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Created December 19, 2012 23:41
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adc5g initialization script for Matlab 2010 and above. Default values for Downsample block: sample based, allow multi-rate processing
function adc5g_init(blk, varargin)
% Initialize and configure the ASIA 5 GSps ADC
% Declare defaults to be used throughout
defaults = {...
'input_mode', 'Two-channel -- A&C',...
'demux', '1:1',...
'adc_clk_rate', 450,...
'adc_bit_width', 8,...
'adc_brd', 'ZDOK 0',...
'using_ctrl', 'on',...
'test_ramp', 'off'};
% Check to see if mask parameters have changed
if same_state(blk, 'gcb', gcb, 'defaults', defaults, varargin{:}), return, end
check_mask_type(blk, 'adc5g');
munge_block(blk, varargin{:});
% Check if this is Matlab 2010 or later
ver_raw = version;
ver_ind = strfind(ver_raw, 'R');
ver = str2num(ver_raw(ver_ind+1:ver_ind+4));
if ver > 2009
extraparam = 1;
ex_params = {'InputProcessing', 1, 'RateOptions', 1};
extraparam = 0;
% Get all the mask parameters and form the needed derivatives
input_mode = get_var('input_mode', 'defaults', defaults, varargin{:});
demux = get_var('demux', 'defaults', defaults, varargin{:});
adc_clk_rate = get_var('adc_clk_rate', 'defaults', defaults, varargin{:});
adc_bit_width = get_var('adc_bit_width', 'defaults', defaults, varargin{:});
adc_brd = get_var('adc_brd', 'defaults', defaults, varargin{:});
using_ctrl = get_var('using_ctrl', 'defaults', defaults, varargin{:});
% Determine proper input names
if strcmp(input_mode, 'One-channel -- A'),
inputs = {'a'};
elseif strcmp(input_mode, 'One-channel -- C'),
inputs = {'c'};
elseif strcmp(input_mode, 'Two-channel -- A&C'),
inputs = {'a', 'c'};
error(['Unsupported input mode: ',input_mode]);
port_names = {...
samples = length(port_names)/length(inputs);
sample_sep = 60;
% Remove all lines, will be redrawn later
% Load the need libraries (just in case)
% First, loop over the inputs
for i=0:length(inputs)-1
curr_x = 30;
% Draw the input with appropriate name
reuse_block(blk, [...
'sim_', inputs{i+1}],...
'Position', [curr_x 100+i*sample_sep*samples,...
curr_x+30 116+i*sample_sep*samples],...
'Port', num2str(i+1));
curr_x = curr_x + 60;
% Set the input gains and connect to inports
reuse_block(blk, [...
'gain_', inputs{i+1}], ...
'Position', [curr_x 100+i*sample_sep*samples,...
curr_x+30 116+i*sample_sep*samples],...
'Gain', num2str(2^(adc_bit_width-1)));
add_line(blk, ['sim_', inputs{i+1}, '/1'],...
['gain_', inputs{i+1}, '/1']);
curr_x = curr_x + 60;
% Add the bias blocks and connect to the gains
reuse_block(blk, [...
'bias_', inputs{i+1}], ...
'Position', [curr_x 100+i*sample_sep*samples,...
curr_x+30 116+i*sample_sep*samples],...
'Bias', num2str(2^(adc_bit_width-1)));
add_line(blk, ['gain_', inputs{i+1}, '/1'],...
['bias_', inputs{i+1}, '/1']);
% Now, loop over the sample streams
for j=0:samples-1
curr_x = curr_x + 120;
% Add downsample blocks
if extraparam
reuse_block(blk, [...
'downsample_', inputs{i+1}, num2str(j)], ...
'Position', [curr_x 100+i*sample_sep*samples+j*sample_sep,...
curr_x+30 116+i*sample_sep*samples+j*sample_sep],...
'N', num2str(samples),...
'phase', num2str(j), ...
ex_params{:}, ... % for multirate support
'ic', '0');
reuse_block(blk, [...
'downsample_', inputs{i+1}, num2str(j)], ...
'Position', [curr_x 100+i*sample_sep*samples+j*sample_sep,...
curr_x+30 116+i*sample_sep*samples+j*sample_sep],...
'N', num2str(samples),...
'phase', num2str(j), ...
'ic', '0');
add_line(blk, ['bias_', inputs{i+1}, '/1'],...
['downsample_', inputs{i+1}, num2str(j), '/1']);
curr_x = curr_x + 80;
% Add delay blocks to align the samples
if j==0
delay = 2;
delay = 1;
reuse_block(blk, [...
'delay_', inputs{i+1}, num2str(j)], ...
'simulink/Discrete/Integer Delay',...
'Position', [curr_x 100+i*sample_sep*samples+j*sample_sep,...
curr_x+30 116+i*sample_sep*samples+j*sample_sep],...
'NumDelays', num2str(delay),...
'vinit', '0');
add_line(blk, ['downsample_', inputs{i+1}, num2str(j), '/1'],...
['delay_', inputs{i+1}, num2str(j), '/1']);
curr_x = curr_x + 80;
% Add the gateway-in ports, should match the netlist port names
port_name = clear_name([gcb, '_', port_names{i*samples + j + 1}]);
'xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In',...
'Position', [curr_x 100+i*sample_sep*samples+j*sample_sep,...
curr_x+80 116+i*sample_sep*samples+j*sample_sep],...
'arith_type', 'Unsigned',...
'n_bits', num2str(adc_bit_width),...
'bin_pt', '0',...
'overflow', 'Wrap',...
'quantization', 'Truncate');
add_line(blk, ['delay_', inputs{i+1}, num2str(j), '/1'],...
[port_name, '/1']);
curr_x = curr_x + 160;
% Now, let's do the output ports!
[inputs{i+1}, num2str(j)],...
'Position', [curr_x 100+i*sample_sep*samples+j*sample_sep,...
curr_x+30 116+i*sample_sep*samples+j*sample_sep],...
'Port', num2str(i*samples + j + 1));
add_line(blk, [port_name, '/1'],...
[inputs{i+1}, num2str(j), '/1']);
curr_x = curr_x - 440; % undo all x changes
curr_x = 30;
% Finally, let's do the sync stream
% First, the input port
'Position', [curr_x 160+i*sample_sep*samples+j*sample_sep,...
curr_x+30 176+i*sample_sep*samples+j*sample_sep],...
'Port', num2str(i+2));
curr_x = curr_x + 60;
% Now the gateway-in for the sync
sync_name = clear_name([gcb, '_', 'sync']);
'xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In',...
'Position', [curr_x 160+i*sample_sep*samples+j*sample_sep,...
curr_x+80 176+i*sample_sep*samples+j*sample_sep],...
'arith_type', 'Boolean');
add_line(blk, 'sim_sync/1', [sync_name, '/1']);
curr_x = curr_x + 160;
% And lastly the output port
'Position', [curr_x 160+i*sample_sep*samples+j*sample_sep,...
curr_x+30 176+i*sample_sep*samples+j*sample_sep],...
'Port', num2str(i*samples + j + 2));
add_line(blk, [sync_name, '/1'], 'sync_out/1');
save_state(blk, 'gcb', gcb, 'defaults', defaults, varargin{:});
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cs150bf commented Dec 20, 2012

