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Last active August 29, 2015 13:59
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  • Save cryptorick/10490156 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cryptorick/10490156 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The source at needs changes to comport with the new (current) way of handling the method call interface in FOOP. This code fixes that. CAVEAT: it is UNTESTED. I need a fool^h^h^h^h^h brave soul to test it. ;) BTW, note the comment below about a p…
;; @module Mysql
;; @author Jeff Ober <>, Kanen Flowers <>
;; @version 1.05 beta
;; @location
;; @package
;; @description A new MySQL module to replace the distribution standard module (requires newlisp 10).
;; The Mysql module has been written from scratch utilizing some of the more
;; recent features of newLisp, such as FOOP and reference returns. One of its
;; major design goals was to simplify use as well as broaden the features of
;; the standard MySQL module, while at the same time allowing the creation of
;; new, anonymous instances at run-time.
;; The Mysql module differs from the distribution standard module in several
;; important ways. Most obviously, it uses FOOP wrappers for MySQL types. It
;; also requires clients to free results instances; in the standard module,
;; only the base MYSQL instance itself must be freed (using MySQL:close-db).
;; The significance of this is that it is much simpler to create multiple
;; connections (without having to duplicate the entire context at compile
;; time). Result sets are completely independent of each other, and several may
;; be maintained in any state at once. This also means that a spawned process
;; may be given its own Mysql instance to use without having to worry about
;; other processes' instances interfering. Using the standard module, the
;; entire context would need to be cloned at compile time and given a static
;; symbol reference (e.g., (new 'MySQL 'db)) in order to run multiple instances
;; or connections to a server.
;; Moreover, because this module uses unpack and MySQL C API accessor
;; functions, there is no need for the client to calculate member offsets in
;; MySQL compound types. So long as newLisp was compiled for the same target as
;; the libmysqlclient library (both are 32 bit or both are 64 bit), everything
;; should work out of the box. Additionally, MySQL errors are now checked in
;; the connect and query functions and re-thrown as interpreter errors. Instead
;; of checking for nil returns and a using MySQL:error to get the error
;; message, standard error handling with the catch function may be used.
;; This module has been tested with MySQL version 5 and 5.1 and newLisp version
;; 10.0.1. It requires newLisp 10.0 or later.
;; <h3>Changelog</h3>
;; <b>1.05</b>
;; &bull; Mysql:query now checks if client mistakenly sent single, non-list, argument for format-args
;; <b>1.04</b>
;; &bull; fixed error in documentation example
;; &bull; changed Mysql:query to allow lists as format parameters
;; &bull; backward-incompatible change to Mysql:query parameter list
;; &bull; added Mysql:coerce-type as an independent function
;; <b>1.03</b>
;; &bull; fixed truncation bug when inserting binary data in Mysql:query
;; <b>1.02</b>
;; &bull; field types are now correctly distinguished when MySQL is compiled with 64-bit pointers
;; &bull; refactored MysqlResult:get-row
;; <b>1.01</b>
;; &bull; fixed invalid function in Mysql:tables, Mysql:fields, and Mysql:databases
;; <b>1.0</b>
;; &bull; initial release
;; <h3>Known bugs</h3>
;; &bull; None (at the moment); <i>please let me know if you find any!</i>
;; @example
;; &bull; Imperative usage
;; (setf db (Mysql)) ; initialize Mysql instance
;; (:connect db "localhost" "user" "secret" "my_database") ; connect to a server
;; (setf result (:query db "SELECT * FROM some_table")) ; evaluate a query
;; (setf rows (:fetch-all result)) ; generate a result
;; (:close-db db) ; free the database
;; &bull; Functional usage with the 'mysql context
;; (mysql:on-connect '("localhost" "user" "secret" "my_database")
;; (lambda (db err)
;; (if err (throw-error err))
;; (mysql:row-iter db "SELECT * FROM some_table" nil
;; (lambda (row)
;; (println row)))))
;;; MyCType: a base class providing a basic framework for working with
;;; MySQL C types and functions
(setf MyCType:pack-format nil)
(define (MyCType:MyCType addr)
(list (context) addr))
(define (MyCType:pointer)
(self 1))
(define (MyCType:members)
(unpack MyCType:pack-format (:pointer (self))))
(define (MyCType:member n , unpacked)
(nth n (:members (self))))
;;; Utility functions and macros
(unless if-not-zero
(define-macro (if-not-zero)
"If the first argument is not zero, evaluates the rest of the arguments.
