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Last active March 22, 2020 15:21
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WordPress drop-in for adding attribute to scripts and stylesheets for subresource integrity implementation.
* Plugin name: CSSLLC Subresource Integrity
* Plugin URI:
* Description: WordPress drop-in for adding attribute to scripts and stylesheets for subresource integrity implementation.
* Author URI:
* Author: Caleb Stauffer
* Version: 1.0
* @link Explanation.
* @link MDN documentation.
* Class: CSSLLC_SubresourceIntegrity
class CSSLLC_SubresourceIntegrity {
* @var string Key for dependency extra data.
const KEY = 'integrity_hashes';
* @var string Attribute name for dependency tag.
const ATTRIBUTE = 'integrity';
* Create and get instance.
* @return self
static function instance() {
static $instance = null;
if ( is_null( $instance ) )
$instance = new self;
return $instance;
* Get hash from dependency data.
* @param string $handle
* @param bool $is_script Is dependency a script.
* @uses WP_Scripts->get_data()
* @uses WP_Styles->get_data()
* @return string|false
static function get_hash( string $handle, bool $is_script = true ) {
return $is_script
? wp_scripts()->get_data( $handle, static::KEY )
: wp_styles()->get_data( $handle, static::KEY );
* Set hash to dependency data.
* @param string $handle
* @param string $hash
* @param bool $is_script Is dependency a script.
* @uses static::instance()
* @uses static::get_hash()
* @uses wp_script_add_data()
* @uses wp_style_add_data()
static function set_hash( string $handle, string $hash, bool $is_script = true ) {
# Create the instance (if it doesn't exist).
# Check if dependency already has a hash, and alert.
if ( !empty( static::get_hash( $handle, $is_script ) ) )
trigger_error( sprintf( 'Dependency <code>%s</code> already has an SRI hash.', $handle ) );
# Add hash to dependency data.
? wp_script_add_data( $handle, static::KEY, $hash )
: wp_style_add_data( $handle, static::KEY, $hash );
* Construct.
protected function __construct() {
add_filter( 'script_loader_tag', array( $this, 'filter__script_loader_tag' ), 10, 2 );
add_filter( 'style_loader_tag', array( $this, 'filter__style_loader_tag' ), 10, 2 );
* Filter: script_loader_tag
* - maybe add attribute to script tags
* @param string $tag
* @param string $handle
* @uses $this->maybe_add_attribute()
* @return string
function filter__script_loader_tag( string $tag, string $handle ) {
return $this->maybe_add_attribute( $tag, $handle );
* Filter: style_loader_tag
* - maybe add attribute to style tags
* @param string $tag
* @param string $handle
* @uses $this->maybe_add_attribute()
* @return string
function filter__style_loader_tag( string $tag, string $handle ) {
return $this->maybe_add_attribute( $tag, $handle, false );
* Maybe add attribute to tag.
* @param string $tag
* @param string $handle
* @param bool $is_script Is dependency a script.
* @uses static::get_hash()
* @return string
protected function maybe_add_attribute( string $tag, string $handle, bool $is_script = true ) {
# Provide switch for easy third-party control.
$add = defined( 'WP_DEVELOP' ) ? !WP_DEVELOP : true;
if ( !apply_filters( 'add_subresource_integrity', $add, $handle, $is_script ) )
return $tag;
# Check if tag already has the attribute.
if ( false !== strpos( $tag, ' ' . static::ATTRIBUTE . '=' ) ) {
trigger_error( sprintf( 'Dependency <code>%s</code> already has an <code>%s</code> attribute.', $handle, static::ATTRIBUTE ) );
return $tag;
# Get the hash for the dependency.
$hash = static::get_hash( $handle, $is_script );
# If no hash set, abort.
if ( empty( $hash ) )
return $tag;
# Create the attribute HTML.
# WordPress uses single quotes, so use single quotes instead of doubles.
$attribute = ' ' . static::ATTRIBUTE . '=\'' . esc_attr( $hash ) . '\' crossorigin=\'anonymous\'';
# Create search and replace strings for stylesheet.
$search = ' />';
$replace = $attribute . ' />';
# Create search and replace strings for script.
if ( $is_script ) {
$search = '></script>';
$replace = $attribute . '></script>';
return str_replace( $search, $replace, $tag );
if ( !function_exists( 'wp_set_script_sri' ) ) {
* Global helper for setting SRI for script.
* @param string $handle
* @param string $hash
* @uses CSSLLC_SubresourceIntegrity::set_hash()
function wp_set_script_sri( string $handle, string $hash ) {
CSSLLC_SubresourceIntegrity::set_hash( $handle, $hash );
if ( !function_exists( 'wp_set_style_sri' ) ) {
* Global helper for setting SRI for stylesheet.
* @param string $handle
* @param string $hash
* @uses CSSLLC_SubresourceIntegrity::set_hash()
function wp_set_style_sri( string $handle, string $hash ) {
CSSLLC_SubresourceIntegrity::set_hash( $handle, $hash, false );
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