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Created December 20, 2012 19:53
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# run ipython -pylab -i
import sys, os, time
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import corr
import adc5g
import fit_cores
# roach_ip = ''
roach_ip = 'vegasr2-8'
bof_file = 'v01_aa_rii_16r4t11f_ver122sa_2012_Dec_14_1554.bof'
zdok_n = 0
lanio = "lanio "
g_freq = 10.070801
g_pwr = 1.0
g_samp_freq = 5000.0
g_snap_name = 'adcsnap0' #"scope_raw_0_snap"
default_offs = [.2, .3, -.2, -.1]
default_gains = [1.001, .9984, .999, 1.002]
roach = corr.katcp_wrapper.FpgaClient(roach_ip, 7147)
def dosnap(fpga, snap_name=None, samp_freq=None, fr=None, name="t", rpt = 1, donot_clear=False):
Takes a snapshot and uses fit_cores to fit a sine function to each
core separately assuming a CW signal is connected to the input. The
offset, gain and phase differences are reoprted for each core as
well as the average of all four.
The parameters are:
fpga the katcp FpgaClient handle to our ROACH
snap_name the name of the snap block to read
fr The frequency of the signal generator. It will default to the last
frequency set by set_freq()
name the name of the file into which the snapshot is written. 5 other
files are written. Name.c1 .. name.c4 contain themeasurements from
cores a, b, c and d. Note that data is taken from cores in the order
a, c, b, d. A line is appended to the file containing
signal freq, average zero, average amplitude followed by triplets
of zero, amplitude and phase differences for cores a, b, c and d
rpt The number of repeats. Defaults to 1. The c1 .. c4 files mentioned
above are overwritten with each repeat, but new rows of data are added
to the .fit file for each pass.
if fr == None:
fr = g_freq
if snap_name == None:
snap_name = g_snap_name
if samp_freq == None:
samp_freq = g_samp_freq
avg_pwr_sinad = 0
for i in range(rpt):
snap = adc5g.get_snapshot(fpga, snap_name, man_trig=True, wait_period=2)
np.savetxt(name, snap,fmt='%d')
ogp, pwr_sinad = fit_cores.fit_snap(fr, samp_freq, name,\
clear_avgs = i == 0 and not donot_clear, prnt = i == rpt-1)
avg_pwr_sinad += pwr_sinad
return ogp, avg_pwr_sinad/rpt
def dosim(freq=None, samp_freq=None, numpoints=None, name="sim", rpt = 1, exact=True):
Do the same analysis as dosnap, but on simulated data.
The arguments have the same meaning as dosnap except that freq is not
coupled to the global variable. A random phase is generated for each pass
if freq == None:
freq = g_freq
if snap_name == None:
snap_name = g_snap_name
if samp_freq == None:
samp_freq = g_samp_freq
if numpoints == None:
numpoints = n_points
for i in range(rpt):
snap=get_sim_data(freq=freq, numpoints=numpoints, samp_freq=samp_freq, exact=exact)
np.savetxt(name, snap,fmt='%d')
fit_cores.fit_snap(freq, samp_freq, name, i == 0)
def simpsd(freq=None, numpoints=None, samp_freq=None, rpt = 1, exact=True):
Make a simulated snapshot and do the psd analysis on it. The
sine wave will have a random start phase.
if freq == None:
freq = g_freq
if snap_name == None:
snap_name = g_snap_name
if samp_freq == None:
samp_freq = g_samp_freq
if numpoints == None:
numpoints = n_points
for i in range(rpt):
data = get_sim_data(freq=freq, numpoints=numpoints, samp_freq=samp_freq, exact=exact)
power, freqs = psd(data, numpoints, \
detrend=detrend_mean, scale_by_freq=True)
if i == 0:
sp = power
sp += power
sp /= rpt
print "about to plot", len(freqs)
step(freqs, 10*log10(sp))
fd = open("sim.psd", 'w')
for i in range(len(sp)):
print >>fd, "%7.2f %6.1f" % (freqs[i]/1e6, 10*log10(sp[i]))
def get_sim_data(freq=None, numpoints=None, samp_freq=None, exact=True, offs=None, gains=None):
Make a simulated snapshot of data
if freq == None:
freq = g_freq
if snap_name == None:
snap_name = g_snap_name
if samp_freq == None:
samp_freq = g_samp_freq
if numpoints == None:
numpoints = n_points
if exact:
offs = [0,0,0,0]
gains = [1,1,1,1]
if offs == None:
offs = default_offs
if gains == None:
gains = default_gains
# offs = [.2, .3, -.2, -.1]
# gains = [1.001, .9984, .999, 1.002]
del_phi = 2 * math.pi * freq / samp_freq
data = numpy.empty((numpoints), dtype='int32')
phase = 2*math.pi * numpy.random.uniform()
for n in range(numpoints):
core = n&3
data[n] = (128 + floor(0.5 + 119.0 * math.sin(del_phi * n + phase) + \
return data
def dotest(fpga, zdok=None, snap_name=None, plotcore = 1):
Put the adc in test mode and get a sample of the test vector. Plot core 1
by default.
