-SharepointReports -datasource $DataSource -documentLibrary $documentlibrary -dataSourceTarget $datasourceTarget -webservice $webservice -username $username -password $password -datasets $datasets -datasetFilter $datasetfilter -TargetDatasetFolder $targetDataSetFolder -reportPath $reportPath -reportExtension $reportExtension -connectString $connectString -setDatasourceOnly $setDatasourceOnly -cachefiles2Set $cache
Write-Output $results
############################# native SSRS Deployment in below here ##############################
else #Native SSRS deployment falls in here
$results = Deploy-NativeSSRS -datasource $DataSource -documentLibrary $documentlibrary -dataSourceTarget $datasourceTarget -webservice $webservice -username $username -password $password -datasets $datasets -datasetFilter $datasetfilter -TargetDatasetFolder $targetDataSetFolder -reportPath $reportPath -reportExtension $reportExtension -connectString $connectString -setDatasourceOnly $setDatasourceOnly -cachefiles2Set $cache
Write-Output $results
Write-Output $results
write-output 'Checking for Subscriptions'
if (test-path $hasSubscriptions)
$reportFilter = "*.config"
write-output "__________________________________________________________________"
Write-Output " This Project has Data Driven Subscriptions updating .... "
Write-Output "Documentlibrary: `t`t$documentLibrary"
Write-Output "Webservice: `t`t$webservice"
Write-Output "Subscription Directory: `t`t$hasSubscriptions"
Write-Output "Subscription FileEXT: `t`t$reportFilter"
write-output "__________________________________________________________________"
$ssrsproxy = New-WebServiceProxy -uri $webservice -UseDefaultCredential -namespace 'SSRSProxy' -class 'ReportService2010'
if ( (Get-CustomPowerShellClasses).name -ne 'ssrsobject')
Write-Verbose "Check to make sure the proxy hasn't already been created"
. Invoke-SSRSobject
Write-Output "Check the $proxy address"
Throw "This Script can only execute once because of the dependency on an object [ssrsobject]"
write-verbose "Checking to see if our object has already been created once if it has we don't want to create it again or the object won't be 'findable'"
$currentSubscriptions = get-subscriptions -ssrsproxy $ssrsproxy -site $documentLibrary -DataDriven
$sourceSubscriptions = New-DeserializedSSRSObject -path $hasSubscriptions -filter $reportFilter
write-output "______________Subscription Removal________________________________"
foreach ($sub in $currentSubscriptions)
if ($sourceSubscriptions | Where-Object {$_.description -eq $sub.description})
Write-Verbose "Found the same subscription will delete it in the destination to allow for a re-create"
write-verbose "delete $($subscription.subscription.SubscriptionID)"
Remove-DatadrivenSubscription -ssrsproxy $ssrsproxy -subscriptionid $sub.subscription.subscriptionid
Write-Output "Removed Subscription $($sub.description)"
write-output "__________________________________________________________________"
write-output "______________Subscription Adds__________________________________"
foreach ($sub in $sourceSubscriptions)
Write-Verbose "Creating new subscription for $($sub.description)"
Write-Output "Attempting to create Subscripion $($sub.description)"
$status = New-DataDrivenSubscription -ssrsproxy $ssrsproxy -reportObject $sub -destination $documentLibrary
write-output "Added $($sub.description) from $($sub.subscription.path) $status"
"Error was $_"
$line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
"Error was in Line $line ------ Exiting"
#$s += $status
#Write-Output "Created Subscription $($sub.description) datasource and id $status"
write-output "__________________________________________________________________"
Throw "SolutionFile cannot be blank or a directory $solutionFile"
#requires -version 5.0
function Get-DataDrivenSubscriptionProperties
param([object] $Subscription,
$ssrsobject = [SSRSObject]::New()
$sid = $Subscription.SubscriptionID
$ddextensionSettings = $ddDataRetrievalPlan = $ddDescription = $ddactive = $ddstatus = $ddeventtype = $ddmatchdata = $ddparameters = $Null
$ddOwner = $ssrsproxy.GetDataDrivenSubscriptionProperties($sid, [ref]$ddextensionSettings, [ref]$ddDataRetrievalPlan`
