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Created July 1, 2016 08:50
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  • Save crucialfelix/69303a24b5ef9a2d8512ac5318a59d14 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save crucialfelix/69303a24b5ef9a2d8512ac5318a59d14 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Scripts that were used to move Quarks into github
// Having downloaded all the quarks, load and interpret each .quark file and dump them all to quarks.json
var dir = "/Users/crucial/Desktop/DOING/quarks/quarks/DIRECTORY";
var all = (), f;
PathName(dir).filesDo({ arg f;
var data;
if(f.isFile, {
data = f.absolutePath.loadPath;
all[data['name']] = data;
f = File("/Users/crucial/Desktop/DOING/quarks/" +/+ "quarks.json", "w");
# Initially all the quarks were in a single svn repo, converted that to a large git repo.
# This script extracts a single quark from the large repo into it's own individual repository.
# It was called once for each quark
# Requires hub github tools.
# It could be used as a basis for creating other batch jobs that operate on all of the quarks.
# For instance adding readme files where missing, git tagging the version.
if [ "$summary" = "undefined" ]
if [ "$url" = "undefined" ]
echo $name
echo $path
echo $summary
echo $url
echo $helpfile
# the real name is the basename of the path
# given name may have spaces in it
if [ -f "$name/$name.quark" ]; then
echo "$name/$name.quark exists"
# clone a working copy and filter it
git clone quarks.git "$name"
cd "$name"
git filter-branch --prune-empty --subdirectory-filter "$path" -- --all
git prune
git remote rm origin
# create repo
hub create -h "$url" -d "$summary" supercollider-quarks/$name
git push --set-upstream origin master
# copy quark file
cp ../quarks-imported/DIRECTORY/"$name.quark" "$name.quark"
git add "$name.quark"
git commit -m "adding quarkfile" -a
git push
// this uses the quarks.json dump and was used to create the initial quarks/directory.txt file
var quarks = require('./quarks.json'),
fs = require('fs'),
path = require('path'),
f = fs.openSync('quarks/directory.txt', 'w');
var escapeShell = function(cmd) {
if(cmd) {
return '"' + cmd.replace(/(["'$`])/g, '\\$1') + '" ';
} else {
return '"" ';
for (var name in quarks) {
var q = quarks[name],
base = path.basename(q.path);
var cmd = base + '=' + 'git+' + base + '\n';
fs.writeSync(f, cmd);
// This was used to create a batch file that would call for each quark.
var quarks = require('./quarks.json'),
fs = require('fs'),
f = fs.openSync('', 'w');
var escapeShell = function(cmd) {
if(cmd) {
return '"' + cmd.replace(/(["'$`])/g, '\\$1') + '" ';
} else {
return '"" ';
for (var name in quarks) {
var q = quarks[name];
var cmd = './ ' + escapeShell( + escapeShell(q.path) + escapeShell(q.summary) + escapeShell(q.url) + '\n';
fs.writeSync(f, cmd);
{"Arduino": {"name": "Arduino", "author": "Stefan Kersten", "helpdoc": "Arduino.scd", "status": "unmaintained", "summary": "Classes and utilities for accessing the Arduino I/O board", "path": "arduino"}, "KDTree": {"name": "KDTree", "path": "DataStructures/KDTree", "dependencies": ["UnitTesting"], "helpdoc": "KDTree.html", "country": "UK", "summary": "A kd-tree data structure, for efficiently querying large collections of points in Euclidean space (e.g. for nearest-neighbour searches).", "author": "Dan Stowell", "since": "2007"}, "rd_dot": {"name": "rd_dot", "author": "rohan drape", "url": "", "helpdoc": "help/rd_dot.html", "summary": "ugen graph drawing", "path": "rd_dot"}, "JInT": {"organization": "KUG / Bielefeld University", "name": "JInT", "path": "JInT", "helpdoc": "help/JustInTerface.html", "country": "Austria / Germany", "summary": "Just InTerface lib for easy interfacingto various HCI devices", "author": "Till Bovermann", "since": "2006"}, "Vapor": {"name": "Vapor", "path": "Vapor", "summary": "Control for the iOS app Vapor", "author": "Joshua Parmenter"}, "JITLibExtensions": {"name": "JITLibExtensions", "since": "2000", "summary": "Some extensions to the common JITLib classes", "helpdoc": "help", "isCompatible": "{ Main.versionAtMost(3, 3).not }", "version": 0.1, "author": "Alberto de Campo, Julian Rohrhuber", "organisation": "Art University Graz, University Cologne, University of the Arts Berlin, IMM Duesseldorf", "path": "JITLibExtensions"}, "MathLib": {"name": "MathLib", "organization": "University Cologne", "summary": "Some mathematical extensions to SuperCollider", "helpdoc": "help/MathLib.html", "since": "2006", "status": "beta", "author": "Julian Rohrhuber, Alberto de Campo, Till Bovermann, Dan Stowell, Jo Anderson. Feel free to contribute to this thematic library", "country": "Germany", "path": "MathLib"}, "Preference": {"name": "Preference", "path": "Preference", "helpdoc": "Preference.html", "since": "2010", "summary": "switch between startup files", "author": "Julian Rohrhuber", "version": "0.2", "status": "unmaintained"}, "": {"path": "", "helpdoc": "help/", "country": "Germany", "name": "", "since": "2006", "url": "", "organization": "LFSaw", "summary": "Various Language additions", "author": "Till Bovermann", "version": 1.1}, "autogui": {"version": 1, "path": "autogui", "since": "2010", "organization": "Andrea: CIRMA - Universit� di Torino", "name": "autogui", "author": "Andrea Valle, Martin Marier, Miguel Negrao", "country": "Andrea: Italy", "url": "", "summary": "Easy, automatic creation of GUIs for controlling/monitoring Synths and SynthDefs, e.g. aSynth.autogui. ControlSpec GUI by Martin Marier. Many improvements and bug fixes by Miguel Negrao", "helpdoc": "Help/SynthDefAutogui.html", "ext_dependancy": "none"}, "ddwMIDI": {"name": "ddwMIDI", "path": "dewdrop_lib/ddwMIDI", "dependencies": ["ddwCommon", "ddwGUIEnhancements"], "helpdoc": "Help/MIDIPort.html", "version": 1, "summary": "A MIDI response framework. Used optionally by Voicers, Mixers and chucklib.", "author": "James Harkins", "url": ""}, "ixiViews": {"version": 1, "path": "ixiViews", "since": "2000", "organization": "ixi audio", "name": "ixiViews", "author": "Thor Magnusson", "country": "uk - es - is", "url": "", "summary": "Various views useful for GUI building.Including Grid, BoxGrid, ParaSpace and MIDIKeyboard. Crossplatform with SwingOSC and Cocoa GUI", "ext_dependancy": "none", "helpdoc": "help/ixiViews.html"}, "ddwTemperament": {"author": "James