if zdok == None:
zdok = zdok_n
if snap_name == None:
snap_name = g_snap_name
adc5g.set_spi_control(fpga, zdok, test=1)
cores = (corea, corec, coreb, cored) = adc5g.get_test_vector(fpga, zdok, [snap_name])
if plotcore == 2:
plotcore = 3
elif plotcore == 3:
plotcore = 2
adc5g.set_spi_control(fpga, zdok)
def dopsd(fpga, snap_name=None, samp_freq=None, nfft=None, rpt = 10):
Takes a snapshot, then computes, plots and writes out the Power Spectral
Density functions. The psd function is written into a file named "psd".
This file will be overwritten with each call. Arguments:
nfft The number of points in the psd function. Defaults to 16384. Since
a snapshot has 16384 points, this is the maximum which should be used
rpt The numper of mesurements to be averaged for the plot and output file.
if snap_name == None:
snap_name = g_snap_name
if samp_freq == None:
samp_freq = g_samp_freq
if nfft == None:
nfft = n_points
for i in range(rpt):
power, freqs = adc5g.get_psd(fpga, snap_name, samp_freq*1e6, 8, nfft)
if i == 0:
sp = power
sp += power
sp /= rpt
step(freqs, 10*log10(sp))
data = column_stack((freqs/1e6, 10*log10(sp)))
np.savetxt("psd", data, fmt=('%7.2f', '%6.1f'))
# fd = open("psd", 'w')
# for i in range(len(sp)):
# print >>fd, "%7.2f %6.1f" % (freqs[i]/1e6, 10*log10(sp[i][0]))
def multifreq(fpga, snap_name=None, numpoints=None, samp_freq=None, start=100, end=2400, step=300, repeat=10, do_sfdr=False):
Calls dosnap for a range of frequenciesi in MHz. The actual frequencies are
picked to have an even number of cycles in the 16384 point snapshot.
if snap_name == None:
snap_name = g_snap_name
if samp_freq == None:
samp_freq = g_samp_freq
if numpoints == None:
numpoints = n_points
sfd = open('sinad', 'a')
f = samp_freq / numpoints
nstart = int(0.5+start/f)
nend = int(0.5+end/f)
nstep = int(0.5+step/f)
for n in range(nstart, nend, nstep):
freq = f*n
ogp, avg_pwr_sinad = dosnap(fpga, snap_name, rpt=repeat, donot_clear = n!=nstart)
sinad = 10.0*math.log10(avg_pwr_sinad)
print >>sfd, "%8.3f %7.2f" % (freq, sinad)
if do_sfdr:
np.savetxt("ogp.meas", ogp[3:], fmt="%8.4f")
def multipwr(fpga, snap_name=None, start = 1, end = -40, step = -3, repeat=10):
Calls dosnap for a range of powers
if snap_name==None:
snap_name = g_snap_name
for n in range(start, end, step):
dosnap(fpga, snap_name=snap_name, rpt=repeat)
def update_ogp(fname = 'ogp', set=True):
Retreive the ogp data from the ADC and add in the corrections from
the measured ogp (in ogp.meas). Store in the file 'inl'
cur_ogp = get_ogp_array()
meas_ogp = genfromtxt("ogp.meas")
# Correct for the ~1.4X larger effect of the phase registers than expected
for i in (2,5,8,11):
meas_ogp[i] *= 0.65
np.savetxt(fname, cur_ogp+meas_ogp, fmt="%8.4f")
if set:
def update_inl(fname = 'inl.meas'):
Retreive the INL data from the ADC and add in the corrections from
the measured inl (in inl.meas). Store in the file 'inl'
cur_inl = get_inl_array()
meas_inl = genfromtxt(fname)
for level in range(17):
cur_inl[level][1:] += meas_inl[level][1:]
np.savetxt("inl", cur_inl, fmt=('%3d','%7.4f','%7.4f','%7.4f','%7.4f'))
def program(fpga, boffile=None, zdok=None):
Program the roach2 with the standard program. After this, set() and
calibrate() should be called
if boffile == None:
boffile = bof_file # global value
if zdok == None:
zdok = zdok_n
adc5g.set_spi_control(fpga, zdok)
def calibrate(fpga, zdok=None, snap_name=None):
Call Rurik's routine to calibrate the time delay at the adc interface.