, [ref]$ddDescription, [ref]$ddactive, [ref]$ddstatus, [ref]$ddeventtype, [ref]$ddmatchdata, [ref]$ddparameters)
$ssrsobject.subscription = $Subscription
$ssrsobject.Owner = $ddOwner
$ssrsobject.ExtensionSettings = $ddextensionSettings
$ssrsobject.Description = $ddDescription
$ssrsobject.DataRetrievalPlan = $ddDataRetrievalPlan
$ssrsobject.Active = $ddactive
$ssrsobject.Status = $ddstatus
$ssrsobject.EventType = $ddeventtype
$ssrsobject.MatchData = $ddmatchdata
$ssrsobject.Parameters = $ddparameters
<# [PSCustomObject]@{
'Owner' = $ddOwner
'extensionSettings' = $ddextensionSettings
'DataRetrievalPlan' = $ddDataRetrievalPlan
'Description' = $ddDescription
'active' = $ddactive
'status' =$ddstatus
'eventtype' =$ddeventtype
'matchdata' = $ddmatchdata
'parameters' = $ddparameters
} #>
function Get-SubscriptionProperties
$subextensionSettings = $subDataRetrievalPlan = $subDescription = $subactive = $substatus = $subeventtype = $submatchdata = $subparameters = $Null
$subOwner = $ssrsproxy.GetSubscriptionProperties($subscription.SubscriptionID, [ref]$subextensionSettings, [ref]$subDescription, [ref]$subactive, [ref]$substatus, [ref]$subeventtype, [ref]$submatchdata, [ref]$subparameters)
$ssrsobject = [SSRSObject]::New()
$ssrsobject.subscription = $Subscription
$ssrsobject.Owner = $subOwner
$ssrsobject.ExtensionSettings = $subextensionSettings
$ssrsobject.Description = $subDescription
$ssrsobject.DataRetrievalPlan = $subDataRetrievalPlan
$ssrsobject.Active = $subactive
$ssrsobject.Status = $substatus
$ssrsobject.EventType = $subeventtype
$ssrsobject.MatchData = $submatchdata
$ssrsobject.Parameters = $subparameters
'Owner' = $subOwner
'extensionSettings' = $subextensionSettings
'Description' = $subDescription
'active' = $subactive
'status' =$substatus
'eventtype' =$subeventtype
'matchdata' = $submatchdata
'parameters' = $subparameters
function Get-Subscriptions
#Returns a nested object with each
param([object]$ssrsproxy, [string]$site, [switch]$DataDriven)
#write-verbose 'Path to where the reports are must be specified to get the subscriptions you want.. Root (/) does not seem to get everything'
$items = $ssrsproxy.ListChildren($site, $true) | Where-Object {$_.typename -eq 'report'}
$subprops = $ddProps = @()
foreach ($item in $items)
$subs = $ssrsproxy.ListSubscriptions($item.path)
write-verbose "found $($subs.count) subscriptions for $($item.Name)"
if ($subs)
foreach ($sub in $subs)
if ($sub.isdatadriven -eq 'true')
$ddProps += Get-DataDrivenSubscriptionProperties -subscription $sub -ssrsproxy $ssrsproxy
elseif (-not $DataDriven)
$subProps += Get-SubscriptionProperties -subscriptionid $sub -ssrsproxy $ssrsproxy
if ($DataDriven)
function New-XMLSubscriptionfile
param([psobject]$subscriptionObject, [string]$path, [string]$extension = '.xml')
if (test-path $path -PathType Leaf)
$path = split-path $path
if (-not(test-path $path))
mkdir $path
foreach ($sub in $subscriptionObject)
$reportName = (($'.'))[0]
$filename = "$path\$reportName$extension"
$sub | Export-Clixml -Depth 100 -path $filename
function New-JsonSubscriptionFile
param([psobject]$subscriptionObject, [string]$path)
if (test-path $path -PathType Leaf)
$path = split-path $path
if (-not(test-path $path))
mkdir $path
foreach ($sub in $subscriptionObject)
$reportName = (($'.'))[0]
$filename = "$path\$reportName.json"
$sub | convertto-json -Depth 100 | out-file $filename
Function Export-DataDrivenSubscriptions
param([object]$ssrsproxy, [string]$site, [string]$path, [switch]$json, [string]$extension)
$subs = get-subscriptions -ssrsproxy $ssrsproxy -site $site -DataDriven
if ($json)
{New-JsonSubscriptionFile -subscriptionObject $subs -path $path -extension $extension}
{New-XMLSubscriptionfile -subscriptionObject $subs -path $Path -extension $extension}
function Get-ReportSubscriptions
param([object]$ssrsproxy, [string]$path)
$subscription = $ssrsproxy.ListSubscriptions($path)
function New-DeserializedSSRSObject
param($path, $filter = '*.xml')
$reportFiles = Get-ChildItem $path -Filter $filter
$reports = @()
foreach ($file in $reportFiles)
$reportobject = Import-Clixml -path ($file.fullname) -ErrorAction Ignore
Write-Verbose 'using error action ignore to ensure we only get files that are acctually cli xml files.'