Harkins", "name": "ddwTemperament", "summary": "Classes for temperaments other than 12ET.", "helpdoc": "Help/EqualTemperament.html", "path": "dewdrop_lib/ddwTemperament", "url": "", "version": 1}, "Auditory Augmentation": {"name": "Auditory Augmentation", "organization": "Media Lab Helsinki, Bielefeld University", "summary": "Tools for Auditory Augmentation", "since": "2011", "helpdoc": "AuditoryAugmentation.html", "url": "", "author": "Till Bovermann", "country": "Finland, Germany", "path": "AuditoryAugmentation"}, "MathLibTests": {"name": "MathLibTests", "author": "Dan Stowell. Feel free to contribute", "dependencies": ["UnitTesting", "MathLib"], "since": "2009", "summary": "Unit tests to ensure MathLib is working correctly", "path": "MathLibTests"}, "MovieMarkers": {"name": "MovieMarkers", "since": "2009", "summary": "A basic and experimental reader for movie markers such as those by FCP", "version": 0.1, "helpdoc": "MovieMarkers.html", "dependencies": ["XML"], "author": "Juan Gabriel Alzate Romero", "country": "Germany/Columbia", "path": "MovieMarkers"}, "GameLoop": {"name": "GameLoop", "path": "GameLoop", "dependencies": ["VectorSpace"], "helpdoc": "HelpSource/Overviews/GameLoop_Overview.schelp", "since": "2013", "summary": "A sound-oriented game engine.", "author": "Dionysis Athinaios", "url": ""}, "SenseWorld MiniBee": {"path": "SWMiniBee", "helpdoc": "SWMiniBee.html", "country": "Canada", "name": "SenseWorld MiniBee", "since": "2008", "organization": "Concordia University, Montreal", "summary": "Classes developed as part of the SenseStage project for the MiniBee", "author": "Marije Baalman", "dependencies": ["Arduino"], "version": "0.1"}, "3Dj": {"name": "3Dj", "since": "2014", "summary": "Live interactive 3D sound spatialization", "schelp": "Introducing 3Dj", "dependencies": ["MathLib", "redUniverse"], "url": "", "author": "Andrés Pérez López", "ext_dependancy": "SC3 plugins, ATK, AmbDec", "path": "3Dj"}, "DissonanceLib": {"version": 0.5, "isCompatible": "{ Main.versionAtMost(3,3).not }", "path": "DissonanceLib", "since": "2007", "name": "DissonanceLib", "author": "Juan Sebastián Lach", "country": "Mexico", "dependencies": ["MathLib", "VectorSpace", "ZArchive"], "url": "", "summary": "A library of psychoacoustic dissonance curves together with harmonic analysis functions.", "helpdoc": "Help/DissonanceLib.html"}, "cruciallib": {"author": "felix", "name": "cruciallib", "summary": "The AbstractPlayer system including Patch, Instr, Sample, and scheduling tools", "path": "cruciallib", "isCompatible": "{ Main.versionAtLeast(3,5) }", "url": "", "version": "4.1.3"}, "redSys": {"name": "redSys", "summary": "red system including mixers, effects, instruments, presets, tools, gui", "helpdoc": "RedSys.html", "dependencies": ["Conductor", "TabbedView"], "version": 0.1, "url": "", "author": "redFrik", "isCompatible": "{Main.versionAtLeast(3, 4)}", "path": "redSys"}, "CrucialTests": {"path": "CrucialTests", "summary": "UnitTests for crucial library", "author": "felix", "name": "CrucialTests", "dependencies": ["UnitTesting", "cxaudio"]}, "SpeakersCorner": {"name": "SpeakersCorner", "author": "Alberto de Campo", "organization": "IMM Duesseldorf", "helpdoc": "SpeakersCorner.html", "summary": "Classes for multi-speaker setups: Latency, EQ, MasterFX, etc.", "path": "SpeakersCorner"}, "Debug": {"path": "Debug", "summary": "Classes and utilities for creating debugging code", "author": "Marije Baalman", "name": "Debug", "helpdoc": "Verbosity.html"}, "JITMIDIKtl": {"name": "JITMIDIKtl", "path": "JITMIDIKtl", "helpdoc": "MIDIKtl.html", "version": 1, "summary": "Classes for using various controllers with JITlib", "author": "Alberto de Campo", "country": "Germany", "since": "2009"}, "ServerTools": {"name": "ServerTools", "author": "felix", "url": "", "version": "1.0.3", "summary": "Server and class introspection tools for debugging and development. Insp, ServerTreeGui, ServerLog", "path": "ServerTools"}, "McldUnitTests": {"name": "McldUnitTests", "ext_dependancy": "sc3-plugins", "author": "dan stowell", "dependencies": ["UnitTesting"], "summary": "UnitTests for MCLD UGens in sc3-plugins", "path": "McldUnitTests"}, "SETO": {"version": 1, "path": "seto", "since": "2007", "organization": "Bielefeld University", "name": "SETO", "author": "Till Bovermann", "country": "Germany", "dependencies": ["(\"\" -> 1.0)", "UnitTesting"], "url": "", "summary": "SuperCollider Environment for Tangible Objects (SETO)", "helpdoc": "help/SETO_overview.html"}, "ddwPatterns": {"author": "James Harkins", "name": "ddwPatterns", "summary": "Various new pattern classes and enhancements.", "helpdoc": "Help/ddwPatterns.html", "path": "dewdrop_lib/ddwPatterns", "url": "", "version": 1}, "GNUPlot": {"organization": "nescivi", "helpdoc": "Help/GNUPlot.html", "version": 0.3, "country": "Netherlands/Canada", "name": "GNUPlot", "author": "Marije Baalman", "ext_dependancy": "gnuplot", "url": "", "dependencies": ["MathLib"], "since": "2008", "summary": "A set of classes to interface GNUPlot.", "path": "LinuxExternal/GNUPlot"}, "cxpatterns": {"path": "cxpatterns", "summary": "Instr that create Patterns. Scale class, degree patterns and chord progressions.", "author": "felix", "name": "cxpatterns", "helpdoc": "Help/cxpatterns.htm"}, "SCPyduino": {"name": "SCPyduino", "organization": "Blacksound", "summary": "SuperCollider class for interfacing with microcontroller running the Firmata sketch.", "version": 0.11, "since": "2009", "helpdoc": "SCPyduino.html", "author": "Eirik Arthur Blekesaune -", "country": "Norway", "path": "SCPyduino"}, "Mx": {"name": "Mx", "path": "Mx", "isCompatible": "{ Main.versionAtLeast(3,5) }", "dependencies": ["cruciallib"], "version": "0.5.3", "summary": "a dynamic patching and mixing framework", "author": "felix", "url": ""}, "Mrmr": {"author": "Aleksandr Pasechnik", "name": "Mrmr", "summary": "Wrapper for Mrmr communication", "helpdoc": "Mrmr/Mrmr.html", "path": "Mrmr", "url": "", "version": 1}, "cxaudio": {"path": "cxaudio", "summary": "Instr library and Pseudo-ugen classes", "author": "felix", "name": "cxaudio", "helpdoc": "Help/cxaudio.htm"}, "Freesound2": {"name": "Freesound2", "organization": "MTG, Universitat Pompeu Fabra", "summary": "Client or the Fresound 2 beta