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Created August 16, 2019 14:00
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# Limits number of active elections before dropping will be considered (other conditions must also be satisfied)
# type:uint64,[250..]
active_elections_size = 50000
# Enable or disable local host peering
# type:bool
allow_local_peers = false
# Backup the ledger database before performing upgrades
# type:bool
backup_before_upgrade = false
# Outbound traffic limit in bytes/sec after which messages will be dropped
# type:uint64
bandwidth_limit = 5242880
# The maximum time the block processor can process blocks at a time
# type:milliseconds
block_processor_batch_max_time = 5000
# Number of outbound bootstrap connections. Must be a power of 2.
# type:uint64
bootstrap_connections = 4
# Maximum number of inbound bootstrap connections
# type:uint64
bootstrap_connections_max = 64
# Change bootstrap threshold (online stake / 256 * bootstrap_fraction_numerator)
# type:uint32
bootstrap_fraction_numerator = 1
# Maximum confirmation history size
# type:uint64
confirmation_history_size = 2048
# Enable or disable voting. Enabling voting requires additional system resources.
# type:bool
enable_voting = false
# The external address of this node (NAT). If not set, the node will request this information via UPnP.
# type:string,ip
external_address = "::"
# The external port number of this node (NAT). If not set, the node will request this information via UPnP.
# type:uint16
external_port = 0
# Number of threads dedicated to I/O opeations
# type:uint64
io_threads = 4
# Maximum open lmdb databases. Increase default if more than 100 wallets is required.
# type:uint64
lmdb_max_dbs = 128
# Number of threads dedicated to processing network messages
# type:uint64
network_threads = 4
# Online weight minimum required to confirm block
# type:string,amount,raw
online_weight_minimum = "60000000000000000000000000000000000000"
# Percentage of votes required to rollback blocks
# type:uint64
online_weight_quorum = 50
# Password fanout factor
# type:uint64
password_fanout = 1024
# Node peering port
# type:uint16
peering_port = 7075
# The amount to sleep after each batch of POW calculations. Reduces max CPU usage at the expensive of a longer.
# type:nanoseconds
pow_sleep_interval = 0
# A list of "address:port" entries to identify preconfigured peers
preconfigured_peers = [""]
# A list of representative account addresses
preconfigured_representatives = ["nano_3arg3asgtigae3xckabaaewkx3bzsh7nwz7jkmjos79ihyaxwphhm6qgjps4", "nano_1stofnrxuz3cai7ze75o174bpm7scwj9jn3nxsn8ntzg784jf1gzn1jjdkou", "nano_1q3hqecaw15cjt7thbtxu3pbzr1eihtzzpzxguoc37bj1wc5ffoh7w74gi6p", "nano_3dmtrrws3pocycmbqwawk6xs7446qxa36fcncush4s1pejk16ksbmakis78m", "nano_3hd4ezdgsp15iemx7h81in7xz5tpxi43b6b41zn3qmwiuypankocw3awes5k", "nano_1awsn43we17c1oshdru4azeqjz9wii41dy8npubm4rg11so7dx3jtqgoeahy", "nano_1anrzcuwe64rwxzcco8dkhpyxpi8kd7zsjc1oeimpc3ppca4mrjtwnqposrs", "nano_1hza3f7wiiqa7ig3jczyxj5yo86yegcmqk3criaz838j91sxcckpfhbhhra1"]
# Minimum receive amount
# type:string,amount,raw
receive_minimum = "1000000000000000000000000"