Useful for checking if the return argument of a C function is non-NULL."
(letex ((ptr (eval (args 0))) (body (cons 'begin (rest (args)))))
(if-not (zero? ptr)
(constant (global 'if-not-zero)))
;;; Pre-declare classes and contexts to prevent circular dependencies
(new 'MyCType 'Mysql)
(new 'MyCType 'MysqlField)
(new 'MyCType 'MysqlResult)
(sym "_mysql" '_MYSQL)
;;; _MYSQL context stores API functions from libmysqlclient
(context '_MYSQL)
;;; Find the libmysqlclient library on this system
(setf is-64-bit nil)
(let ((paths '("/usr/lib/"
"/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" ; Ubuntu 64-bit
(constant 'libmysqlclient
(dolist (path paths)
(when (file? path)
;; Now determine if this lib is 64-bit; some pack formats
;; depend on this.
(if (or (find "lib64" path)
(find "x86_64" path)
;; Try harder, e.g. on some systems, 64-bit libraries
;; might have pathnames that don't indicate
;; "64-bit-ness".
(let (filemsg (exec (string "file " (real-path path))))
(if (not (empty? filemsg))
(or (find "64-bit" (first filemsg))
(find "x86-64" (first filemsg))
(find "x86_64" (first filemsg))))))
(setf is-64-bit true))
(throw path))))))
;;; Import library functions
(import libmysqlclient "mysql_affected_rows")
(import libmysqlclient "mysql_close")
(import libmysqlclient "mysql_error")
(import libmysqlclient "mysql_free_result")
(import libmysqlclient "mysql_init")
(import libmysqlclient "mysql_insert_id")
(import libmysqlclient "mysql_real_connect")
(import libmysqlclient "mysql_real_query")
(import libmysqlclient "mysql_store_result")
(import libmysqlclient "mysql_num_fields")
(import libmysqlclient "mysql_fetch_field")
(import libmysqlclient "mysql_num_rows")
(import libmysqlclient "mysql_fetch_row")
(import libmysqlclient "mysql_fetch_lengths")
(import libmysqlclient "mysql_fetch_field_direct")
(import libmysqlclient "mysql_real_escape_string")
(context 'MAIN)
;;; Mysql: An independent MySQL connection
;; @syntax (Mysql)
;; <p>Returns a new Mysql instance that can safely be used in tandem with other
;; Mysql instances.</p>
(define (Mysql:Mysql , ptr)
(setf ptr (_MYSQL:mysql_init 0))
(if-not-zero ptr
(list Mysql ptr)))
;; @syntax (:connect <Mysql-instance> <str-host> <str-user> <str-pass> <str-db> <int-port> <str-socket>)
;; @param <Mysql-instance> an instance of the Mysql class
;; @param <str-host> the hostname to connect to
;; @param <str-user> a MySQL username
;; @param <str-pass> <str-user>'s password
;; @param <str-db> the database to initially connect to
;; @param <int-port> (optional) port number of the MySQL server
;; @param <int-str> (optional) socket file to connect through
;; <p>Connects an initialized Mysql instance to a database. Returns <true> if
;; successful logging in, <nil> if not.</p>
;; @example
;; (setf db (Mysql))
;; (:connect db "localhost" "user" "secret" "my-database")
;; => true
(define (Mysql:connect host user pass db (port 0) (socket 0) , result)
"Connects to a MySQL database. Throws an error on failure."
(setf result (_MYSQL:mysql_real_connect (:pointer (self)) host user pass db port socket 0))
(if (zero? result)
(throw-error (:error (self)))
;; @syntax (:close <Mysql-instance>)
;; @param <Mysql-instance> an instance of the Mysql class
;; <p>Closes the connection and frees any memory used. This does <not> free the memory
;; used by results sets from this connection.</p>
(define (Mysql:close-db)
(_MYSQL:mysql_close (:pointer (self))))
;; @syntax (:error <Mysql-instance>)
;; @param <Mysql-instance> an instance of the Mysql class
;; <p>Returns the last error message as a string or <nil> if there is none.</p>
(define (Mysql:error , ptr str)
(setf ptr (_MYSQL:mysql_error (:pointer (self))))
; mysql_error always returns a valid string. If there is no error,
; the string will be empty.
