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Created April 26, 2019 03:43
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Poorman's PageRank and eigenvector centrality
import Control.Monad
import Data.List (transpose)
import Text.Printf
converge :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> a -> a
converge f v = fst $ until theSame update (v, f v)
theSame (x, y) = x == y
update (x, y) = (y, f y)
type Value = Double
compensate :: [[Value]] -> [[Value]]
compensate = map procOut . zip [0 ..]
procOut (i, l) =
if any (/= 0) l
then distribute l
else oneAt i l
distribute l =
let v = 1.0 / (sum l)
in map
(\x ->
if x == 0
then x
else v)
oneAt i l =
let (x, _:ys) = splitAt i l
in x ++ 1.0 : ys
dot :: (Num a) => [a] -> [a] -> a
dot x y = sum $ zipWith (*) x y
matmul :: (Num a) => [[a]] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
matmul a b = map rowMul a
b' = transpose b
rowMul r = map (dot r) b'
aFromIntegral :: (Integral a) => [[a]] -> [[Value]]
aFromIntegral = map (map fromIntegral)
normalize :: (Fractional a, Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
normalize vs =
let m = maximum . (map abs) $ vs
in map (/ m) vs
normalDist :: Int -> [Value]
normalDist n = replicate n $ 1.0 / fromIntegral n
eiginCentr :: [[Value]] -> [Value] -> [Value]
eiginCentr a vs =
head $ converge ((map normalize) . (`matmul` a)) [vs]
pageRank :: [[Value]] -> [Value] -> [Value]
pageRank a vs = head $ converge (`matmul` a') [vs]
a' = compensate a
smooth :: Value -> [[Value]] -> [[Value]]
smooth s m = map (map interpolate) m
interpolate a = s * a + (1.0 - s) / fromIntegral n
n = length m
smoothPageRank :: Value -> [[Value]] -> [Value] -> [Value]
smoothPageRank s a vs = head $ converge (`matmul` a') $ [vs]
a' = smooth s . compensate $ a
edgeToAdj :: (Integral a) => [(a, a)] -> [[a]]
edgeToAdj es = [[query i j | j <- [0 .. upper]] | i <- [0 .. upper]]
(ls, rs) = unzip es
vs = ls ++ rs
upper = maximum vs -- lower bound = 0
query i j =
if elem (i, j) es
then 1
else 0
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