Some concerns
(1) The Downsample block is from Simulink block set and it has gone through some major changes since 2009. The block parameters, are implemented as pop up options in the Mask Dialogue and evaluated to integers, which is kind of awkward because it's hard for us to do something that's robust enough to stand up to future changes done by Simulink... (Say, now 'RateOptions' = 0 refers to 'Enforce single-rate processing', but could it be always the case?)

(2) Getting the Matlab version number is currently awkwardly implemented... I don't know if there's a dedicated function similar to get_xlVersion() for xilinx that exists somewhere in Casper Library, or is there some traditional way that we deal with blocks that has dependency on Simulink version... Don't know, but right now the implementation goes like this:

  • get a string of version number using matlab function 'version'
  • find 'R' in the raw string
  • grab the four digits that comes after the 'R'... assuming there's only one 'R'
  • these four digits should be the release year
    But as you can see, this is quite awkward and vulnerable for future changes of Matlab

(3) The extra parameters for designs opened with Matlab version newer than 2009 .... they are attempting to stay consistent with pre-2009 versions, by preserving the old default values. But ... (see screenshots for the default values of this Downsample block for pre-2009 version and for 2012 version)

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cs150bf commented Dec 20, 2012

Relevant sections of code:

% Check if this is Matlab 2010 or later
ver_raw = version;
ver_ind = strfind(ver_raw, 'R');
ver = str2num(ver_raw(ver_ind+1:ver_ind+4));
if ver > 2009
    extraparam = 1;
    ex_params = {'InputProcessing', 1, 'RateOptions', 1};
    extraparam = 0;

        if extraparam
            reuse_block(blk, [...
                'downsample_', inputs{i+1}, num2str(j)], ...
                'Position', [curr_x 100+i*sample_sep*samples+j*sample_sep,...
                             curr_x+30 116+i*sample_sep*samples+j*sample_sep],...
                'N', num2str(samples),...
                'phase', num2str(j), ...
                ex_params{:}, ... % for multirate support
                'ic', '0');
            reuse_block(blk, [...
                'downsample_', inputs{i+1}, num2str(j)], ...
                'Position', [curr_x 100+i*sample_sep*samples+j*sample_sep,...
                             curr_x+30 116+i*sample_sep*samples+j*sample_sep],...
                'N', num2str(samples),...
                'phase', num2str(j), ...
                'ic', '0');

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