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Last active January 17, 2016 10:57
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CoreAudio - Fix DriverStop function
Fix PingPong clicking bug
PortAudio: scale CPU load data to represent percentage
prevent empty newline on when dumping omitted /status message
prevent possible buffer overflow
supernova (multi-processor version of scsynth)
aligned allocator - c++11 fix
asynchronous log - fix string splitting
buffer_read - don't check samplerate when queueing soundfiles
cleanup - we now depend on c++11
CMakeLists.txt must set include dirs for fftw3f
compile fix
correctly initialize rngs
correctly initialize the number of buffers
correctly print synthdef path
don't initialize network IO for nrt synthesis
don't start network thread in during nrt synthesis
fix blocksize argument for non-rt synthesis
fix crash on /quit with portaudio
fix sndfile error handling
fix synthdef registration
For Windows install supernova to SuperCollider folder
jack backend - avoid uninitialized value
nrt engine - nicer formatting of message log
osc handler - fix completion message and done message for /b_close
osc interface - fix bug with node reordering
plugin interface - guard access to rt-pool
plugin interface - protect against multiple done actions
send /fail messages on /notify commands
send /fail on buffer commands
sized array - assert boundaries
sndfile backend - correctly use correct blocksize for temp buffer
sndfile-backend - make block size configurable
start dsp threads from run methods
use boost::math to acquire pi constant
win32 compile fixes
scsynth plugins
DelayN - fix initialization code
DemandEnv - fix shape polling
DiskIO ugens - remove limitation of channel count
FFT - clip window type to avoid crash
FFT - fix invalid use of memcpy
Filters - ensure initialization during first run of the ugen function
filters - fix initialization of filter parameters
fix div_ka
fix GrainBuf cleanup
fix substraction of kr - ar signals
GrainBuf - catch both inf and NaN phase arguments
IOUgens - prevent buffer overflow
LocalOut - don't crash server if LocalIn is missing
osc ugens - fix GET_TABLE macro
OscUGens - ensure buffer initialization
RecordBuf - fix multichannel corruption and buffer overrun
RecordBuf - fix recordbuf overrun & fix done action handling
SpecFlatness: prevent NaN output for silence (thanks nick collins)
ui ugens - initialize libx11 for threading
(windows) add primitive to access "My Documents" dir
(Windows) change app support dir from roaming to local
(Windows) fix String:-getenv to return variables set with -setenv
add primitive to allow Platform to access user home directory
allow Windows path separator in code filename argument
avoid ugly win32 workaround for getting infinity
fix 'gcd' and 'lcm' methods
fix Array-*slide crash
fix Char:-isUpper/isLower
Fix obj->IsMutable infinite recursion
Fix QPen fill rules
library config - correcty handle library config command line argument
prevent buffer overflow
PyrThread: ensure slot type safety
SCIpcClient - fix includes
server shm interface - fix setting of multiple values
terminal client - fix and simplify request handling
win32/msvc compile fixes
midi type - fix for sending sysex
class library
Main:startup initialize openPorts before to enable OSCFunc creation with custom ports at StartUp.
(windows) unify access to known folder paths
avoid posting an empty line after every executed command
Avoid redundant releases for rests in PmonoArticStream
bilin and biexp for SequenceableCollection, plus help
Buffer - freeMsg should clear all cached information
Bugfix for PmonoArtic inside other patterns w/cleanup
Bus - fix get method for multi-channel busses
ClassBrowser: fix search with empty query string
copy list before implictly removing items from it
curvelin is now a proper inverse of lincurve (fix by james harkins).