API", "version": 0.1, "dependencies": [], "helpdoc": "", "author": "Gerard Roma", "ext_dependancy": "curl", "path": "Freesound2"}, "FileLog": {"path": "FileLog", "helpdoc": "Help/FileLog.html", "country": "Canada", "name": "FileLog", "since": "2009", "organization": "Concordia University, Montreal", "summary": "Write and read (multiple) tab or otherwise delimited files. Based on FileReader from the main distro. This quark provides higher level control.", "author": "Marije Baalman", "dependencies": [], "version": "0.1"}, "Influx": {"author": "Alberto de Campo", "name": "Influx", "summary": "Lose Control, Gain Influence.", "path": "Influx", "organization": "Institute for time-based media, UdK Berlin", "since": "2013", "version": 1}, "ddwMixerChannel": {"name": "ddwMixerChannel", "path": "dewdrop_lib/ddwMixerChannel", "dependencies": ["ddwCommon", "ddwGUIEnhancements"], "helpdoc": "Help/MixerChannel.html", "version": 1, "summary": "General-purpose signal routing, mixing, with GUI mixing board.", "author": "James Harkins", "url": ""}, "Hadron": {"name": "Hadron", "since": "2009", "summary": "A graphical patching system for live performance and composition.", "version": 1.5, "helpdoc": "Hadron.html", "url": "", "author": "Batuhan Bozkurt", "country": "Turkey", "path": "Hadron"}, "NB": {"version": 1, "path": "NB", "since": "2008, first published as a quark: 2010", "organization": "Andrea: CIRMA - Universit� di Torino", "name": "NB", "author": "Mark Polishook, Andrea Valle", "country": "Andrea: Italy", "url": "Andrea:", "summary": "A binding to the Nodebox software. Allows to generate Nodebox scripts and render them from inside SC", "helpdoc": "NB.html", "ext_dependancy": "You need to grab nodebox at Nodebox is mac only"}, "API": {"path": "API", "summary": "Application Programming Interfaces for sc applications: declaring them, calling them and mounting them on OSC. Interfaces with supercollider.js", "author": "felix", "name": "API", "version": "2.0.0"}, "HierSch": {"author": "Tom Hall", "name": "HierSch", "summary": "HierSch is a hierarchical scheduler used with a TempoClock", "helpdoc": "help/HierSch.html", "path": "HierSch", "url": "", "version": 0.9}, "Wavesets": {"name": "Wavesets", "author": "Alberto de Campo", "organization": "UdK Berlin", "helpdoc": "Wavesets.html", "summary": "Analysis and synthesis with soundfile fragments as proposed by T. Wishart.", "path": "Wavesets"}, "Canvas3D": {"schelp": "Classes/Canvas3D", "name": "Canvas3D", "path": "Canvas3D", "since": "2011", "summary": "3D wire-frame vector graphics canvas", "author": "Jonatan Liljedahl", "url": "", "version": 0.9}, "ClockFace": {"name": "ClockFace", "path": "ClockFace", "summary": "Digital timer / metronome", "author": "Joshua Parmenter"}, "redGrain": {"name": "redGrain", "author": "redFrik", "helpdoc": "RedGrain.html", "url": "", "summary": "server side and language side granular synthesis with optional controller class", "path": "redGrain"}, "PreProcessor": {"name": "PreProcessor", "path": "PreProcessor", "helpdoc": "help/PreProcessor.scd", "country": "Germany", "summary": "a class to implement little languages with different syntax", "author": "Julian Rohrhuber", "since": "2007", "status": "stable"}, "Automation": {"author": "", "name": "Automation", "summary": "Record and playback live GUI (or any other) activity.", "helpdoc": "Help/Automation.scd", "path": "Automation", "since": "2009", "url": ""}, "ProcessTools": {"name": "ProcessTools", "path": "ProcessTools", "isCompatible": "{ Main.versionAtMost(3,3) }", "helpdoc": "ProcessTools.html", "since": "2007", "summary": "A collection of tools to interact with unix/linux processes, such as finding their PID or monitoring them and waiting until they complete.", "author": "Dan Stowell. Feel free to contribute to this thematic library", "version": 1}, "WarpExt": {"path": "WarpExt", "summary": "Warp0 and WarpIn - extensions to the Warp1 UGen", "author": "Joshua Parmenter", "name": "WarpExt", "helpdoc": "WarpExt.html"}, "SynthBenchmark": {"name": "SynthBenchmark", "since": "2010", "summary": "Benchmarking tool - CPU time testing for a set of synths run in NRT mode", "helpdoc": "SynthBenchmark.html", "dependencies": ["MathLib"], "author": "Dan Stowell", "country": "UK", "ext_dependancy": "gnu time (gtime on macports)", "path": "SynthBenchmark"}, "ddwPeakMonitor": {"name": "ddwPeakMonitor", "path": "dewdrop_lib/ddwPeakMonitor", "dependencies": ["ddwGUIEnhancements"], "helpdoc": "Help/PeakMonitor.html", "version": 1, "summary": "A simple graphic monitor that tracks the peak values of a signal. Useful to check for clipping", "author": "James Harkins", "url": ""}, "redUniverse": {"author": "redFrik", "name": "redUniverse", "summary": "a simple toolkit for sonification and visualisation of dynamic systemssee the file 'readme.txt' for more info", "helpdoc": "redUniverseExamplesOverview.html", "path": "redUniverse", "isCompatible": "{Main.versionAtLeast(3,5)}", "url": ""}, "UnitTesting": {"path": "UnitTesting", "summary": "the UnitTest class itself; required by any of the test quark packages", "helpdoc": "Help/UnitTest.htm", "name": "UnitTesting", "author": "felix, dan s, jrhb"}, "PopUpTreeMenu": {"name": "PopUpTreeMenu", "author": "redFrik", "helpdoc": "PopUpTreeMenu.html", "url": "", "summary": "hierarchical PopUpMenu", "path": "PopUpTreeMenu"}, "CommonTests": {"path": "CommonTests", "summary": "UnitTests for the Common library", "author": "felix, dan s, jrhb", "name": "CommonTests", "dependencies": ["UnitTesting"]}, "QuickLauncher": {"path": "QuickLauncher", "helpdoc": "Classes/QuickLauncher.schelp", "country": "USA", "name": "QuickLauncher", "since": "2012", "url": "", "organization": "Schemawound", "summary": "A GUI for toggling commonly used GUI windows", "author": "Jonathan Siemasko", "version": 1}, "KMeans": {"name": "KMeans", "path": "KMeans", "dependencies": ["UnitTesting"], "helpdoc": "KMeans.html", "country": "UK", "summary": "a simple yet efficient clustering algorithm", "author": "Dan Stowell", "since": "2009"}, "GD_ToolboxWindow": {"path": "GD_ToolboxWindow", "summary": "GUI designer tool (osx/cocoa only)", "author": "scott micheli-smith", "name": "GD_ToolboxWindow", "helpdoc": ""}, "VectorSpace": {"author": "Miguel Negr�o, redFrik", "name": "VectorSpace", "summary": "Classes