if zdok == None:
zdok = zdok_n
if snap_name == None:
snap_name = g_snap_name
t = adc5g.calibrate_mmcm_phase(fpga, zdok, [snap_name], bitwidth=8)
print t
def clear_ogp(fpga, zdok=None):
Clear all of the Offset, Gain and Phase corrections registers on the adc.
if zdok == None:
zdok = zdok_n
for core in range(1,5):
adc5g.set_spi_gain(fpga,zdok, core, 0)
adc5g.set_spi_offset(fpga,zdok, core, 0)
adc5g.set_spi_phase(fpga,zdok, core, 0)
def get_ogp():
Use get_ogp_array to get the Offset, Gain and Phase corrections
and print them.
ogp = get_ogp_array()
print "zero(mV) amp(%%) dly(ps) (adj by .4, .14, .11)"
print "core A %7.4f %7.4f %8.4f" % (ogp[0], ogp[1], ogp[2])
print "core B %7.4f %7.4f %8.4f" % (ogp[3], ogp[4], ogp[5])
print "core C %7.4f %7.4f %8.4f" % (ogp[6], ogp[7], ogp[8])
print "core D %7.4f %7.4f %8.4f" % (ogp[9], ogp[10], ogp[11])
def set_ogp(fpga, zdok=None, fname = 'ogp'):
Clear the control register and then load the offset, gain and phase
registers for each core. These values are hard coded for now.
if zdok == None:
zdok = zdok_n
adc5g.set_spi_control(fpga, zdok)
t = genfromtxt(fname)
set_offs(fpga, zdok, t[0], t[3], t[6], t[9])
set_gains(fpga, zdok, t[1], t[4], t[7], t[10])
set_phase(fpga, zdok, t[2], t[5], t[8], t[11])
def clear_inl(fpga, zdok=None):
Clear the INL registers on the ADC
if zdok == None:
zdok = zdok_n
offs = [0.0]*17
for chan in range(1,5):
adc5g.set_inl_registers(fpga, zdok, chan, offs)
def get_inl():
Use get_inl_array to get the INL registers from the ADC and then
print them.
a = get_inl_array()
print "lvl A B C D"
for level in range(17):
print "%3d %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f" % tuple(a[level])
def set_inl(fpga, zdok=None, fname = 'inl'):
Set the INL registers for all four cores from a file containing 17 rows
of 5 columns. The first column contains the level and is ignored.
Columns 2-5 contain the inl correction for cores a-d
if zdok == None:
zdok = zdok_n
c = genfromtxt(fname, usecols=(1,2,3,4), unpack=True)
def set_freq(fr, samp_freq=None, numpoints=None, centered = True, prnt=True):
Set the synthesizer frequency and save the value for use by dosnap(), etc.
If centered is True, pick the closest frequency in the center of a channel
ie. wih]th an even number of cycles in a snapshot.
if samp_freq == None:
samp_freq = g_samp_freq
if numpoints == None:
numpoints = n_points
freq = g_freq # get global value
if centered:
base_freq = samp_freq / numpoints
n = int(0.5 + fr/base_freq)
freq = base_freq*n
os.system(lanio + "\":FREQ " + str(freq) + " MHz\"")
if prnt:
print "%.6f" % (freq)
def get_freq():
Retreive the frequency from the Agilent Synthesizer and print it.
print os.system(lanio + "\"FREQ?\"")
def set_pwr(p):
Set the synthesizer power and save the value for use by dosnap(), etc.
global pwr
pwr = p
os.system(lanio + "\":POW " + str(p) + " dBm\"")
def get_pwr():
Retreive the power level from the Agilent Synthesizer and print it.
print os.system(lanio + "\"POW?\"")
def set_offs(fpga, zdok=None, o1=0, o2=0, o3=0, o4=0):
Set the offsets for each core in the order a, b, c, d.
if zdok == None:
zdok = zdok_n
t = float(o1)
print floor(.5+t*255/100.)+0x80,
adc5g.set_spi_offset(fpga,zdok, 1, t)
t = float(o2)
print floor(.5+t*255/100.)+0x80,
adc5g.set_spi_offset(fpga,zdok, 2, t)
t = float(o3)
print floor(.5+t*255/100.)+0x80,
adc5g.set_spi_offset(fpga,zdok, 3, t)
t = float(o4)
print floor(.5+t*255/100.)+0x80
adc5g.set_spi_offset(fpga,zdok, 4, t)
def get_offs(fpga, zdok=None):
Get and print the offsets for the four cores of the ADC.
