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Last active October 12, 2019 01:37
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A drop-in (mu-plugin or include) helper for adding dynamic styles to a template.
* Plugin name: Dynamic Styles
* Plugin URI:
* Author: Caleb Stauffer
* Author URI:
* Version: 1.1
* Class: DynamicStyles
class DynamicStyles {
* @var string[] $registered Registered dynamic styles (handle => selectors and properties).
* @var string[] $queue Handles to print.
* @var array $done Handles printed (handle => microtime)
public $registered = array();
public $queue = array();
public $done = array();
* Get or initialize instance.
* @return self
static function instance() {
static $_instance = null;
if ( is_null( $_instance ) )
$_instance = new self;
return $_instance;
* Construct.
protected function __construct() {
add_action( 'wp_print_styles', array( $this, 'action__wp_print_styles' ) );
add_action( 'wp_print_footer_scripts', array( $this, 'action__wp_print_footer_scripts' ) );
add_action( 'dynamic-styles/print_queued_items', array( $this, 'print_queued_items' ) );
* Register styles.
* @param string $handle
* @param string $selectors
* @param string $properties
* @uses self::instance()
static function register( $handle, $selectors, $properties ) {
$self = static::instance();
if ( isset( $self->registered[$handle] ) )
$self->registered[$handle] = $selectors . ' { ' . $properties . ' }';
* Enqueue styles.
* @param string $handle
* @param string $selectors
* @param string $properties
* @uses self::register()
* @uses self::instance()
static function enqueue( $handle, $selectors = '', $properties = '' ) {
if (
!empty( $selectors )
&& !empty( $properties )
static::register( $handle, $selectors, $properties );
$self = static::instance();
if (
!isset( $self->registered[$handle] )
|| isset( $self->done[$handle] )
$self->queue[] = $handle;
* Print items.
* @param string|array $handles
* @return array
static function print_items( $handles ) {
$handles = ( array ) $handles;
$self = static::instance();
$handles = array_filter( $handles, function( $handle ) {
return (
isset( $self->registered[$handle] )
&& !isset( $self->done[$handle] )
} );
do_action( 'dynamic-styles/printing_items', $handles );
# Open style block.
echo '<style type="text/css">' . "\n";
# Start items timer.
do_action( 'qm/start', ( $timer = 'dynamic-styles/printing_items' ) );
# Print items.
foreach ( $handles as $handle ) {
echo $self->registered[$handle] . "\n";
$self->done[$handle] = microtime( true );
# Lap items timer.
do_action( 'qm/lap', $timer );
# Stop items timer.
do_action( 'qm/stop', $timer );
# Close style block.
echo '</style>' . "\n";
do_action( 'dynamic-styles/printed_items', $handles );
* Print queued styles.
* @uses self::print_items()
function print_queued_items() {
# Store queue.
$queue = $this->queue;
do_action( 'dynamic-styles/printing_queued_items', $queue );
static::print_items( $queue );
foreach ( $queue as $i => $handle )
if ( isset( $this->done[$handle] ) )
unset( $this->queue[$i] );
do_action( 'dynamic-styles/printed_queued_items', $queue );
* Action: wp_print_styles
* - print queued styles in header
function action__wp_print_styles() {
if ( empty( $this->queue ) )
echo '<!-- Begin header dynamic styles -->' . "\n";
do_action( 'dynamic-styles/print_queued_items' );
echo '<!-- End header dynamic styles -->' . "\n";
* Action: wp_print_footer_scripts
* - print queued styles in footer
function action__wp_print_footer_scripts() {
if ( empty( $this->queue ) )
echo '<!-- Begin footer dynamic styles -->' . "\n";
do_action( 'dynamic-styles/print_queued_items' );
echo '<!-- End footer dynamic styles -->' . "\n";
if ( !function_exists( 'register_dynamic_style' ) ) {
* Register styles.
* @param string $handle
* @param string $selectors
* @param string $properties
* @uses DynamicStyles::register()
function register_dynamic_style( $handle, $selectors, $properties ) {
DynamicStyles::register( $handle, $selectors, $properties );
if ( !function_exists( 'enqueue_dynamic_style' ) ) {
* Enqueue styles.
* @param string $handle
* @param string $selectors
* @param string $properties
* @uses DynamicStyles::enqueue()
function enqueue_dynamic_style( $handle, $selectors = '', $properties = '' ) {
DynamicStyles::enqueue( $handle, $selectors, $properties );
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