for manipulation of vectors and vector valued functions, such as scalar fields and vector fields", "helpdoc": "VectorSpaceOverview.html", "path": "VectorSpace", "since": "2010", "version": "0.1"}, "MP3": {"name": "MP3", "path": "MP3", "ext_dependancy": "LAME must be installed: see or install via fink or macports", "helpdoc": "MP3.html", "version": 1.2, "summary": "Read an MP3 file or stream, or write an MP3 file", "author": "Dan Stowell", "url": ""}, "ProteinBioSynthesis": {"name": "ProteinBioSynthesis", "organization": "HfbK Hamburg", "summary": "a small library that helps to convert and sonify genetic data", "since": "2001", "helpdoc": "help/", "status": "stable", "author": "Julian Rohrhuber", "country": "Germany", "path": "ProteinBioSynthesis"}, "scpodcast": {"path": "NonRT/scpodcast", "helpdoc": "SCPodcast.html", "name": "scpodcast", "since": 2007, "url": "", "ext_dependancy": "LAME must be installed: see or install via fink or macports", "summary": "Automatic podcast generation using SuperCollider non-realtime synthesis", "author": "Dan Stowell", "dependencies": ["(\"ProcessTools\" -> 1.0)"], "version": 1}, "GLOBOL": {"name": "GLOBOL", "organization": "think local, act GLOBOL", "summary": "GLOBOL 2009, a little language with only globol variables on the server", "since": "2009", "helpdoc": "GLOBOL.html", "status": "experimental", "author": "Alberto de Campo, Julian Rohrhuber", "country": "", "path": "GLOBOL"}, "AmbIEM": {"version": 1, "path": "AmbIEM", "since": "2005", "organization": "Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics, Graz", "name": "AmbIEM", "author": "Christopher Frauenberger", "country": "Austria", "dependencies": ["MathLib"], "url": "", "summary": "Ambisonic enconder/decoder up to 3rd order and binaural. Also including a simple headtracker for webcams.", "helpdoc": "Help/AmbIEM.html"}, "ScoreClock": {"schelp": "Classes/ScoreClock", "name": "ScoreClock", "path": "ScoreClock", "since": "2011", "summary": "clock that creates a Score by capturing OSC messages and timings", "author": "Jonatan Liljedahl", "url": "", "version": 1}, "ddwCommon": {"author": "James Harkins", "name": "ddwCommon", "summary": "Various classes and extensions belonging to dewdrop_lib.Many other ddwlib classes depend on the code here.", "path": "dewdrop_lib/ddwCommon", "url": "", "version": 1}, "DMX": {"path": "dmx", "helpdoc": "Help/DMX.html", "country": "Netherlands", "name": "DMX", "since": "2007", "url": "", "organization": "nescivi", "summary": "A set of classes to interface with DMX devices to send and receive the DMX lightning protocol. Note: not all of this code is tested to work.", "author": "Marije Baalman", "version": 0.1}, "redMst": {"name": "redMst", "author": "redFrik", "helpdoc": "RedMst.html", "url": "", "summary": "a sort of timeline", "path": "redMst"}, "astronomy": {"name": "astronomy", "author": "Andrés Pérez López", "schelp": "Galaxy", "since": "2014", "summary": "Galaxy and SolarSystem classes for astronomic data sonification", "path": "astronomy"}, "Vowel": {"organization": "CITEC, Bielefeld University and Department of Media, Helsinki", "name": "Vowel", "path": "Vowel", "helpdoc": "Vowel.html", "country": "Germany, Finland", "summary": "Convenience Class for Vowel Creation", "author": "Florian Grond, Till Bovermann", "since": "2011"}, "Ctk": {"name": "Ctk", "author": "Joshua Parmenter", "helpdoc": "Ctk Help/Ctk.htm", "dependencies": ["(\"XML\" -> 0.21)"], "summary": "Composer's Tool Kit - objects for real-time and NRT composition", "path": "Ctk"}, "Dimple": {"name": "Dimple", "organization": "Concordia University, Montreal", "summary": "Classes to interact with the haptic - physical modelling program Dimple (", "helpdoc": "Help/DimpleOverview.html", "since": "2009", "version": "0.2", "author": "Marije Baalman", "country": "Canada", "path": "Dimple"}, "SenseWorld DataNetwork": {"path": "DataNetwork", "helpdoc": "Help/SenseWorldDataNetwork.html", "country": "Canada", "name": "SenseWorld DataNetwork", "since": "2008", "organization": "Concordia University, Montreal", "summary": "Sharing data from various sources amongs several clients.", "author": "Marije Baalman", "dependencies": ["GNUPlot", "SenseWorld", "NetLib", "FileLog", "Debug", "SenseWorld MiniBee"], "version": "0.5"}, "adclib": {"path": "adclib", "summary": "Variety of classes too small, too general or too experimental for separate quarks.", "author": "Alberto de Campo", "name": "adclib", "organization": "UdK Berlin"}, "ddwTimeline": {"name": "ddwTimeline", "path": "dewdrop_lib/ddwTimeline", "dependencies": ["ddwCommon", "ddwPrototype", "ddwChucklib"], "helpdoc": "timeline-overview.html", "version": 1, "summary": "A timeline sequencing framework for pieces that require automated high-level control.NOTE: This code is still somewhat experimental.", "author": "James Harkins", "url": ""}, "testquark": {"name": "testquark", "path": "testquark", "summary": "I am a simple do nothing quark", "author": "felix"}, "ddwGUIEnhancementsForSwingOSC": {"author": "James Harkins", "name": "ddwGUIEnhancementsForSwingOSC", "summary": "Some ddw-lib GUI features will not work with SwingOSC without this quark. This quark will not work without SwingOSC", "path": "dewdrop_lib/ddwGUIEnhancementsForSwingOSC", "isCompatible": "{ 'SwingOSC'.asClass.notNil }", "url": "", "version": 1}, "TabbedView": {"author": "Jost Muxfeldt", "name": "TabbedView", "summary": "Tabbed Composite/Scroll views with lots of cool methods. Cross GUI Platformfor SC >=3.21", "helpdoc": "TabbedView.html", "path": "TabbedView", "url": "", "version": 1.29}, "Republic": {"name": "Republic", "since": "2009", "summary": "Simplify synchronisation of networks and make it easy to join and quit a running session.", "helpdoc": "Republic.html", "dependencies": ["ListeningClocks"], "version": "0.1", "status": "beta", "author": "Alberto de Campo, Julian Rohrhuber", "path": "Republic"}, "TabbedView2": {"name": "TabbedView2", "path": "TabbedView2", "dependencies": ["TabbedView2_Qt"], "helpdoc": "TabbedView2.schelp", "version": 1.04, "summary": " A better TabbedView. Cross GUI Platformfor SC >=3.3", "author": "Jost Muxfeldt", "url": ""}, "Turtle": {"name": "Turtle", "organization": "LFSaw", "summary": "A small turtle implementation", "since": "2005", "helpdoc": "Help/Turtle.html", "url": "", "author": "Till