curvelin is now inverse of lincurve (UGen implementation)
Defer quarks svn path checking until needed; try{} the check
dir utils (Windows) - move app support data to standard locations
dir utils (Windows) - use path of executable as resource dir
fftlib - compile fix for greenfft
fftlib - increase size limit for ffts
fix Array-unlace
fix curvelin
fix Function.plot
Fix Pfset passing child cleanups up to its parent(s)
fix regression in scsynth:-scope
Fix TempoClock CmdPeriod cleanup
Fix the case of a rest as the first event for PmonoArtic
FreqScope - fix for starting scope after booting
introduce fft size checks
introduce new autogenerated SC_Version.hpp header
introduce UGen-blend method
jitlib - Avoiding sync problems with free/play
jitlib - fixing inconsistent mulitchannel expansion
jitlib: explicitly take server latency into account
Revert "jitlib - Avoiding sync problems with free/play"
NamedControl - correctly unbubble scalar value
NodeProxy:cleanNodeMapnow works even if no settings are present
Pconst: Make sure Pconst returns the right inval
Platform - redirect getMouseCoords to GUI
plot now draws correct domain spec values
plot warns if Buffer is not allocated
PlusFreqScope - survive server actions
PmonoStream: Fix cleanup bug (was adding cleanups for rests)
Pspawn resolved a function --> pattern prematurely
Psync's cleanup was incorrect and could yield a redundant rest
quarks use new repo url
replacing the source of a node proxy led to hanging patterns
Rest: Return a proper compileString for Rest instances
scapp compile fix
Score fix osc message for creating group 1
Server.scope - remove limitation to 16 channels
ServerMeter - fix closing window when server has never run
String:Help of split method matches implementation
SynthDef - writeDefFile should use default SynthDef path
when setting the bus, NodeProxy only rebuilds if really needed.
win32 - avoid integer truncation
WindowsPlatform - set a user-friendly default recordingsDir
Platform standalone's modifyStartup needs to initialize openPorts
Implement lincurve and related for AbstractFunction via composeNAryOp
help files
Add \tempo to the event parameters discussed in Practical Guide 08
add a note about precision to Integer
add guide on creating standalone applications
Add info about installing Quarks to Readme
Add Practical Guide Cookbook entry on swing rhythms
add thisFunctionDef/thisFunction
BrownNoise - use a convention of -20db
Change "global variable" references where "environment variables" are meant
changed .send(s) for .add in SynthDef example
clarify the functioning of Thread and Routine
Debugging tips: Remove outdated reference to shared control buses
Document \sendGate parameter in the default Event prototype
document new 'selection' methods of EnvelopeView and ListView
DynKlang changed 'filter' to 'oscillator' in methods section
Enhance Quarks section in Windows readme
Env - fix newClear example
Event.schelp typo: "argument:func" should have double-colon
fix a large amount of broken links due to changes in help:
Fix an omitted copy/paste in PG_Cookbook_08
fix rlpf help file
Fix title:: tags in the practical guuser-friendly titles vs. filenames
Fix typo in analysis example: on a kr signal is bad
generalise licensing from GPL3+ to GPL2+
GUI - improve documentation of alignment options
HPF.scWarning about frequencies close to 0.
improve documentation on key and mouse event processing in GUI
improve info on logical time, clocks and threads
improve the SC IDE guide
improve thisFunction and thisFunctionDef
In.screplaced AudioIn w/ SoundIn in reference, added loudness warning in example section
Klang.scchanged 'filter' to 'oscillator' in methods section
Knob.screpositioned text in mouseOverAction example
making ear training application compatible with QT
more info on threads, clocks and time
MP tutorial 10: Fix typos in an example (one causing syntax error)
note that the distribution is not strictly exponential Thanks: Victor Bombi.
Pproto typo fix
Process Document the important 'nowExecutingPath' method
Pseg: duration pattern in beats not seconds
RecordBuf - RecordBuf is recording, not playing
remove memStore
Remove unnecessarily frightening note from Pfin help
Ringz tuner example: Remove uses of classes found in the cruciallib quark
SC IDE guide - show scaled screenshot, with a link to unscaled one
Server - use doWhenBooted when documenting it
SinOsc and Osc: note phase issue beyond +-8pi. Fixes #815
Small additions to Windows Readme
String/Literal: Document escape character properly
SymbolicNotations - replace SCSlider with Slider
UGen - fix typo
Update MIDI and Using MIDI helpfiles
Update MIDI.schelp
update to match the new syntax error output (thanks numb101). Fixes #981
VarSaw - comment-out comment
View - improve documentation, fix links
