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Created September 14, 2019 18:23
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
from math import log, ceil
import sys
# lookup tables to convert integers in the range [0, 58) to base-58 digits and back
int_to_b58_digit = '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz'
b58_digit_to_int = { b58:i for i,b58 in enumerate(int_to_b58_digit) }
# convert a (long) integer to its base-58 representation string
def int_to_base58_str(int_rep):
base58_str = ''
while int_rep:
int_rep, remainder = divmod(int_rep, 58)
base58_str = int_to_b58_digit[remainder] + base58_str
return base58_str
def prepended_bytes(prepended_b58_digits, b256_digit_count):
# ones are a special case in base58check format;
# count and remove them, they are added back in later
ones = 0
for b58 in prepended_b58_digits:
if b58 != '1':
ones += 1
prepended_b58_digits = prepended_b58_digits[1:]
if not prepended_b58_digits: # if they're all 1's
return ones * b'\0'
# calc the # of base58 digits required for b256_digit_count bytes of "real" data
# (not including the prepended base58 digits)
b58_digit_count = ceil(b256_digit_count * log(256) / log(58))
do_overflow_check = True
while True:
# calc the minimum integral value which starts with the desired digits in base-58
min_int = 0
for b58 in prepended_b58_digits:
min_int *= 58
min_int += b58_digit_to_int[b58]
# left-shift (mult. by a power of 58) to be just left of the "real" base-58 data
min_int *= 58 ** b58_digit_count
# uncomment to sanity-check that min_int is correct
#print(" min_int:", ones * '1' + int_to_base58_str(min_int))
# right-shift by multiples of 8 bits (base-256) to retrieve only the
# most-significant bytes which are to the left of the "real" base-256 data
min_int >>= b256_digit_count * 8
# right-shifing effectively rounds min_int down, but we
# need it rounded up, so add one to round it up instead
min_int += 1
# because min_int has been rounded up above, it's possible that adding it to "real"
# data could cause an overflow in base-58 making the prepended_b58_digits increment
# by one; if this could happen, left-shift prepended_b58_digits and repeat
if do_overflow_check:
max_real_data_int = (1 << b256_digit_count*8) - 1
max_base58_str = int_to_base58_str((min_int << b256_digit_count*8) + max_real_data_int)
if not max_base58_str.startswith(prepended_b58_digits):
prepended_b58_digits += '1'
do_overflow_check = False # it doesn't matter if the '1' appended above overflows to '2'
# uncomment to confirm that the max possible value
# wouldn't have the desired prepended base-58 digits
#print("overflow:", ones * '1' + max_base58_str)
# prepend any ones according to base58check rules, and convert min_int to a byte string
return ones * b'\0' + min_int.to_bytes(length= (min_int.bit_length() + 7) // 8, byteorder='big')
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
sys.exit('usage: {} <STRING-TO-PREPEND> <DATA-BYTE-LEN (excluding 4-byte checksum)>'.format(sys.argv[0]))
result = prepended_bytes(sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[2]) + 4) # add 4 for the checksum
print(', '.join('{:#04x}'.format(i) for i in result))
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