(setf str (get-string ptr))
(if (= "" str) nil str))
;; @syntax (:coerce-type <Mysql-instance> <object>)
;; @param <Mysql-instance> an instance of the Mysql class
;; @param <object> a newLisp object
;; <p>Coerces <object> into something safe to use in a SQL statement. Lists are
;; converted into MySQL lists (e.g. '("foo" "bar" "baz") to
;; ('foo', 'bar', 'baz')) and string values are escaped. This is a helper
;; function for <Mysql:query>.</p>
(define (Mysql:coerce-type value)
((nil? value) "NULL")
((or (= value "null") (= value "NULL")) value)
((number? value) value)
; Here the string must be packed to be sure that it is not truncated.
((string? value) (format "'%s'" (:escape (self) (pack (format "s%d" (length value)) value))))
((list? value) (string "(" (join (map string (map (curry Mysql:coerce-type (self)) value)) ", ") ")"))
(true (format "'%s'" (:escape (self) (string value))))))
;; @syntax (:query <Mysql-instance> <str-statement> [<lst-format-args>])
;; @param <Mysql-instance> an instance of the Mysql class
;; @param <str-statement> a SQL statement to execute
;; @param <lst-format-args> format arguments to the SQL statement
;; <p>Executes <str-statement>. Throws an error if the statement fails with the
;; reason. If the statement returns results, a <MysqlResult> class instance is
;; returned. Otherwise, returns the number of affected rows.</p>
;; <p>If <lst-format-args> is specified, all parameters are escaped (as
;; necessary) to generate safe, valid SQL. No quoting of values is required in
;; the format string; quotes are inserted as needed. To generate a
;; NULL in the SQL statement, pass <nil> or the string "NULL".</p>
;; @example
;; (:query db "SELECT name, employee_id FROM employees")
;; => (MysqlResult 1069216)
;; (:query db "DELETE FROM employees WHERE fired = 1")
;; => 14
;; (:query db '("SELECT id FROM employees WHERE name = %s" '("Johnson, John")))
;; ; SQL generated: SELECT id FROM employees WHERE name = 'Johnson, John'
;; => (MysqlResult 1069216)
(define (Mysql:query sql format-args , res ptr err params)
(unless (or (null? format-args) (list? format-args))
(throw-error "Format args must be passed to Mysql:query as a list!"))
(when (list? format-args)
(setf format-args (map (fn (v) (:coerce-type (self) v)) format-args))
(setf sql (format sql format-args)))
(setf res (_MYSQL:mysql_real_query (:pointer (self)) sql (+ 1 (length sql))))
(if (zero? res)
; Always attempt to store result firt. This does not degrade performance
; for non-result-returning queries (according to the MySQL C API docs).
(setf ptr (_MYSQL:mysql_store_result (:pointer (self))))
; If mysql_store_result returns a null pointer, it may be an error or
; just mean that a query has no results (e.g. INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE).
; Error status requires a combination of a null pointer and a result
; from error.
(when (and (zero? ptr) (setf err (:error (self))))
(throw-error err))
; Otherwise, return an appropriate value. In the case of a non-result-
; returning query, return the number of affected rows. Otherwise, return
; a MysqlResult instance.
(if (zero? ptr)
(:affected-rows (self))
(MysqlResult ptr)))
; mysql_real_query returns non-zero in case of an error.
(throw-error (:error (self)))))
;; @syntax (:insert-id <Mysql-instance>)
;; @param <Mysql-instance> an instance of the Mysql class
;; <p>Returns the id of the last inserted row when the target table contains
;; an AUTOINCREMENT field.</p>
(define (Mysql:insert-id)
(_MYSQL:mysql_insert_id (:pointer (self))))
;; @syntax (:affected-rows <Mysql-instance>)
;; @param <Mysql-instance> an instance of the Mysql class
;; <p>Returns the number of rows affected by the most recent query.</p>
(define (Mysql:affected-rows)
(_MYSQL:mysql_affected_rows (:pointer (self))))
;; @syntax (:escape <Mysql-instance> <str-value>)
;; @param <Mysql-instance> an instance of the Mysql class
;; @param <str-value> the string to escape
;; <p>Escapes a string to assure safety for use in a SQL statement.</p>
(define (Mysql:escape str , res)
(setf res (dup " " (+ 1 (* 2 (length str)))))
(_MYSQL:mysql_real_escape_string (:pointer (self)) res str (length str))
;; @syntax (:databases <Mysql-instance>)
;; @param <Mysql-instance> an instance of the Mysql class
;; <p>Returns a list of the databases on this server.</p>
(define (Mysql:databases , res)
(setf res (:query (self) "SHOW DATABASES"))
(map first (:fetch-all res nil)))
;; @syntax (:tables <Mysql-instance> <str-database>)
;; @param <Mysql-instance> an instance of the Mysql class
;; @param <str-database> (optional) the database to query for tables
;; <p>Returns a list of tables available on this server. If <str-database> is
;; provided, the list of tables will be limited to that database.