View - remove note for globalKeyDownAction
add "Find Next/Previous" actions
add "reset font size" action to post window and help browser
add action to toggle use of tabs or spaces for indentation
add all server actions to server status widget context menu
add context menu to interpreter status box
add Help menu action to open the SuperCollider IDE guide
add icons to docklet visibility actions
add menu item to open the user application support directory
Add two icon-files for sclang and scide resource files
Add win-rc-files for sclang and scide and and add icons to execs
allow configuring shortcuts for docklet show/hide actions
always pop up lookup dialogs with the active window as the parent
Associate filetypes sc scd and schelp with SC and attach cube icon
autocompleter - fix and improve method call aid triggering
autocompleter - hide widgets when editor scrolls
AutoCompleter - separate disambiguateMethod for code readability
autocompletion: order methods by class hierarchy when class is known
automatically create language config file when configuration changed
avoid creation of multiple tabs per document
avoid retriggering method call aid when disambiguation menu running
Change "Evaluate line" to "Evaluate Selection or Line"
change default shortcut for line evaluation to Shift+Return
change default shortcuts for Go To Next/Previous Region
change english translation file name to serve as fallback
change logic to only allow dropping certain SC file types
code aesthetics
code editor - do not override shortcuts containing Return or Enter
code editor - improve avoiding insertion of "soft" line separator
code editor / post window - copy using plain text
config dialog: preserve font when toggling "show only monospaced"
correct menu name from "Docks" to "Docklets"
desaturate default environment variable highlighting color
disable zooming by mouse wheel (scrolling)
Docklet - only cache geometry on events of current container
docklet: when focusing, also activate window
docklets - fix geometry after undocking
Document - swap QString::toAscii for QString::toLatin1
DocumentManager - read files via QTextStream to decode characters
DocumentManager - refresh cached file info before storing save time
editor - set Qt::WA_MacNoClickThrough on viewport
editor popups - improve avoiding screen edges
editor: highlight unmatched brackets just like mismatched ones
ensure dock widgets within screen bounds when first undocked
ensure last active window activated after open/save file dialog
ensure visibility of help browser
find/replace - report occurrence count in status bar
find/replace - update search results when search options change
find/replace - use Qt translation system to handle singular/plural
fix and improve region detection
fix auto-indenting closing brackets on certain locales
fix closing tool panels on Escape
fix focussing of Dock widgets
fix focussing of post docklet
fix opening files in existing IDE instance
fix restoring main window geometry on startup
GenericCodeEditor - include QMimeData
GenericCodeEditor - set Qt::WA_MacNoClickThrough widget attribute
GenericLookupDialog - no need for subclassing QTreeView anymore
Help Browser - implement 'find text' box
help browser - improve actions and shortcut handling
help browser - improve triggering code evaluation
help browser - support doc/impl/ref lookup for selected text
help browser: delegate docklet focus to webpage view
HelpBrowser - don't show whenever url changes
HelpBrowser - improve logic to open homepage on interpreter start
impl/ref lookup: close dialog when opening documentation for class
improve default paths in open/save dialogs
improve default server booting shortcuts
improve editor toolbox layout
improve find-replace panel appearance
improve help browser's context menu
improve icons of couple language-related actions
improve interpreter start/stop actions
improve post window actions
improve post window shortcut handling
improve server boot/quit actions
improve status box context menu interaction
improve strings of some actions
interpreter: post notification on quit or crash
introduce custom style
introduce Docklet - a dockable widget controller
introduce OverridingAction
let cmd-period have an application-wide shortcut context
link with librt
load fallback translation in addition to locale translation
load translations from app resource directory
MainWindow - add menu entry to open startup file
MainWindow - include QMimeData
MainWindow - substitute deprecated QFileDialog::setFilter(QString)
make bracket mismatch indication color configurable
make cmd-period silent
make doc/impl/ref lookup shortcuts work on detached docklets
make more strings translatable
method call aid popup - avoid screen edges
method call popup - fix fitting size to contents
more translatable strings...