Bovermann", "country": "Germany", "path": "turtle"}, "UGenPatterns": {"path": "UGenPatterns", "helpdoc": "UGenPatterns Overview.html", "summary": "patterns acting as ugens", "name": "UGenPatterns", "author": "redFrik"}, "GeoGraphy": {"version": 0.2, "path": "GeoGraphy", "since": "2007", "organization": "CIRMA - Universit� di Torino", "name": "GeoGraphy", "author": "Andrea Valle", "country": "Italy", "url": "", "summary": "A graph-based sequencing environment. Caution! Experimental", "helpdoc": "GeoGraphyHelp/00. GeoGraphyStartup.html", "ext_dependancy": "{ 'SwingOSC'.asClass.notNil }"}, "Devel": {"name": "Devel", "path": "Devel", "summary": "Simplify development of sclang", "status": "unstable"}, "ddwGUIEnhancements3.4": {"name": "ddwGUIEnhancements3.4", "path": "dewdrop_lib/ddwGUIEnhancements3.4", "isCompatible": "{ Main.versionAtMost(3, 4) }", "helpdoc": "", "version": 1, "summary": "A single added method for StartRow, which exists in 3.4 but not 3.5.If you are using SC3.5 and later, YOU DO NOT NEED THIS QUARK.", "author": "James Harkins", "url": ""}, "AudioMulchClock": {"name": "AudioMulchClock", "path": "AudioMulchClock", "helpdoc": "AudioMulchClock.html", "since": "2010", "summary": "clock that synchronises with the AudioMulch program over network", "author": "Fredrik Olofsson & Jonatan Liljedahl", "url": "", "version": 2}, "HelpFile2": {"name": "HelpFile2", "organization": "Concordia University, Montreal", "summary": "Alternative method to create SuperCollider helpfiles, which creates a cleaner HTML, that is easier to read in emacs.", "helpdoc": "HelpFile2.html", "since": "2009", "version": "0.1", "author": "Marije Baalman", "country": "Canada", "path": "HelpFile2"}, "JACK": {"version": 0.2, "path": "LinuxExternal/JACK", "since": "2009", "organization": "nescivi", "name": "JACK", "author": "Marije Baalman", "country": "Netherlands", "url": "", "summary": "A set of classes to interface JACK tools (on Linux).", "helpdoc": "Help/JACK.html", "ext_dependancy": "jack_connect, jack_lsp, meterbridge"}, "splines": {"path": "splines", "summary": "Spline classes, SplineGen/SplineOsc and VectorSplineGui", "author": "felix", "name": "splines", "version": "0.7.1"}, "Spectrogram": {"version": 1, "path": "Spectrogram", "since": "2008", "organization": "ixi audio", "name": "Spectrogram", "author": "Thor Magnusson, Dan Stowell", "country": "uk - es - is", "url": "", "summary": "A view and a window that gives spectral view of audio. Cocoa only (OSX)", "ext_dependancy": "none", "helpdoc": "Spectrogram.html"}, "Orb": {"path": "orb", "helpdoc": "help/Orb.html", "country": "Germany", "name": "Orb", "since": "2005", "url": "", "organization": "Bielefeld University", "summary": "Interface to Ambient Lights", "author": "Till Bovermann, Eckard Riedenklau", "version": 0.2}, "UGenStructure": {"organization": "University Cologne", "name": "UGenStructure", "path": "UGenStructure", "helpdoc": "UGenNode.rtf", "country": "Germany", "summary": "SynthDef independent UGen graphs, and some laTeX extensions", "author": "Julian Rohrhuber", "since": "2008"}, "CVCenter": {"name": "CVCenter", "since": "2010", "summary": "CVCenter is a collection of CVs and provides a GUI for easy use in connection with external hard- and software like MIDI- and OSC-controllers. A note to all SC<3.5 users: the helpfiles for CVCenter are available at a more recent version of CVCenter is available from If you're interested I'd recommend uninstalling the quark and reinstalling via git from the afore-mentioned address", "version": 0.89, "schelp": "Overviews/CVCenter", "dependencies": ["Conductor", "TabbedView"], "url": "", "author": "Stefan Nussbaumer", "path": "CVCenter"}, "HelpDesk": {"path": "HelpDesk", "summary": "Platform independent documentation builder (experimental)", "author": "various", "name": "HelpDesk", "version": 0.1}, "ScalaTunings": {"name": "ScalaTunings", "path": "ScalaTunings", "summary": "Tunings archive from scala (", "author": "Tim Blechmann"}, "SenseWorld": {"path": "SenseWorld", "helpdoc": "Help/SenseWorld.html", "country": "Canada", "name": "SenseWorld", "since": "2007", "organization": "Concordia University, Montreal", "summary": "Classes to work with sensor data. These are still in an experimental state.", "author": "Marije Baalman", "dependencies": ["MathLib"], "version": "0.1"}, "TraerPhysics": {"name": "TraerPhysics", "path": "TraerPhysics", "isCompatible": "{Main.versionAtLeast(3, 4)}", "helpdoc": "TraerPhysicsOverview", "version": 1, "summary": "A simple particle system physics engine", "author": "Jeffrey Traer Bernstein & redFrik", "url": ""}, "livecoding": {"organization": "University Cologne", "name": "livecoding", "path": "livecoding2", "helpdoc": "help/livecoding.html", "country": "Germany", "summary": "extensions to JITLib", "author": "Julian Rohrhuber", "since": "2007"}, "Ease": {"name": "Ease", "path": "Ease", "isCompatible": "{Main.versionAtLeast(3, 4)}", "helpdoc": "Ease.html", "version": 1, "summary": "Easing and tweening classes for scserver and sclang. Ported from the Cinder C++ framework - original equations by Robert Penner", "author": "redFrik", "url": ""}, "scgraph": {"organization": "Bielefeld University", "name": "scgraph", "path": "scgraph", "country": "Germany", "summary": "a frontend for scgraph", "author": "Florian Schmidt", "since": "2006", "url": ""}, "Conductor": {"organization": "WUEMS", "helpdoc": "help/Conductor.html", "version": 1, "country": "USA", "name": "Conductor", "author": "Ron Kuivila", "ext_dependancy": "", "url": "", "dependencies": "", "since": "2007", "summary": "An Environment based GUI and control package", "path": "Conductor"}, "Image": {"path": "Image", "summary": "Image class to draw images. OS X Platform Only.", "author": "charles picasso", "name": "Image", "helpdoc": "Help/Image.html"}, "NetLib": {"status": "unmaintained", "path": "NetLib", "helpdoc": "help/NetLib.html", "country": "Germany", "name": "NetLib", "since": "2006", "organization": "University Cologne", "summary": "A Network Music Library - experimental", "author": "Julian Rohrhuber", "version": "0.2.4"}, "VuView": {"author": "blackrain", "name": "VuView", "summary": "gui view with a gauge", "helpdoc": "VuView.html", "path": "VuView", "organization": "realizedsound", "url": "http://www."