(define (Mysql:tables db , sql res)
(setf sql (if db (format "SHOW TABLES FROM `%s`" db) "SHOW TABLES"))
(setf res (:query (self) sql))
(map first (:fetch-all res nil)))
;; @syntax (:fields <Mysql-instance> <str-table>)
;; @param <Mysql-instance> an instance of the Mysql class
;; @param <str-table> the table to display
;; <p>Returns metadata about the fields in <str-table>. The data is the result
;; of a 'SHOW FIELDS' query.</p>
(define (Mysql:fields table)
(setf res (:query (self) (format "SHOW FIELDS FROM `%s`" table)))
(:fetch-all res))
;;; MysqlResult: The result of a MySQL query
;; @syntax (MysqlResult <int-pointer>)
;; @param <int-pointer> a pointer to a MYSQL_RES struct
;; <p>Objects of this class are returned by Mysql:query as a result of queries
;; that generate result sets. This class is not generally instantiated directly
;; by the client.</p>
;; @syntax (:free <MysqlResult-instance>)
;; @param <MysqlResult-instance> an instance of the MysqlResult class
;; <p>Frees the memory used by a result. Must be called for each <MysqlResult>
;; generated, even if unused.</p>
(define (MysqlResult:free)
(_MYSQL:mysql_free_result (:pointer (self))))
;; @syntax (:num-rows <MysqlResult-instance>)
;; @param <MysqlResult-instance> an instance of the MysqlResult class
;; <p>Returns the number of results in this result.</p>
(define (MysqlResult:num-rows)
(_MYSQL:mysql_num_rows (:pointer (self))))
(define (MysqlResult:num-fields)
(_MYSQL:mysql_num_fields (:pointer (self))))
(define (MysqlResult:column-lengths)
(_MYSQL:mysql_fetch_lengths (:pointer (self))))
;; @syntax (:fields <MysqlResult-instance>)
;; @param <MysqlResult-instance> an instance of the MysqlResult class
;; <p>Returns a list of MysqlField instances corresponding to the columns in
;; this result.</p>
(define (MysqlResult:fields , n ptr fields)
(setf fields '())
(setf n (_MYSQL:mysql_num_fields (:pointer (self))))
(until (zero? (setf ptr (_MYSQL:mysql_fetch_field (:pointer (self)))))
(push (MysqlField ptr) fields -1))
;; @syntax (:fetch-row <MysqlResult-instance> <as-assoc>)
;; @param <MysqlResult-instance> an instance of the MysqlResult class
;; @param <as-assoc> (optional) whether to return results as a list or association list
;; <p>Returns one row from this result. If <as-assoc> is true, the results will
;; be returned as an association list (true by default). If this is the final row
;; in the result set, the MysqlResult instance is automatically freed.</p>
(define (MysqlResult:fetch-row (as-assoc true) , ptr num-fields cols lengths row)
(setf ptr (_MYSQL:mysql_fetch_row (:pointer (self))))
(if-not-zero ptr
(setf num-fields (:num-fields (self)))
(let (fmt (if _MYSQL:is-64-bit (dup "Lu" num-fields) (dup "lu" num-fields)))
(setf cols (unpack fmt ptr)) ; pointers to each column's start
(setf lengths (unpack fmt (:column-lengths (self)))) ; the length of each column
; We must use the lengths because binary fields might contain null characters,
; which will fool get-string, which grabs chars until it hits a null.
(setf row
(map (lambda (len col i , value field result)
(setf field (MysqlField (_MYSQL:mysql_fetch_field_direct (:pointer (self)) i)))
(setf value (first (unpack (format "s%d" len) col)))
(setf value
(case (:type field)
("bigint" (int value))
("bit" (int value 2)) ; untested
("date " (apply date-value (map int (parse value "-"))))
("datetime" (apply date-value (map int (parse value "[-: ]" 0))))
("decimal" (float value))
("double" (float value))
("float" (float value))
("integer" (int value))
("mediumint" (int value))
("null" nil)
("smallint" (int value))
("time" (map int (parse value ":"))) ; does not map to newlisp data type
("timestamp" (apply date-value (map int (parse value "[-: ]" 0))))
("tinyint" (int value))
("year" (int value))
(true value)))
(if as-assoc (list (:name field) value) value))
(sequence 0 (- (length cols) 1)))))
; Either return the row value or free the result and return nil.