write-verbose 'swallowing error'
$reportobject = $Null
If ($reportobject.subscription)
Write-Verbose "Create a object of type ExtensionSettings"
$extensionSettings = New-Object -typename 'SSRSProxy.ExtensionSettings'
$extensionSettings.Extension = $reportobject.extensionSettings.Extension
$paramvalues = @()
foreach ($parameterField in $reportobject.extensionSettings.ParameterValues)
if ($[0] -eq 'ParameterName') #rebuild the object into an extenstion setting this one contains a parameter field reference
$a = [SSRSProxy.ParameterFieldReference]::new()
Write-Verbose 'Create a object of type ParameterField reference.'
$a.FieldAlias = $parameterfield.fieldalias
$a.ParameterName = $parameterfield.ParameterName
elseif ($[0] -eq 'Name') #rebuild the object into an extension settings object this one contains a param value
$a = [SSRSProxy.ParameterValue]::New()
Write-Verbose 'Create a object of type ParameterValue reference.'
$a.Label = $parameterField.Label
$a.Name = $parameterField.Name
$a.Value = $parameterField.Value
$paramvalues += $a
$extensionSettings.ParameterValues = [ssrsproxy.parametervalueorfieldreference[]]$paramvalues
[SSRSProxy.DataRetrievalPlan]$DataRetrievalPlan = New-Object SSRSProxy.DataRetrievalPlan
Write-Verbose 'Create a object of type DataRetrievalPlan reference.'
#[SSRSProxy.DataSourceReference]$item = $reportobject.DataRetrievalPlan.Item
$DataRetrievalPlan.DataSet = $reportobject.DataRetrievalPlan.DataSet
[SSRSProxy.DataSourceReference]$dsReference = $reportobject.DataRetrievalPlan.Item
Write-Verbose "Datasource Reference $dsreference use the value for the datasource you want this data driven report to consume"
$DataRetrievalPlan.Item = $dsReference
$description = $reportobject.Description
$eventtype = $reportobject.eventtype
$matchdata = $reportobject.matchdata
#$b = [Ssrsproxy.parameterfieldreference]::new()
$paramvalues = @()
foreach ($parameterField in $reportobject.parameters)
if ($[0] -eq 'ParameterName') #rebuild the object into an extenstion setting this one contains a parameter field reference
$a = [SSRSProxy.ParameterFieldReference]::new()
Write-Verbose 'Create a object of type ParameterField reference.'
$a.FieldAlias = $parameterfield.fieldalias
$a.ParameterName = $parameterfield.ParameterName
elseif ($[0] -eq 'Name') #rebuild the object into an extension settings object this one contains a param value
$a = [SSRSProxy.ParameterValue]::New()
Write-Verbose 'Create a object of type ParameterValue reference.'
$a.Label = $parameterField.Label
$a.Name = $parameterField.Name
$a.Value = $parameterField.Value
$paramvalues += $a
Write-Verbose 'Create a object of type parameterfieldreference reference.'
