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Last active May 26, 2017 18:33
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#requires -version 5.0
function Get-DataDrivenSubscriptionProperties
param([object] $Subscription,
$ssrsobject = [SSRSObject]::New()
$sid = $Subscription.SubscriptionID
$ddextensionSettings = $ddDataRetrievalPlan = $ddDescription = $ddactive = $ddstatus = $ddeventtype = $ddmatchdata = $ddparameters = $Null
$ddOwner = $ssrsproxy.GetDataDrivenSubscriptionProperties($sid,[ref]$ddextensionSettings,[ref]$ddDataRetrievalPlan`
$ssrsobject.subscription = $Subscription
$ssrsobject.Owner = $ddOwner
$ssrsobject.ExtensionSettings = $ddextensionSettings
$ssrsobject.Description = $ddDescription
$ssrsobject.DataRetrievalPlan = $ddDataRetrievalPlan
$ssrsobject.Active = $ddactive
$ssrsobject.Status = $ddstatus
$ssrsobject.EventType = $ddeventtype
$ssrsobject.MatchData = $ddmatchdata
$ssrsobject.Parameters = $ddparameters
<# [PSCustomObject]@{
'Owner' = $ddOwner
'extensionSettings' = $ddextensionSettings
'DataRetrievalPlan' = $ddDataRetrievalPlan
'Description' = $ddDescription
'active' = $ddactive
'status' =$ddstatus
'eventtype' =$ddeventtype
'matchdata' = $ddmatchdata
'parameters' = $ddparameters
} #>
function Get-SubscriptionProperties
$subextensionSettings = $subDataRetrievalPlan = $subDescription = $subactive = $substatus = $subeventtype = $submatchdata = $subparameters = $Null
$subOwner = $ssrsproxy.GetSubscriptionProperties($subscription.SubscriptionID,[ref]$subextensionSettings,[ref]$subDescription,[ref]$subactive,[ref]$substatus,[ref]$subeventtype,[ref]$submatchdata,[ref]$subparameters)
$ssrsobject = [SSRSObject]::New()
$ssrsobject.subscription = $Subscription
$ssrsobject.Owner = $subOwner
$ssrsobject.ExtensionSettings = $subextensionSettings
$ssrsobject.Description = $subDescription
$ssrsobject.DataRetrievalPlan = $subDataRetrievalPlan
$ssrsobject.Active = $subactive
$ssrsobject.Status = $substatus
$ssrsobject.EventType = $subeventtype
$ssrsobject.MatchData = $submatchdata
$ssrsobject.Parameters = $subparameters
'Owner' = $subOwner
'extensionSettings' = $subextensionSettings
'Description' = $subDescription
'active' = $subactive
'status' =$substatus
'eventtype' =$subeventtype
'matchdata' = $submatchdata
'parameters' = $subparameters
function Get-Subscriptions
#Returns a nested object with each
param([object]$ssrsproxy, [string]$site, [switch]$DataDriven)
#write-verbose 'Path to where the reports are must be specified to get the subscriptions you want.. Root (/) does not seem to get everything'
$items = $ssrsproxy.ListChildren($site,$true) | Where-Object{$_.typename -eq 'report'}
$subprops = $ddProps= @()
foreach($item in $items)
$subs = $ssrsproxy.ListSubscriptions($item.path)
write-verbose "found $($subs.count) subscriptions for $($item.Name)"
foreach($sub in $subs)
if($sub.isdatadriven -eq 'true')
$ddProps += Get-DataDrivenSubscriptionProperties -subscription $sub -ssrsproxy $ssrsproxy
elseif(-not $DataDriven)
$subProps += Get-SubscriptionProperties -subscriptionid $sub -ssrsproxy $ssrsproxy
else {
function New-XMLSubscriptionfile
param([psobject]$subscriptionObject, [string]$path)
if(test-path $path -PathType Leaf)
$path = split-path $path
if(-not(test-path $path))
mkdir $path
foreach($sub in $subscriptionObject)
$reportName = (($'.'))[0]
$filename = "$path\$reportName.xml"
$sub | Export-Clixml -Depth 100 -path $filename
function New-JsonSubscriptionFile
param([psobject]$subscriptionObject, [string]$path)
if(test-path $path -PathType Leaf)
$path = split-path $path
if(-not(test-path $path))
mkdir $path
foreach($sub in $subscriptionObject)
$reportName = (($'.'))[0]
$filename = "$path\$reportName.json"
$sub | convertto-json -Depth 100 | out-file $filename
Function Export-DataDrivenSubscriptions
param([object]$ssrsproxy, [string]$site, [string]$path, [switch]$json)
$subs = get-subscriptions -ssrsproxy $ssrsproxy -site $site -DataDriven
{New-JsonSubscriptionFile -subscriptionObject $subs -path $path}
{New-XMLSubscriptionfile -subscriptionObject $subs -path $Path}
class SSRSObject
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$ssrsproxy = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri http://sharepoint/sites/bi/_vti_bin/ReportServer/ReportService2010.asmx -UseDefaultCredential -namespace 'SSRSProxy' -class 'ReportService2010'
$subscriptions = Get-Subscriptions -ssrsproxy $ssrsproxy -site 'http://SharepointSite/sites/'
New-SubscriptionFile -subscriptionObject $subscriptions -path C:\temp\subs

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this version of the script requires that you create a ssrs proxy with the namespace and class filled in when you are calling the proxy.. this is so the powershell object can be created (ssrsObject)

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