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Last active October 31, 2016 09:14
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iOS test running Xamarin.UITest version:
31-10-2016 11:11:22.849 +02:00 - 4 - iOS test running Xamarin.UITest version:
31-10-2016 11:11:22.857 +02:00 - 12 - Attempting IDE connection for iOS: /Users/chris/Desktop/Course_Materials/XTC103 - Deploying to Test Cloud/Lab Materials/Part 01 Resources/TaskyPro/TaskyUITests/bin/Debug/TaskyUITests.dll.
31-10-2016 11:11:22.952 +02:00 - 107 - Attempting IDE connection through pipe fcad2ada2eae47e5a97786eb88ba23f0.
31-10-2016 11:11:22.972 +02:00 - 127 - Deploying app through IDE.
31-10-2016 11:11:22.973 +02:00 - 128 - Instructing the IDE to prepare the test app for execution. Session: Assembly=/Users/chris/Desktop/Course_Materials/XTC103 - Deploying to Test Cloud/Lab Materials/Part 01 Resources/TaskyPro/TaskyUITests/bin/Debug/TaskyUITests.dll
31-10-2016 11:11:54.541 +02:00 - 31698 - Skipping local screenshots. Can be enabled with EnableScreenshots() when configuring app.
31-10-2016 11:11:54.822 +02:00 - 31979 - Artifact folder: /var/folders/1l/j9v5cw4d3zzdwtjx048kmjvh0000gn/T/uitest/a-9150000F5D6A7C70BB2F67EFB64C6632E6E826FD
31-10-2016 11:11:54.823 +02:00 - 31980 - Using cached artifact folder: idevice-tools
31-10-2016 11:11:54.838 +02:00 - 31995 - Running command. { Path: "plutil", Arguments: "-convert xml1 -o - "/Users/chris/Library/Preferences/Xamarin/Settings.plist"", CurrentDirectory: "/Users/chris/Desktop/Course_Materials/XTC103 - Deploying to Test Cloud/Lab Materials/Part 01 Resources/TaskyPro/TaskyUITests/bin/Debug" }
31-10-2016 11:11:55.362 +02:00 - 32518 - Artifact folder: /var/folders/1l/j9v5cw4d3zzdwtjx048kmjvh0000gn/T/uitest/a-F85C9CD69C0776E7017E75548E24E0A32ABD31F1
31-10-2016 11:11:55.362 +02:00 - 32519 - Starting app. { BundleId: "com.xamarin.taskypro" }
31-10-2016 11:11:55.363 +02:00 - 32520 - Running command. { Path: "ps", Arguments: "-xww -o pid,user,args", CurrentDirectory: "/Users/chris/Desktop/Course_Materials/XTC103 - Deploying to Test Cloud/Lab Materials/Part 01 Resources/TaskyPro/TaskyUITests/bin/Debug" }
31-10-2016 11:11:55.389 +02:00 - 32545 - Using cached artifact: ResetSimulator.AppleScript
31-10-2016 11:11:55.551 +02:00 - 32708 - Finished with exit code 0 in 160 ms.