#$b.FieldAlias = $reportobject.parameters.fieldalias
#$b.ParameterName = $reportobject.parameters.ParameterName
$ParameterValueOrFieldReference = [Ssrsproxy.parameterfieldreference[]]$paramvalues
$itemPath = "$($"
$reports += [PSCustomObject]@{
'itemPath' = $itempath
'extensionSettings' = $extensionsettings
'DataRetrievalPlan' = $DataRetrievalPlan
'description' = $description
'eventtype' = $eventtype
'matchdata' = $matchdata
'ParameterValueOrFieldReference' = $ParameterValueOrFieldReference
function New-DataDrivenSubscription
[string]$destination = '/Reports'
$src = $dest = $null
Write-Verbose "function asssumes that a report object has been created to push to the destination"
$src = ([uri]$reportobject.DataRetrievalPlan.Item.reference).absoluteuri
$dest = (([uri]$destination).absoluteuri)
if ($dest)
if ($dest.EndsWith('/'))
[SSRSProxy.DataSourceReference]$dsReference = $reportobject.DataRetrievalPlan.Item
if ($src -and $dest) #since .aboluteuri is only present with an actual uri this will let us know this is an actual uri.
write-verbose "source and destination are sharepoint"
$datasourceName = $src -split '/' | Select-Object -last 1
$src = $src -replace "/$datasourceName", ''
$dsReference.Reference = ((([uri]$reportobject.DataRetrievalPlan.Item.Reference).AbsoluteUri) -replace $src, $dest)
$reportObject.itempath = ("$destination/$($reportobject.itempath)")
elseif ($src -and (-not $dest))
write-verbose "source is sharepoint destintation is native"
$datasourceName = $src -split '/' | Select-Object -last 1
$dest = $destination
$src = $src -replace "/$datasourceName", ''
$dsReference.Reference = ((([uri]$reportobject.DataRetrievalPlan.Item.reference).AbsoluteUri) -replace $src, $dest).Trim('.rsds')
$reportObject.itemPath = ("$destination/$($reportobject.itempath)").trim('.rdl')
elseif ($dest -and (-not $src))
write-verbose "destination is sharepoint and source is native"
$src = $reportobject.DataRetrievalPlan.Item.reference
$datasourceName = $src -split '/' | Select-Object -last 1
$src = $src -replace "/$datasourceName", ''
$dsReference.Reference = ($src -replace $src, "$dest/$datasourceName")
$reportObject.itemPath = ("$destination/$($reportobject.itempath)")
write-verbose "destination and source are native"
$dest = $destination.trimend('/')
$src = $reportobject.DataRetrievalPlan.Item.reference
$datasourceName = $src -split '/' | Select-Object -last 1
$src = $src.trimend("/$datasourceName")
$dsReference.Reference = (($reportobject.DataRetrievalPlan.Item.reference).trimend("/$datasourcename") -replace $src, "$dest/$datasourcename").trim('.rsds')
$reportObject.itemPath = ("$destination/$($reportobject.itempath)").trim('rdl')
$reportObject.DataRetrievalPlan.Item = $dsReference
Write-Verbose "Now that the object is re-constituted we can put this in the SSRS instance we wish to push it to"
if (($reportObject.ParameterValueOrFieldReference.fieldalias) -and ($reportObject.ParameterValueOrFieldReference.ParameterName))
$ParameterValueOrFieldReference = $reportObject.ParameterValueOrFieldReference
else { $ParameterValueOrFieldReference = $Null}
$status = $ssrsproxy.CreateDataDrivenSubscription($reportObject.itempath , $reportObject.extensionsettings , $reportObject.DataRetrievalPlan, $reportObject.description, $reportObject.eventtype, $reportObject.matchdata, $ParameterValueOrFieldReference)
$line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
$err = "Error was $_ `nError was in Line $line"
$err = $err + $error[0]
$err += "($reportObject.itempath , $reportObject.extensionsettings , $reportObject.DataRetrievalPlan, $reportObject.description, $reportObject.eventtype, $reportObject.matchdata, $ParameterValueOrFieldReference)"
Throw "Something is wrong check errors $err"
function Remove-DatadrivenSubscription
"Error was $_"
$line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
"Error was in Line $line"
<#class SSRSObject
function Invoke-SSRSobject
$ssrsobject = @'
class SSRSObject
Invoke-Expression $ssrsobject
#. $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.NewScriptBlock($ssrsobject)
function Get-CustomPowerShellClasses
[appdomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() | Where-Object { $_.GetCustomAttributes($false) | Where-Object { $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.DynamicClassImplementationAssemblyAttribute]} } | ForEach-Object { $_.GetTypes() | Where-Object IsPublic }
Copy link

The other module for this scripting is found here:

Copy link

updated the new-DeserializedSSRSObject to allow for nested items in parameters

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