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Created August 31, 2014 18:34
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Simple not optimized Apache Wicket IEventDispatcher implementation
public class MyPayloadEventDispatcher implements IEventDispatcher {
public void dispatchEvent(Object sink, IEvent event, Component component) {
// Check that the payload isn't null and that the sink, the receiver, has the annotation
if (event.getPayload() != null && sink.getClass().isAnnotationPresent(EventPayloadReceiver.class)) {
EventPayloadReceiver eventReceiver = sink.getClass().getAnnotation(EventPayloadReceiver.class);
// Check that the annotation is configured with the current event
if (Arrays.asList(eventReceiver.value()).contains(event.getPayload().getClass())) {
// Go through all methods
for (Method method : sink.getClass().getDeclaredMethods()) {
// Check so the annoation is on the method
if (method.isAnnotationPresent(OnEventPayload.class)) {
OnEventPayload onEvent = method.getAnnotation(OnEventPayload.class);
// Check that the method annotation is configured with the current event
if (Arrays.asList(onEvent.value()).contains(event.getPayload().getClass())) {
try {
Class[] parTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
// Check that the method accepts one parameter and that it is the same type as the event
if (parTypes.length == 1 && parTypes[0].isAssignableFrom(event.getPayload().getClass())) {
// Deliver the event
method.invoke(sink, event.getPayload());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Exception when delivering event object " + event.getPayload().getClass() + " to component " + sink.getClass() + " and method " + method.getName(), e);
// We only deliver an event once to a single component, if there are multiple methods configured for it we ignore all but one
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