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Created August 6, 2014 01:53
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import model
import datetime
from flask import Flask, render_template
from flask.ext.socketio import SocketIO
import json
import os
import requests
from threading import Thread
import time
app = Flask(__name__)
app.debug = True
socketio = SocketIO(app)
#last_update = 0
# grab the last report update time from the database
# set up loop to request new report from USGS every minute
# reformat the data, send it to the client, and save it in the database
def background_thread():
count = 0
#db_last_update = model.session.query(model.QuakeUpdate).one()
#global last_update
#last_update = db_last_update.update_time
while True:
count += 1
new_earthquake = handle_new_quake_json()
# emit new data to client
socketio.emit("new_earthquake", new_earthquake)
print new_earthquake
# decode json for writing to database
new_earthquake = json.loads(new_earthquake, "latin-1")
# set up background thread, render html
def index():
#global thread
#if thread is None:
# thread = Thread(target=background_thread)
# thread.start()
return render_template("index.html")
# function for reformatting new earthquake data
def create_quake_dict(quake):
props = quake["properties"]
quake_updated = props["updated"]
quake_magnitude = props["mag"]
quake_id = quake["id"]
quake_time = props["time"]
quake_tsunami = props["tsunami"]
quake_latitude = quake["geometry"]["coordinates"][1]
quake_longitude = quake["geometry"]["coordinates"][0]
return {"id": quake_id, "timestamp":quake_time, "updated":quake_updated,
"magnitude":quake_magnitude, "tsunami":quake_tsunami,
"longitude":quake_longitude, "latitude":quake_latitude}
# make request to USGS server, handle status codes != 200
# update latest report timestamp in database, send reformatted report data to client
def handle_new_quake_json():
r = requests.get(USGS_URL)
new_quakes_json = r.json()
# read database and send to client all quakes from the last week
if not r.status_code == 200:
print "USGS server down"
# get epoch timestamp of one week ago
ms_per_week = 604800000
one_week_ago = (int(time.time()) * 1000) - ms_per_week
new_quakes = model.session.query(model.Quake).filter(model.Quake.timestamp >= one_week_ago).all()
new_quake_list = []
for quake in new_quakes:
# get latest report timestamp
#global last_update
last_update = int(new_quakes_json["metadata"]["generated"])
# update database with the latest report timestamp
db_last_update = model.session.query(model.QuakeUpdate).one()
db_last_update.update_time = last_update
new_quake_list = []
for quake in new_quakes_json["features"]:
response = create_quake_dict(quake)
# send new report data to client as a json-encoded list of dictionaries/objects
return json.dumps(new_quake_list)
# update earthquakes from past week that are already in the database, otherwise add new earthquakes to database
def write_new_quakes_to_db(new_quake_dict):
print "writing to db"
db = model.session.query(model.Quake).all()
# put database objects into dictionary for fast lookup
db_objects = {}
for obj in db:
db_objects[] = obj
for quake in new_quake_dict:
# update earthquakes that are already in database if they were updated (re-estimated magnitude, etc.) after the quake occurred
#global last_update
quake_update = int(quake["updated"])
if quake["id"] in db_objects.keys() and (quake_update > int(quake["timestamp"])):
print "updating quake %s" % quake["id"]
existing_quake = model.Quake.query.get(quake["id"])
existing_quake.timestamp = quake["timestamp"]
existing_quake.updated = quake_update
existing_quake.magnitude = quake["magnitude"]
existing_quake.tsunami = quake["tsunami"]
existing_quake.longitude = quake["longitude"]
existing_quake.latitude = quake["latitude"]
new_quake = model.Quake(
id = quake["id"],
tsunami = quake["tsunami"],
timestamp = quake["timestamp"],
updated = quake_update,
magnitude = quake["magnitude"],
latitude = quake["latitude"],
longitude = quake["longitude"]
# read all magnitude 6 or greater earthquakes from the database
def read_quakes_from_db():
historical_quake_data = model.session.query(model.Quake).filter(model.Quake.magnitude >= 6).all()
response_dict = {}
# get year of each earthquake
for quake in historical_quake_data:
quake_time = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=(quake.timestamp/1000)) # converted to seconds
quake_year = quake_time.strftime("%Y")
# sort earthquakes by year for slider
response_dict.setdefault(quake_year, []).append({
"id":, "timestamp": quake.timestamp,
"latitude": quake.latitude, "longitude": quake.longitude,
"magnitude": quake.magnitude, "tsunami": quake.tsunami})
# send json to client
return json.dumps(response_dict)
thread = Thread(target=background_thread)
if __name__ == "__main__":
port = os.environ.get('PORT', 5000), port=int(port))
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