}, "crucial-graveyard": {"name": "crucial-graveyard", "path": "crucial-graveyard", "summary": "Where old workhorse classes go to mope and talk about their glory days and about how all those new fancy classes are stuck up. Just in case anybody had a dependency on something here (very unlikely).", "author": "felix"}, "SCAnimation": {"path": "SCAnimation", "summary": "SCAnimation - classes for procedural animation, both realtime and NRT", "helpdoc": "SCAnimation help/SCAnimation.html", "name": "SCAnimation", "author": "Donald Craig"}, "FilterTools": {"path": "FilterTools", "helpdoc": "ZPlane.html", "country": "Netherlands", "name": "FilterTools", "since": "2010", "ext_dependancy": "Uses the method .findMinimum defined in and the method multiplyFactors defined in (both part of MathLib).", "summary": "A set of classes for designing filters according to a pole/zero diagram", "author": "Michael Dzjaparidze", "dependencies": ["MathLib"], "version": 1.103}, "ddwVoicer": {"name": "ddwVoicer", "path": "dewdrop_lib/ddwVoicer", "dependencies": ["ddwCommon", "ddwGUIEnhancements"], "helpdoc": "Help/Voicer.html", "version": 1, "summary": "A voice-stealing note player, with GUI and controls shared across nodes.", "author": "James Harkins", "url": ""}, "ListeningClocks": {"name": "ListeningClocks", "path": "ListeningClocks", "organisation": "Art University Graz, University Cologne, University of the Arts Berlin, IMM D�sseldorf", "helpdoc": "ListeningClocks.html", "since": "2007", "summary": "A library of interacting clocks, developed for the Virtual Gamelan Graz.", "author": "Rainer Sch�tz, Alberto de Campo, Julian Rohrhuber", "version": "0.1"}, "Sequencer": {"author": "Julian Rohrhuber", "name": "Sequencer", "summary": "Pseudo UGen to recreate something like the lost SC2 Sequencer", "path": "Sequencer", "status": "experimental", "since": "2012", "version": 0.1}, "ddwStatusBox": {"name": "ddwStatusBox", "path": "dewdrop_lib/ddwStatusBox", "dependencies": ["ddwGUIEnhancements"], "helpdoc": "Help/StatusBox.html", "version": 1, "summary": "A GUI text box that mirrors messages displayed in the post window.", "author": "James Harkins", "url": ""}, "KeyPlayer": {"name": "KeyPlayer", "organization": "Institute for time-based media, UdK Berlin", "summary": "Attach functions flexibly to keys.", "helpdoc": "KeyPlayer.html", "version": 1, "since": "2010", "author": "Alberto de Campo, Hannes Hoelzl", "country": "Germany", "path": "KeyPlayer"}, "CCIn": {"name": "CCIn", "author": "Florian Goltz & Alex Hofmann", "helpdoc": "CCIn.html", "since": "2010", "summary": "CC-Responder MIDI-In wrapper for easy plugging into Synths", "path": "CCIn"}, "Morse": {"name": "Morse", "organization": "Institute for time-based media, UdK Berlin", "summary": "Morse Code according to ITU", "helpdoc": "Morse.html", "version": 1, "since": "2009", "author": "Alberto de Campo (based on Hairi Vogels class)", "country": "Germany", "path": "Morse"}, "Plfnoise": {"path": "Plfnoise", "summary": "Pattern calsses that emulat the LFNoise UGens", "helpdoc": "Plfnoise.htm", "name": "Plfnoise", "author": "Joshua Parmenter"}, "OSCClocks": {"path": "OSCClocks", "helpdoc": "OSCClock.html", "country": "Germany", "name": "OSCClocks", "since": "2007", "url": "", "organization": "Ugh!", "summary": "OSCClocks provides the classes OSCClockSender and OSCClockReceiver to send/receive a clock over the network. It also contains a SlaveTempoClock class which can use a OSCClockReceiver as a timing source. This can then be used with e.g. Pbind, etc.", "author": "Florian Paul Schmidt", "version": 0.1}, "json": {"version": 0.2, "isCompatible": "{ Main.versionAtLeast(3,5) }", "path": "json", "since": "2011", "organization": "Department of Media, School of art and design, Aalto University Helsinki and others.", "name": "json", "author": "Till Bovermann, Dan Mackinlay", "country": "Finland, Australia", "url": "", "summary": "a basic json parser and a proof of concept implementation for accessing gists and the sccode webservice", "helpdoc": "help/json and gist.html"}, "FancySlider": {"author": "Jost Muxfeldt", "name": "FancySlider", "summary": "FancySlider and EZFancySlider. Cross GUI Platform", "path": "FancySlider", "isCompatible": "{Main.versionAtLeast(3, 4)}", "url": "", "version": 1}, "AudioUnitBuilder": {"name": "AudioUnitBuilder", "path": "AudioUnitBuilder", "ext_dependancy": "Apple Developer Tools, SuperColliderAU.component installed in ~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/", "dependencies": ["(\"XML\" -> 0.21)"], "helpdoc": "AudioUnitBuilder.html", "version": 0.5, "summary": "Helper class to build Audio Unit plugins", "author": "Gerard Roma"}, "Bjorklund": {"name": "Bjorklund", "path": "Bjorklund", "isCompatible": "{Main.versionAtLeast(3, 1)}", "helpdoc": "Bjorklund.html", "version": 1, "summary": "Euclidean Algorithm for generating traditional musical rhythms", "author": "redFrik", "url": ""}, "wslib": {"name": "wslib", "path": "wslib", "dependencies": ["XML"], "helpdoc": "wslib-help/wslib.html", "version": 0.31, "summary": "various language additions, GUI classes and moreMain features: SimpleMIDIFile, SVG, RoundButton, SmoothSlider, AutoBackup", "author": "Wouter Snoei", "url": ""}, "LinuxExternal": {"version": 0.2, "path": "LinuxExternal", "since": "2007", "organization": "nescivi", "name": "LinuxExternal", "author": "Marije Baalman", "country": "Netherlands", "url": "", "summary": "A set of classes to interface external programs on Linux, such as GNUPlot, JACK tools and recordmydesktop", "helpdoc": "Help/LinuxExternal.html", "ext_dependancy": "GNUPlot, jack_connect, jack_lsp, meterbridge, recordmydesktop"}, "OpenObject": {"status": "stable", "name": "OpenObject", "path": "OpenObject", "version": "0.2", "summary": "talk to objects over the network", "author": "Julian Rohrhuber, Fredrik Olofsson", "country": "Germany", "since": "2009"}, "RecordMyDesktop": {"version": 0.1, "path": "LinuxExternal/RecordMyDesktop", "since": "2009", "organization": "nescivi", "name": "RecordMyDesktop", "author": "Marije Baalman", "country": "Netherlands/Canada", "url": "", "summary": "A class to create a screencast with recordmydesktop.", "helpdoc": "RecordMyDesktop.html", "ext_dependancy": "recordmydesktop"}, "Tendency": {"path": "Tendency", "summary": "Tendency