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Forked from nikreiman/
Created October 12, 2021 05:07
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  • Save cryptostiltskin/119822319f5b93b6bbc9f1852573914e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Script to generate QR code with data, and then place an overlay image on top of it
if [ "$#" -eq "0" ] ; then
printf "Usage: %s [content] [overlay image] [output image]\n" "$0"
exit 1
outputFilename=$(basename "${outputImage}")
qrencode --level=H --size=20 --output="/tmp/${outputFilename}" "${content}"
outputImageSize=$(identify -format "%w" "/tmp/${outputFilename}")
originalOverlayImageWidth=$(identify -format "%w" "${overlayImage}")
originalOverlayImageHeight=$(identify -format "%h" "${overlayImage}")
overlayImageWidth=$(( ${outputImageSize} / 3 ))
scaleFactor=$(echo "scale=2 ; ${overlayImageWidth} / ${originalOverlayImageWidth}" | bc -q)
overlayImageHeight=$(echo "scale=2 ; ${scaleFactor} * ${originalOverlayImageHeight}" | bc -q | cut -d '.' -f 1)
convert "${overlayImage}" -resize "${overlayImageWidth}x${overlayImageHeight}" "/tmp/overlay-resized.png"
composite -gravity center "/tmp/overlay-resized.png" "/tmp/${outputImage}" "${outputImage}"
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