(if (zero? ptr)
(begin (:free (self)) nil)
;; @syntax (:fetch-all <MysqlResult-instance> <as-assoc>)
;; @param <MysqlResult-instance> an instance of the MysqlResult class
;; @param <as-assoc> (optional) whether to return results as a list or association list
;; <p>Returns all rows from this result. If <as-assoc> is true, the results
;; will be returned as an association list (true by default).</p>
(define (MysqlResult:fetch-all (as-assoc true) , rows row)
(setf rows '())
(setf row (:fetch-row (self) as-assoc))
(while row
(push row rows)
(setf row (:fetch-row (self) as-assoc)))
;;; MysqlField: A field in a MySQL result set
;typedef struct st_mysql_field {
; char *name; /* Name of column */
; char *org_name; /* Original column name, if an alias */
; char *table; /* Table of column if column was a field */
; char *org_table; /* Org table name, if table was an alias */
; char *db; /* Database for table */
; char *catalog; /* Catalog for table */
; char *def; /* Default value (set by mysql_list_fields) */
; unsigned long length; /* Width of column (create length) */
; unsigned long max_length; /* Max width for selected set */
; unsigned int name_length;
; unsigned int org_name_length;
; unsigned int table_length;
; unsigned int org_table_length;
; unsigned int db_length;
; unsigned int catalog_length;
; unsigned int def_length;
; unsigned int flags; /* Div flags */
; unsigned int decimals; /* Number of decimals in field */
; unsigned int charsetnr; /* Character set */
; enum enum_field_types type; /* Type of field. See mysql_com.h for types */
;; @syntax (MysqlField <int-pointer>)
;; @param <int-pointer> a pointer to a MYSQL_FIELD struct
;; <p>Objects of this class are returned by MysqlResult:fields. It is used
;; internally in generating result rows. This class is not generally
;; instantiated directly by the client.</p>
(setf MysqlField:types ; see mysql_com.h for enum details
(map list
(append (sequence 0 16) (sequence 246 255))
'("decimal" "tinyint" "smallint" "integer" "float" "double" "null" "timestamp"
"bigint" "mediumint" "date " "time" "datetime" "year" "newdate" "varchar"
"bit" "decimal" "enum" "set" "tiny blob" "medium blob" "long blob" "blob"
"varchar" "char" "geometry")))
(if _MYSQL:is-64-bit
(setf MysqlField:pack-format (append (dup "Lu" 9) (dup "lu" 11))) ; use 64-bit pointers
(setf MysqlField:pack-format (append (dup "lu" 20))))
;; @syntax (:name <MysqlField-instance>)
;; @param <MysqlField-instance> an instance of the MysqlField class
;; <p>Returns the name of this field (or its alias).</p>
(define (MysqlField:name)
(get-string (:member (self) 0)))
;; @syntax (:table <MysqlField-instance>)
;; @param <MysqlField-instance> an instance of the MysqlField class
;; <p>Returns this field's table (or its alias).</p>
(define (MysqlField:table)
(get-string (:member (self) 2)))
;; @syntax (:type <MysqlField-instance>)
;; @param <MysqlField-instance> an instance of the MysqlField class
;; <p>Returns this field's type.</p>
(define (MysqlField:type)
(lookup (:member (self) 19) MysqlField:types))
;;; mysql context contains convenience functions for working with MySQL
;;; databases
(context 'mysql)
;; @syntax (mysql:on-connect <list-credentials> <fn-callback>)
;; @param <list-credentials> a list of parameters to pass to Mysql:connect
;; @param <fn-callback> a function to call with the database connection
;; <p>Connects to a MySQL server using <list-credentials> and calls
;; <fn-callback> using the Mysql instance as the first argument. If an
;; error occurred attempting connection, the error string is passed as the
;; second parameter. The minimum contents of <list-credentials> must be
;; '(<str-host> <str-username> <str-password> <str-database>).</p>
;; <p>The connection is automatically freed when mysql:on-connect returns.</p>
;; @example
;; (mysql:on-connect '("localhost" "user" "secret" "my_database")
;; (lambda (db err)
;; (if err
;; (println "Error! " err)
;; (println "Success! " db))))
(define (on-connect credentials func , db err success? result)
(setf db (Mysql))
(if (catch (eval (append '(:connect db) credentials)) 'err)
(setf success? (catch (func db) 'result))
