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Last active June 12, 2022 18:46
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  • Save cryptonomicon46/400a291db606bf63aee8e59ce5f0fc76 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cryptonomicon46/400a291db606bf63aee8e59ce5f0fc76 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This will allow you to mint multiple copies of a single tokenID
function mintSingle(uint256 _id, uint256 _amount)
if (msg.sender == address(0)) revert InvalidAddress();
require(_amount<= maxMintAmount && balanceOf(msg.sender,_id) <= maxMintAmount,"There's a limit to minting per address");
// require(msg.sender != owner && msg.sender != beneficiary && msg.sender != devAddress,"Owner, beneficiary and devs cannot bid on this auction");
uint256 _idx;
_idx = _idToidx[_id];
uint256 price;
uint256 royaltyFees;
uint256 ownerPayment;
uint256 nftReserves;
price = nftInfo[_idx].price;
nftReserves = nftInfo[_idx].reserves;
require( nftReserves >= _amount,"ERC1155: Sorry, this NFT's sold out!");
require(price.mul(_amount) <= msg.value,"ERC1155: You don't have enough funds.");
//Update NFT Reserves
//Mint to the calling account address
_mint(msg.sender,_id,_amount,""); //Will update the user balances and enumerations
//Calculate and Pay Royalty Fee to owner/platform
royaltyFees = (msg.value*_royaltyFee)/100;
//Owner withdraws the balance funds
ownerPayment = msg.value-royaltyFees;
//Using the pendingWithdrawal method
pendingWithdrawal[devAddress] = pendingWithdrawal[devAddress]+ royaltyFees;
pendingWithdrawal[beneficiary] = pendingWithdrawal[beneficiary] +ownerPayment;
function _updateReserves(uint256 _idx,uint256 amount) internal {
if (nftInfo[_idx].reserves < amount) revert ErrorNFTReserves();
nftInfo[_idx].reserves -= amount;
emit NFTReservesUpdated();
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