masks for the language side, with Pattern support", "author": "Joshua Parmenter and Juan Pampin", "name": "Tendency", "helpdoc": "Tendency.html"}, "HadronPlugins": {"path": "HadronPlugins", "helpdoc": "HadronPlugins.html", "country": "Turkey", "name": "HadronPlugins", "since": "2009", "url": "", "summary": "Plugins for the Hadron Quark", "author": "Batuhan Bozkurt", "dependencies": ["Hadron"], "version": 1}, "GamePad": {"organization": "UdK", "name": "GamePad", "path": "GamePad", "helpdoc": "GamePad.html", "country": "AT/DE/I", "summary": "GamePad 2005-10 - play with proxies and control loops with a gamepad", "author": "Alberto de Campo, Hannes Hoelzl", "since": "2005"}, "Manta": {"path": "Manta", "helpdoc": "Manta.html", "country": "Germany", "name": "Manta", "since": "2009", "organization": "Institute for time-based media, UdK Berlin", "summary": "using the Snyderphonics Manta controller with SC3", "author": "Alberto de Campo", "dependencies": [], "version": 1}, "ddwSensitivity": {"author": "James Harkins", "name": "ddwSensitivity", "summary": "A macro UGen that mimics the behavior of the 'sensitivity' control in many hardware synths.", "helpdoc": "Help/Sensitivity.html", "path": "dewdrop_lib/ddwSensitivity", "url": "", "version": 1}, "ixi": {"organization": "ixi audio", "helpdoc": "ixi help/help.html", "version": 4, "country": "uk - es - is", "name": "ixi", "author": "Thor Magnusson", "ext_dependancy": "see helpfile", "url": "", "dependencies": ["ixiViews", "SNBox"], "since": "2000", "summary": "An envioronment of instruments made for live improvisation.At the moment the ixiQuarks only work on OS X", "path": "ixi"}, "MiniIDE": {"version": 1, "path": "MiniIDE", "since": "2012", "organization": "Schemawound", "name": "MiniIDE", "author": "Jonathan Siemasko", "country": "USA", "dependencies": ["AllGui", "TabbedView", "QuickLauncher"], "url": "", "summary": "A tabbed GUI that contains many commonly needed views", "helpdoc": "Classes/MiniIDE.schelp"}, "SynthDefPool": {"name": "SynthDefPool", "author": "Dan Stowell. Feel free to contribute to this thematic library", "helpdoc": "SynthDefPool.html", "since": "2009", "summary": "a public library of handy SynthDefs", "path": "SynthDefPool"}, "BatLib": {"url": "", "name": "BatLib", "path": "BatLib", "version": 1, "summary": "Various helper classes I use, and external methods my other Quarks use.", "author": "Batuhan Bozkurt", "country": "Turkey", "since": "2009"}, "OscGroupClient": {"path": "OscGroupClient", "summary": "OscGroupClient - for communicating with Ross Bencinia's OscGroupServer", "author": "Joshua Parmenter", "name": "OscGroupClient", "helpdoc": "OscGroupClient.html"}, "PitchCircle": {"name": "PitchCircle", "path": "PitchCircle", "helpdoc": "PitchCircle.html", "version": 0.93, "summary": "PitchCircle provides a visual 'pitch clock' representation of 12TET C7 segments and subsets", "author": "Tom Hall", "url": "", "since": "2008"}, "redSampler": {"name": "redSampler", "author": "redFrik", "helpdoc": "RedDiskInSampler.html", "url": "", "summary": "playback of soundfiles from disk or RAM. with simple envelope, voices and looping. the 'giga' sampler class (RedDiskInSamplerGiga) is useful for massive sample libraries that will not fit in ram. it preloads a bit of the beginning of all the soudfiles and streams the rest from disk when needed", "path": "redSampler"}, "ddwChucklib": {"name": "ddwChucklib", "path": "dewdrop_lib/ddwChucklib", "dependencies": ["ddwPrototype", "ddwCommon", "ddwGUIEnhancements", "ddwMixerChannel", "ddwPatterns", "ddwTemperament"], "helpdoc": "Help/ChuckOverview.html", "version": 1, "summary": "Support for advanced algorithmic composition designs.", "author": "James Harkins", "url": ""}, "ddwEQ": {"name": "ddwEQ", "path": "dewdrop_lib/ddwEQ", "dependencies": ["ddwCommon"], "helpdoc": "Help/MultiEQ.html", "version": 1, "summary": "Fully parametric EQ with GUI editor. Compatible with MixerChannels but may be used with other signal-routing schemes.", "author": "James Harkins", "url": ""}, "TabbedView2_QT": {"name": "TabbedView2_QT", "path": "TabbedView2_QT", "isCompatible": "{ 'QtGUI'.asClass.notNil }", "helpdoc": "TabbedViewView.schelp", "version": 1.04, "summary": "Important QT Additions for the TabbedView2 Quark", "author": "Jost Muxfeldt", "url": ""}, "ZArchive": {"name": "ZArchive", "path": "ZArchive", "summary": "saves and reloads large varied datasets in a safe binary format", "author": "felix"}, "NatureToolkit": {"name": "NatureToolkit", "since": "2009", "summary": "Classes that aid nature inspired computation.", "version": 1.2, "helpdoc": "NatureToolkit.html", "url": "", "author": "Batuhan Bozkurt", "country": "Turkey", "path": "NatureToolkit"}, "Audiodome SoundBlox": {"path": "audiodomeSoundblox", "country": "Germany", "name": "Audiodome SoundBlox", "since": "2010", "url": "", "organization": "Animax, BEC", "summary": "All classes relevant for the soundblox project at Animax, Germany", "author": "Till Bovermann", "dependencies": ["(\"\" -> 1.0)", "SETO"], "version": 0.1}, "MagicPreset": {"name": "MagicPreset", "author": "Nathaniel Virgo", "helpdoc": "MagicPreset.html", "version": 1, "summary": "Store data as a specially formatted comment in the current Document. This allows you to avoid keeping track of multiple data files associated with a project.", "path": "MagicPreset"}, "Generators": {"name": "Generators", "author": "James McCartney", "version": 0.1, "status": "stable", "summary": "An implementation of generators, a special type of stateless stream", "path": "Generators"}, "ContextSnake": {"name": "ContextSnake", "author": "Gerhard Nierhaus, Alberto de Campo", "organization": "IEM Graz, IMM Duesseldorf", "helpdoc": "ContextSnake.html", "summary": "A Markov pattern with variable context depth", "path": "ContextSnake"}, "QuNeo": {"path": "QuNeo", "helpdoc": "Classes/QuNeo.schelp", "country": "USA", "name": "QuNeo", "since": "2012", "url": "", "organization": "Schemawound", "summary": "A class to make it easier to interface with the Keith McMillen QuNeo", "author": "Jonathan Siemasko", "version": 1}, "Bending": {"author": "Julian Rohrhuber, Alberto de Campo", "name": "Bending", "summary": "Library for circuit bending and code bending", "path": "Bending", "status": "beta", "since": "2011", "version": 