# Number of additional threads dedicated to signature verification
# type:uint64
signature_checker_threads = 3
# Maximum number of incoming TCP connections
# type:uint64
tcp_incoming_connections_max = 1024
# Timeout for TCP connect-, read- and write operations
# type:seconds
tcp_io_timeout = 15
# Number of seconds unchecked entry survives before being cleaned
# type:seconds
unchecked_cutoff_time = 14400
# If true, allocate memory from memory pools. Enabling this may improve performance. Memory is never released to the OS.
# type:bool
use_memory_pools = true
# Delay before votes are sent to allow for better bundling of hashes in votes.
# High performance nodes may need slightly higher values to optimize vote bandwidth.
# type:milliseconds
vote_generator_delay = 100
# Number of bundled hashes required for an additional generator delay
# type:uint64,[1..11]
vote_generator_threshold = 3
# Do not vote if delegated weight is under this threshold
# type:string,amount,raw
vote_minimum = "1000000000000000000000000000000000"
# A list of "address:port" entries to identify work peers
work_peers = []
# Number of threads dedicated to CPU generated work. Defaults to all available CPU threads.
# type:uint64
work_threads = 4
# Enable or disable database transaction tracing
# type:bool
enable = false
# Ignore any block processor writes less than block_processor_batch_max_time
# type:bool
ignore_writes_below_block_processor_max_time = true
# Log stacktrace when read transactions are held longer than this duration
# type:milliseconds
min_read_txn_time = 5000
# Log stacktrace when write transactions are held longer than this duration
# type:milliseconds
min_write_txn_time = 500
# Callback address
# type:string,ip
address = ""
# Callback port number
# type:uint16
port = 0
# Callback target path
# type:string,uri
target = ""
allow_unsafe = false
enable = false
io_timeout = 15
path = "/tmp/nano"
enable = false
io_timeout = 15
port = 7077
# Log bulk pull errors and messages
# type:bool
bulk_pull = false
# If enabled, immediately flush new entries to log file. This may negatively affect logging performance.
# type:bool
flush = true
# Log if insufficient work is detected
# type:bool
insufficient_work = true
# Log ledger related messages
# type:bool
ledger = false
# Log when a duplicate block is attempted inserted into the ledger
# type:bool
ledger_duplicate = false
# Log IPC related activity
# type:bool
log_ipc = true
# Log to standard error in addition to the log file
# type:bool
log_to_cerr = false
# Maximum log file size in bytes
# type:uint64
max_size = 134217728
# Minimum time that must pass for low priority entries to be logged
# type:milliseconds
min_time_between_output = 5
# Log network related messages
# type:bool
network = true
# Log keepalive related messages
# type:bool
network_keepalive = false
# Log network errors and message details
# type:bool
network_message = false
# Log node-id handshake related messages
# type:bool
network_node_id_handshake = false
# Log network packet activity
# type:bool
network_packet = false
# Log publish related network messages
# type:bool
network_publish = false
# Log TCP timeouts
# type:bool
network_timeout = false
# Log node startup and shutdown messages
# type:bool
node_lifetime_tracing = false
# Log file rotation size in character count
# type:uint64
rotation_size = 4194304
# Keep log entries on single lines
# type:bool
single_line_record = false
# Log detailed timing information for various node operations
# type:bool
timing = false
# Log UPNP discovery details. WARNING: this may include information
# about discovered devices, such as product identification. Please review before sharing logs.
# type:bool
upnp_details = false
# Vote logging. Enabling this option leads to a high volume
# of log messages which may affect node performance
# type:bool
vote = false
# Log work generation timing information
# type:bool
work_generation_time = true
# Log file name for counters.
# type:string
filename_counters = "counters.stat"
# Log file name for samples.
# type:string
filename_samples = "samples.stat"
# If true, write headers on each counter or samples writeout.
# The header contains log type and the current wall time.
# type:bool
headers = true
# How often to log counters. 0 disables logging.
# type:milliseconds
interval_counters = 0
# How often to log samples. 0 disables logging.
# type:milliseconds
interval_samples = 0
# Maximum number of log outputs before rotating the file.
# type:uint64
rotation_count = 100
# How many sample intervals to keep in the ring buffer.
# type:uint64
capacity = 0
# Enable or disable samling.
# type:bool
enable = false
# Sample interval.
# type:milliseconds
interval = 0
# WebSocket server bind address
# type:string,ip
address = "::1"
# Enable or disable WebSocket server
# type:bool
enable = false
# WebSocket server listening port
# type:uint16
port = 7078
# OpenCL device identifier
device = 0
# Enable or disable OpenCL work generation
# type:bool
enable = false
# OpenCL platform identifier
platform = 0
# OpenCL thread count
threads = 1048576
# Enable or disable RPC
# type:bool
enable = false
# Allow or disallow signing of hashes
# type:bool
enable_sign_hash = false
# Maximum allowed difficulty request for work generation
# type:string,hex
max_work_generate_difficulty = "ffffffffc0000000"
# Enable or disable RPC child process. If false, an in-process RPC server is used.
# type:bool
enable = false
# Path to the nano_rpc executable. Must be set if child process is enabled.
# type:bool
rpc_path = "/nano/nano_rpc"
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