31-10-2016 11:11:55.551 +02:00 - 32708 - Running command. { Path: "ps", Arguments: "-xww -o pid,user,args", CurrentDirectory: "/Users/chris/Desktop/Course_Materials/XTC103 - Deploying to Test Cloud/Lab Materials/Part 01 Resources/TaskyPro/TaskyUITests/bin/Debug" }
31-10-2016 11:11:55.775 +02:00 - 32932 - Running command. { Path: "ps", Arguments: "-xww -o pid,user,args", CurrentDirectory: "/Users/chris/Desktop/Course_Materials/XTC103 - Deploying to Test Cloud/Lab Materials/Part 01 Resources/TaskyPro/TaskyUITests/bin/Debug" }
31-10-2016 11:11:55.796 +02:00 - 32953 - Starting process. { Path: "/var/folders/1l/j9v5cw4d3zzdwtjx048kmjvh0000gn/T/uitest/a-9150000F5D6A7C70BB2F67EFB64C6632E6E826FD/idevice-tools/iproxy", Arguments: "37265 37265 bac1115917e1e3b016792a9fd29b7654dd7dd7ad", CurrentDirectory: "/Users/chris/Desktop/Course_Materials/XTC103 - Deploying to Test Cloud/Lab Materials/Part 01 Resources/TaskyPro/TaskyUITests/bin/Debug" }
31-10-2016 11:11:57.530 +02:00 - 34687 - Running command. { Path: "ps", Arguments: "-xww -o pid,user,args", CurrentDirectory: "/Users/chris/Desktop/Course_Materials/XTC103 - Deploying to Test Cloud/Lab Materials/Part 01 Resources/TaskyPro/TaskyUITests/bin/Debug" }
31-10-2016 11:11:59.205 +02:00 - 36362 - Starting process. { Path: "/var/folders/1l/j9v5cw4d3zzdwtjx048kmjvh0000gn/T/uitest/a-9150000F5D6A7C70BB2F67EFB64C6632E6E826FD/idevice-tools/iproxy", Arguments: "27753 27753 bac1115917e1e3b016792a9fd29b7654dd7dd7ad", CurrentDirectory: "/Users/chris/Desktop/Course_Materials/XTC103 - Deploying to Test Cloud/Lab Materials/Part 01 Resources/TaskyPro/TaskyUITests/bin/Debug" }
31-10-2016 11:11:59.816 +02:00 - 36973 - Clearing app data.
31-10-2016 11:11:59.817 +02:00 - 36974 - Running command. { Path: "/var/folders/1l/j9v5cw4d3zzdwtjx048kmjvh0000gn/T/uitest/a-9150000F5D6A7C70BB2F67EFB64C6632E6E826FD/idevice-tools/iappdata", Arguments: "--udid=bac1115917e1e3b016792a9fd29b7654dd7dd7ad --app=com.xamarin.taskypro ls Library", CurrentDirectory: "/Users/chris/Desktop/Course_Materials/XTC103 - Deploying to Test Cloud/Lab Materials/Part 01 Resources/TaskyPro/TaskyUITests/bin/Debug" }
31-10-2016 11:12:00.295 +02:00 - 37452 - HTTP POST { Url: { AbsolutePath: "/exit", AbsoluteUri: "", LocalPath: "/exit", Authority: "", HostNameType: IPv4, IsDefaultPort: False, IsFile: False, IsLoopback: True, PathAndQuery: "/exit", Segments: [ "/", "exit" ], IsUnc: False, Host: "", Port: 37265, Query: "", Fragment: "", Scheme: "http", OriginalString: "", DnsSafeHost: "", IdnHost: "", IsAbsoluteUri: True, UserEscaped: False, UserInfo: "" } }
31-10-2016 11:12:01.344 +02:00 - 38501 - Running command. { Path: "/var/folders/1l/j9v5cw4d3zzdwtjx048kmjvh0000gn/T/uitest/a-9150000F5D6A7C70BB2F67EFB64C6632E6E826FD/idevice-tools/iappdata", Arguments: "--udid=bac1115917e1e3b016792a9fd29b7654dd7dd7ad --app=com.xamarin.taskypro rm Library/Caches", CurrentDirectory: "/Users/chris/Desktop/Course_Materials/XTC103 - Deploying to Test Cloud/Lab Materials/Part 01 Resources/TaskyPro/TaskyUITests/bin/Debug" }
31-10-2016 11:12:01.357 +02:00 - 38514 - POST Complete { StatusCode: 0, StatusDescription: "A task was canceled.", ResponseHeaders: "", Content: "" }
31-10-2016 11:12:02.617 +02:00 - 39774 - Process exited with code 259, sleeping before checking it again
31-10-2016 11:12:02.823 +02:00 - 39980 - Process exit code is still 259, forcing to 0