0.1}, "Renderer": {"status": "leftover", "name": "Renderer", "path": "Renderer", "version": "0.1", "summary": "Render patterns in non realtime (experimental)", "author": "Julian Rohrhuber", "country": "Germany", "since": "2004"}, "KtlLoop": {"author": "Alberto de Campo, Hannes Hoelzl", "name": "KtlLoop", "summary": "record sound or controller events for flexible playback.", "path": "KtlLoop", "organization": "Institute for time-based media, UdK Berlin", "since": "2013", "version": 1}, "dewdrop_lib": {"name": "dewdrop_lib", "path": "dewdrop_lib/dewdrop_lib", "dependencies": ["ddwPrototype", "ddwChucklib", "ddwCommon", "ddwEQ", "ddwGUIEnhancements", "ddwMIDI", "ddwMixerChannel", "ddwPatterns", "ddwPeakMonitor", "ddwSensitivity", "ddwStatusBox", "ddwTemperament", "ddwVoicer"], "helpdoc": "dewdrop.html", "version": 1, "summary": "The main container for dewdrop_lib. All the code exists in the other ddw Quarks; this Quark simply has the dependencies to install all the others automatically.", "author": "James Harkins", "url": ""}, "DayTimer": {"name": "DayTimer", "author": "Alberto de Campo", "organization": "IMM Duesseldorf", "helpdoc": "DayTimer.html", "summary": "Do things by time of day.", "path": "DayTimer"}, "MultiTouchPad": {"name": "MultiTouchPad", "since": "2009", "summary": "A class that provides access to the multitouch enabled touchpads of MacBooks.", "version": 1.2, "helpdoc": "MultiTouchPad.html", "url": "", "author": "Batuhan Bozkurt", "country": "Turkey", "path": "MultiTouchPad"}, "Laptop": {"organization": "nescivi", "helpdoc": "Laptop.html", "version": 0.1, "country": "Netherlands", "name": "Laptop", "author": "Marije Baalman", "ext_dependancy": "MotionTrackOSC", "url": "", "dependencies": ["SenseWorld DataNetwork"], "since": "2009", "summary": "A set of classes to interface laptop internals.", "path": "Laptop"}, "MoltenMaster": {"name": "MoltenMaster", "since": "2009", "summary": "A playback manager for presenting generative music albums.", "version": 1, "helpdoc": "MoltenMaster.html", "url": "", "author": "Batuhan Bozkurt", "country": "Turkey", "path": "MoltenMaster"}, "XML": {"author": "Jens Gulden", "name": "XML", "summary": "XML parsing and formatting according to the DOM specification.", "helpdoc": "DOMDocument.html", "path": "XML", "url": "", "version": 0.21}, "BugFixes3.4": {"path": "BugFixes3.4", "summary": "Extensions that fix methods in SC 3.4", "isCompatible": "{ Main.versionAtMost(3, 4) }", "name": "BugFixes3.4", "author": "various"}, "Chordtris": {"schelp": "Other/Chordtris", "organization": "HfM Karlsruhe", "version": 1.2, "country": "Germany", "name": "Chordtris", "author": "David Hofmann", "ext_dependancy": "Requires the wslib Quark.", "url": "", "dependencies": ["wslib"], "since": "2012", "summary": "Musical Tetris Clone", "path": "Chordtris"}, "Feedback": {"name": "Feedback", "author": "Nathaniel Virgo", "helpdoc": "Fb.html", "version": 1, "summary": "Provides classes (Fb, FbL and FbC) for creating feedback loops within a SynthDef in a simple, convenient and flexible way.", "path": "Feedback"}, "MachineListeningUnitTests": {"name": "MachineListeningUnitTests", "ext_dependancy": "sc3-plugins", "author": "dan stowell", "dependencies": ["UnitTesting", "MathLib"], "summary": "UnitTests for Machine Listening UGens - in core and in sc3-plugins", "path": "MachineListeningUnitTests"}, "ddwGUIEnhancements": {"name": "ddwGUIEnhancements", "path": "dewdrop_lib/ddwGUIEnhancements", "helpdoc": "", "version": 1, "summary": "Some new GUI features used by other parts of the library.", "author": "James Harkins", "url": ""}, "rd_ctl": {"name": "rd_ctl", "author": "rohan drape, tom hall", "url": "", "helpdoc": "help/", "summary": "a minimalist controller design", "path": "rd_ctl"}, "ddwPrototype": {"name": "ddwPrototype", "path": "dewdrop_lib/ddwPrototype", "dependencies": ["ddwCommon"], "helpdoc": "Help/Proto.html", "version": 1, "summary": "Support for prototype-based programming.", "author": "James Harkins", "url": ""}, "TuningLib": {"version": 0.11, "path": "TuningLib", "since": "2009", "organization": "University of Birmingham", "name": "TuningLib", "author": "Charles C�leste Hutchins, Jascha Narveson. Feel free to contribute.", "country": "UK", "dependencies": ["MathLib"], "url": "", "summary": "A set of tools to calculate and manage tunings,including DissonanceCurves", "helpdoc": "Help/TuningLib.html"}, "heatMap": {"author": "Dan Stowell", "name": "heatMap", "summary": "A graphical representation of data where the values taken by a variable in a two-dimensional map are represented as colours.", "helpdoc": "heatMap.html", "path": "heatMap", "url": "", "version": 1}, "AllGui": {"name": "AllGui", "organization": "UdK Berlin", "summary": "A configurable gui for an overview of different kinds of global variables.", "helpdoc": "Help/AllGui.scd", "version": 1, "since": "2011", "author": "Alberto de Campo", "country": "Germany", "path": "AllGui"}, "crucialviews": {"name": "crucialviews", "author": "felix", "helpdoc": "Help/crucialviews.htm", "version": "1.0.1", "summary": "BoxMatrix, BusMeters", "path": "crucialviews"}, "FileListView": {"author": "blackrain", "name": "FileListView", "summary": "a gui Listbox that navigates a filesystem.", "helpdoc": "", "path": "FileListView", "organization": "realizedsound", "url": "http://www."}, "MinBox": {"name": "MinBox", "author": "Luke Selden, Andrzej Kopec", "helpdoc": "MinBox.html", "version": 1.1, "summary": "GUI class that emulates slider, knob, button and numberbox functionality, all in one small view. It also uses a ControlSpec for CV-like behavior", "path": "MinBox"}, "SC344fixes": {"name": "SC344fixes", "since": "2011", "summary": "Some fixes and additions for SC3.4.4, useful for the quarks JITLibExtensions and Modality .", "helpdoc": "help", "isCompatible": "{ Main.version == \"3.4.4\" }", "version": 0.1, "author": "Alberto de Campo", "organisation": "University of the Arts Berlin", "path": "SC344fixes"}, "batchNRT": {"name": "batchNRT", "since": 2006, "summary": "A method for batch-processing audio files in NRT mode", "version": 1.1, "dependencies": ["(\"ProcessTools\" -> 1.0)"], "helpdoc": "batchNRT.html", "url": "", "author": "Dan Stowell", "path": "NonRT/batchNRT"}}
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