(setf success? (catch (func db err) 'result)))
(:close-db db)
(if success? result (throw-error (replace {(ERR: user error : )+} result "" 0))))
;; @syntax (mysql:row-iter <Mysql-instance> <str-sql> <bool-as-assoc> <fn-callback>)
;; @param <Mysql-instance> a connect instance of the Mysql class
;; @param <str-sql> a sql statement
;; @param <bool-as-assoc> flags whether or not to pass rows as regular or association lists
;; @param <fn-callback> a function to call for each row returned by the query
;; <p>Iterates over the results of a query, passing a row at a time to
;; <fn-callback>. The MysqlResult is automatically freed. The return value
;; of mysql:row-iter is the result of the last call to <fn-callback>.</p>
;; <p>Note that each row is called with MysqlResult:fetch-row to avoid building
;; intermediate lists.</p>
;; @example
;; (mysql:on-connect '("localhost" "user" "secret" "my_database")
;; (lambda (db err)
;; (if err
;; (println "Error! " err)
;; (mysql:row-iter db "SELECT * FROM some_table" true
;; (lambda (row) (println row))))))
(define (row-iter db sql as-assoc func , result row)
(setf result (:query db sql))
(while (setf row (:fetch-row result as-assoc))
(func row)))
;; @syntax (mysql:row-map <Mysql-instance> <str-sql> <bool-as-assoc> <fn-callback>)
;; @param <Mysql-instance> a connect instance of the Mysql class
;; @param <str-sql> a sql statement
;; @param <bool-as-assoc> flags whether or not to pass rows as regular or association lists
;; @param <fn-callback> a function to apply to each row returned by the query
;; <p>Maps <fn-callback> over each row returned by querying <Mysql-instance>
;; with <str-sql>. Memory used by the MysqlResult is automatically freed.
;; Returns a list of the result of applying <fn-callback> to each row.</p>
;; @example
;; (mysql:on-connect '("localhost" "user" "secret" "my_database")
;; (lambda (db err)
;; (if err
;; (println "Error! " err)
;; (mysql:row-map db "SELECT * FROM some_table" true first))))
(define (row-map db sql as-assoc func , res result rows)
(setf result (:query db sql))
(if (catch (:fetch-all result as-assoc) 'rows)
(map func rows)))
;; @syntax (mysql:reduce-results <Mysql-instance> <str-sql> <bool-as-assoc> <fn-callback>)
;; @param <Mysql-instance> a connect instance of the Mysql class
;; @param <str-sql> a sql statement
;; @param <bool-as-assoc> flags whether or not to pass rows as regular or association lists
;; @param <fn-callback> a function to be applied in reducing the results of the query
;; <p>Reduces the results of the query by applying <fn-callback> successively
;; to slices of the list of rows from the left. On the first call to
;; <fn-callback>, the arguments will be a number of rows equal to the number of
;; parameters that <fn-callback> accepts. On each subsequent call, the first
;; parameter will be replaced by the result of the previous call. See the
;; @link apply&nbsp;function
;; for a more detailed description of the mechanics of apply/reduce. The return
;; value is the result of the final application of <fn-callback>.</p>
;; @example
;; (mysql:on-connect '("localhost" "user" "secret" "my_database")
;; (lambda (db err)
;; (if err
;; (println "Error! " err)
;; (mysql:row-reduce db "SELECT * FROM some_table" true
;; (lambda (row-1 row-2)
;; (+ (if (list? row-1) (first row-1) row-1) (first row-2)))))))
(define (row-reduce db sql as-assoc func , reduce-by rows arg-list)
; Determine the number of rows to reduce by on each call
(setf arg-list (map name (first func)))
(if (find "," arg-list)
(setf reduce-by (length (rest (member "," (reverse arg-list)))))
(setf reduce-by (length arg-list)))
; Perform reduction
(setf result (:query db sql))
(if (catch (:fetch-all result as-assoc) 'rows)
(apply func rows reduce-by)))
(context 'MAIN)
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(define (MyCType:members)
  (unpack MyCType:pack-format (:pointer self)))

Should that be (self)?

Apologies if it's a stupid question - I could never quite get FOOP in my blood... :]

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Yes, all the selfs in this code need to be (self)s. Thanks, man!

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