31-10-2016 11:12:02.828 +02:00 - 39985 - 1 - LaunchTestAsync:
deviceId: bac1115917e1e3b016792a9fd29b7654dd7dd7ad
31-10-2016 11:12:02.833 +02:00 - 39990 - 2 - HTTP DELETE
31-10-2016 11:12:02.973 +02:00 - 40130 - 2 - HTTP DELETE complete
31-10-2016 11:12:02.973 +02:00 - 40131 - DeviceAgent delete session response: RequestTimeout -
31-10-2016 11:12:02.975 +02:00 - 40132 - 3 - HTTP POST
31-10-2016 11:12:02.983 +02:00 - 40140 - 3 - HTTP POST complete
31-10-2016 11:12:02.983 +02:00 - 40140 - DeviceAgent shutdown response: RequestTimeout -
31-10-2016 11:12:02.985 +02:00 - 40142 - 4 - HTTP GET
31-10-2016 11:12:03.063 +02:00 - 40220 - Running: /var/folders/1l/j9v5cw4d3zzdwtjx048kmjvh0000gn/T/xdb/DeviceAgent.iOS.Deployment/aaa222ead8ed496c84e0bee8bc78d8eb/bin/iOSDeviceManager install -d bac1115917e1e3b016792a9fd29b7654dd7dd7ad -a "/var/folders/1l/j9v5cw4d3zzdwtjx048kmjvh0000gn/T/xdb/DeviceAgent.iOS.Deployment/aaa222ead8ed496c84e0bee8bc78d8eb/ipa/"
31-10-2016 11:12:22.271 +02:00 - 59429 - Exit code '0' received from '/var/folders/1l/j9v5cw4d3zzdwtjx048kmjvh0000gn/T/xdb/DeviceAgent.iOS.Deployment/aaa222ead8ed496c84e0bee8bc78d8eb/bin/iOSDeviceManager install -d bac1115917e1e3b016792a9fd29b7654dd7dd7ad -a "/var/folders/1l/j9v5cw4d3zzdwtjx048kmjvh0000gn/T/xdb/DeviceAgent.iOS.Deployment/aaa222ead8ed496c84e0bee8bc78d8eb/ipa/"'
31-10-2016 11:12:22.272 +02:00 - 59430 - 5 - HTTP GET
31-10-2016 11:12:22.272 +02:00 - 59430 - Running: /var/folders/1l/j9v5cw4d3zzdwtjx048kmjvh0000gn/T/xdb/DeviceAgent.iOS.Deployment/aaa222ead8ed496c84e0bee8bc78d8eb/bin/iOSDeviceManager start_test -d bac1115917e1e3b016792a9fd29b7654dd7dd7ad
31-10-2016 11:12:42.432 +02:00 - 79591 - Exit code '5' received from '/var/folders/1l/j9v5cw4d3zzdwtjx048kmjvh0000gn/T/xdb/DeviceAgent.iOS.Deployment/aaa222ead8ed496c84e0bee8bc78d8eb/bin/iOSDeviceManager start_test -d bac1115917e1e3b016792a9fd29b7654dd7dd7ad'
Err: Error Domain=com.facebook.XCTestBootstrap Code=0 "Test Manager Connection Failed: Internal Error Error Domain=com.facebook.XCTestBootstrap Code=4 "Lost connection to test process with state 'connecting'" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Lost connection to test process with state 'connecting'}" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Test Manager Connection Failed: Internal Error Error Domain=com.facebook.XCTestBootstrap Code=4 "Lost connection to test process with state 'connecting'" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Lost connection to test process with state 'connecting'}, NSUnderlyingError=0x7fc095fbcdc0 {Error Domain=com.facebook.XCTestBootstrap Code=4 "Lost connection to test process with state 'connecting'" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Lost connection to test process with state 'connecting'}}}
-k,--keep-alive <true-or-false> [OPTIONAL] Only set to false for smoke testing/debugging this tool DEFAULT=1
-b,--test-runner-bundle-id <test_runner_bundle_id> [OPTIONAL] BundleID of the Test Runner application (DeviceAgent)
-s,--session-id <session_id> [OPTIONAL] Session ID for the XCUITest DEFAULT=AAAAAAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEEEEEEEEEE
-d,--device-id <device-identifier> iOS Simulator GUID or 40-digit physical device ID
31-10-2016 11:12:42.432 +02:00 - 79592 - 1 - Unsuccessful
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