never close a session with unsaved documents
on Mac, make one global menu to share by all windows
on startup, remove invalid file paths from "recent documents" list
persist docklet's detached + closed state across sessions
popup/call hints - fix multi-screen placement
post window - disable click-through on Mac OS X
post window - only focus editor if focus-out reason was Tab key
PostWindow - include QMimeData
prevent erroneous overriding of shortcuts on Mac OS
prevent UI freeze when language is posting extensively after stop request
remove `Run Main' menu entry
remove credits for kiberpipa
remove ctrl-b shortcut
rename some language-related actions
Revert "on Mac, make one global menu to share by all windows"
Revert "Revert "on Mac, make one global menu to share by all windows""
save document dialog: always allow saving with any extension
sc code editor - when drag & dropping files, insert the paths
sc editor: add action to select pair of brackets enclosing cursor
sc editor: update bracket match highlight after applying settings
ScProcess - call onStart before other handlers of started signal
search widget hierarchy upwards for first handler of lookup actions
select line in code on triple click
shortcut settings - use action's tool-tip if status-tip unavailable
show impl/ref lookup dialogs even when no text under cursor
SingleInstanceGuard - prevent unnecessary warning
swap shortcuts
SyntaxHighlighter - swap QChar::toAscii for toLatin1
toolbox - close button - use and icon available on all platforms
update translation source files
update translation sources, add italian
when opening startup file, create it if non existent
when saving document, automatically append ".scd" extension
when showing help browser, only go to home page if no page displayed
a little aesthetics
add 'clear' method to item views
add a comment for clarification
add QListView:-selection setter
add QListView:-selectionAction
add QPen:*matrix getter
allow calling QView:-isClosed outside of main thread
allow translucent window background
assume Qt version >= 4.7
do not allow reparenting layouts, to avoid crashing
envelope view: fix drawing of quadratic and cubic curves
fix Font:-default[Sans/Serif/Mono]Face for non-X11 systems
fix invoking "" when focus on GUI windows
fix QPen:*matrix setter - combine instead of replace matrix
fix slip of the tongue
fix SoundFileView:-selectAll and -selectNone
implement QtGUI:*cursorPosition
implement setting global default font
pass exit code up to SC_TerminalClient
QcWebView - avoid compiler warning
QEnvelopeView - add method to return all selected indexes
QKnob - let 'background' affect knob color
QListView - add 'selection' method to get all selected indexes
QStethoscope2 - fix width of number boxes
QStethoscope2 - refactor for robustness
QStethoscope2 - reverse operation of horizontal zoom slider
QTextView: increase 'selectedString' compatibility, fix docs
QTextView: set 'enterInterpretsSelection' to true by default
QUserView, QWindow: do refresh when "drawingEnabled==false"
QView - do not block beginDrag if currentDrag is already set
QWebView - interpret selection on Enter key with no modifiers
QWidgetProxy - include QDrag
relicense to GPL version 2
sf view: fix loading non-power-of-two floating point files
StackLayout: fix crash when removing contained widget
start drag within mouse event handler
support String:-speak when Speech class is available
packaging and build tools
(Windows) use CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH for fixup_bundle search dirs
Add QtCreator's CMakeLists.txt.user to ignored files
don't change application name on OSX
expand the search for libsndfile and libfftw3f
FindPortmidi - actually implement auto-finding portmidi
fix x11 include paths
On mac, remember to bundle README_OS_X.txt
option NO_GPL3 to simplify building of GPL2 binaries
qtcollider - fix message about missing minimum Qt version
scide - add QtNetwork to required Qt modules
scide - improve handling translations
sclang - fix building when SC_IDE=ON and SC_QT=OFF
set LIBSCSYNTH=ON by default on Windows
simplify qt-free build via SC_QT=False - fixes #959
update for moved readme
qt5 limitation
linux - install 2 more files needed in dev headers: SCVersion.txt, SC_PlugIn.hpp
fix outdated svn url in windows readme (thanks @bagong)
readme (windows): add instructions on moving application data
README.txt reworked and simplified with focus on SC IDE and version 3.6
Register installer in Add-/Remove programs and remove registration on uninstall
RelPath cleanup a: move platform specific icons to platform/windows/Resources
RelPath cleanup b: Make sc_cube.ico available to nsis install script
RelPath cleanup c: change confusing semantics of var SC_SRC_DIR
RelPath cleanup d: Adjust the NSIS script (and forgotten to preceding changes
Simplify Win-installer (remove options and comment out gedit related code)
streamline README.txt
update README_WINDOWS.txt for changed application data locations
Add warning about Mac OSX Mavericks (App Nap), thanks bagong
Brand installer, add welcome screens and use default texts where possible
Import Rainer's rewritten OSX readme (from 315e60)
fix compilation with MinGW (broken static initialization)
Add Startmenu item (and try to remove it on uninstall)
Add Thumbs.db to ignored files
external libraries
boost - import version 1.52.0
fix boost build error with recent versions of glibc
import missing headers
move nova-simd submodule to github
nova-simd update
fftlib - for now we avoid intptr_t
Update sndfile_backend_test (now must specify blocksize)
Use mdPlugin arg while writing metadata, and write MD in writeDefFile too
win32: ensure stack alignment
writeDefFile needs a default for 'overwrite' everywhere, not only Object
enable memory-checks only on special flag, not general debug
Actually enable memory-checking code when in debug mode
Fix bug introduced by 7f29d322: Don't free the same alloc'ed index twice
fix typo / removing the implication that ansi-C isn't appropriate
Issue #702 fix: sendSelection receives NSString
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