if zdok == None:
zdok = zdok_n
for i in range(1,5):
print "%.3f " % adc5g.get_spi_offset(fpga,zdok,i),
def set_gains(fpga, zdok=None, g1=0, g2=0, g3=0, g4=0):
Set the gains for each core in the order a, b, c, d.
if zdok == None:
zdok = zdok_n
t = float(g1)
print floor(.5+t*255/36.)+0x80,
adc5g.set_spi_gain(fpga,zdok, 1, t)
t = float(g2)
print floor(.5+t*255/36.)+0x80,
adc5g.set_spi_gain(fpga,zdok, 2, t)
t = float(g3)
print floor(.5+t*255/36.)+0x80,
adc5g.set_spi_gain(fpga,zdok, 3, t)
t = float(g4)
print floor(.5+t*255/36.)+0x80
adc5g.set_spi_gain(fpga,zdok, 4, t)
def get_gains(fpga, zdok=None):
Get and print the gains for the four cores of the ADC.
if zdok==None:
for i in range(1,5):
print "%.3f " % adc5g.get_spi_gain(fpga,zdok,i),
def set_phase(fpga, zdok=None, p1=0, p2=0, p3=0, p4=0):
Set the phases (delays) for each core in the order a, b, c, d.
if zdok==None:
t = float(p1)
print floor(.5+t*255/28.)+0x80,
adc5g.set_spi_phase(fpga, zdok, 1, t)
t = float(p2)
print floor(.5+t*255/28.)+0x80,
adc5g.set_spi_phase(fpga, zdok, 2, t)
t = float(p3)
print floor(.5+t*255/28.)+0x80,
adc5g.set_spi_phase(fpga, zdok, 3, t)
t = float(p4)
print floor(.5+t*255/28.)+0x80
adc5g.set_spi_phase(fpga, zdok, 4, t)
def get_phase(fpga, zdok=None):
Get and print the delays for the four cores of the ADC.
if zdok==None:
for i in range(1,5):
print "%.3f " % adc5g.get_spi_phase(fpga,zdok,i),
def get_inl_array(fpga, zdok=None):
Read the INL corrections from the adc and put in an array
if zdok==None:
inl = zeros((5,17), dtype='float')
for chan in range(1,5):
inl[chan] = adc5g.get_inl_registers(fpga, zdok, chan)
inl[0] = range(0, 257,16)
return inl.transpose()
def get_ogp_array(fpga, zdok=None):
Read the Offset, Gain and Phase corrections for each core from the ADC
and return in a 1D array
if zdok==None:
ogp = zeros((12), dtype='float')
indx = 0
for chan in range(1,5):
ogp[indx] = adc5g.get_spi_offset(fpga,zdok,chan)
indx += 1
ogp[indx] = adc5g.get_spi_gain(fpga,zdok,chan)
indx += 1
ogp[indx] = adc5g.get_spi_phase(fpga,zdok,chan)
indx += 1
return ogp
def set_zdok(zd):
global zdok_n
zdok_n = zd
print 'Current global variable for snap block is: '
print '\tg_snap_name: ', g_snap_name
print 'Please change accordingly'
def get_zdok():
print "zdok %d, snapshot %s" % (zdok_n, g_snap_name)
def og_from_noise(fpga, snap_name=None, fname="ogp.noise", rpt=100):
Take a number of snapshots of noise. Analyze for offset and gain
for each core separately.
if snap_name == None:
snap_name = g_snap_name
sum_result = zeros((15), dtype=float)
sum_cnt = 0
for n in range(rpt):
result = zeros((15), dtype=float)
snap=adc5g.get_snapshot(fpga, snap_name, man_trig=True, wait_period=2)
for core in range(4):
# This will actually sample the cores in the order A,C,B,D
# index will fix this up when data is put in the result array
result[index] = (snap_off-off)*500.0/256.0
result[index+1]= 100.0*(snap_amp-amp)/snap_amp
sum_result += result
sum_cnt += 1
sum_result /= sum_cnt
print "%.4f "*15 % tuple(sum_result)
np.savetxt(fname, sum_result[3:], fmt="%8.4f")
def phase_curve(fpga, snap_name=None, zdok=None):
if snap_name == None:
snap_name = g_snap_name
if zdok == None:
zdok = zdok_n
f= 28/255.
ofd = open('phasecurve', 'w')
p = {}
for i in range(1,5):
p[i] = adc5g.get_spi_phase(fpga,zdok,i)
for i in range(-10,11):
set_phase(fpga, zdok, p[1]+ f*i,p[2] -f*i,p[3],p[4])
ogp, gar = dosnap(fpga, snap_name, rpt=5)
print >>ofd, "%.3f %.3f %.3f" % (f*i, ogp[5], ogp[8])
set_phase(fpga, zdok, p[1],p[2],p[3],p[4])
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