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Last active February 26, 2024 09:54
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Clean up cross reference links in Evernote notes (OS X)

Clean up cross reference links in Evernote notes (OS X)

Try to restore TOC links in clipped web pages.


$ node en-toc-cleanup.js

(The argument is a note link obtained by right clicking a note in EN Mac client and select "Copy Note Link")


var cheerio = require('cheerio');
var fs = require('fs');
var temp = require('temp').track();
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
var args = process.argv.slice(2);
var noteLink = args[0].toString().trim(); // of the form
if (! noteLink) { return;}
var reg0 = /^https\:\/\/www\.evernote\.com\/shard\/([^\s\/]+)\/[^\s\/]+\/([^\s\/]+)\/([^\s\/]+)\/$/i;
if (noteLink && reg0.test(noteLink)) {//noteLink.slice(0, 8) is 'https://'
var matched = reg0.exec(noteLink);
noteLink = "evernote:///view/" + matched[2] + "/" + matched[1] + "/" + matched[3] + "/" + matched[3] + "/";
var osaCMD = "";
osaCMD += "tell application \"Evernote\"\n";
osaCMD += "\tset note1 to find note \"" + noteLink + "\"\n";
osaCMD += "\tif note1 is not missing value then return HTML content of note1\n";
osaCMD += "end tell\n";
var tempFile1Pre, tempFile1Suf, tempFile2Pre, tempFile2Suf, info1, info2;
tempFile1Pre = 'evernote-get-html-temp';
tempFile1Suf = '.AppleScript';
tempFile2Pre = 'evernote-html-temp';
tempFile2Suf = '.html';
info1 = temp.openSync({prefix: tempFile1Pre, suffix:tempFile1Suf});
info2 = temp.openSync({prefix: tempFile2Pre, suffix:tempFile2Suf});
fs.writeFileSync(info1.path, osaCMD, 'utf8');
var fullcmd = "osascript " + info1.path + " > " + info2.path;
exec(fullcmd, function(err, stdout, stderr){
if (err) {
}else {
var tempFilePath = info2.path;
if (! fs.existsSync(tempFilePath)) {
var htmlContent = fs.readFileSync(tempFilePath);
if (!htmlContent || htmlContent.toString().length === 0) {return;}
var o = cheerio.load(htmlContent);
var i, j, a, a1, aDest, elm, destHTML, href, anchor, aName, elmID;
var anchorFound = false;
var anchorReg = /#(.+?)$/i;
o('a').map(function(i, a) {
href = o(a).attr("href");
//if (!href) { continue;}
if (href && href.indexOf('#') > -1) {
anchorFound = false;
anchor = anchorReg.exec(href)[1];
o('a').each(function (j, a1) {
if (anchorFound) {return;}
aName = o(this).attr("name");
if (aName && aName == anchor) {
// match found!
o(a).attr("href", "#" + anchor);
anchorFound = true;
return false;
if (! anchorFound) {
o('*').each(function (j, elm) {
if (anchorFound) {return;}
elmID = o(this).attr("id");
if( elmID && elmID == anchor) {
// match found!
o(a).attr("href", "#" + anchor);
destHTML = "<a name=\"" + anchor + "\"></a>";
anchorFound = true;
return false;
fs.writeFileSync(tempFilePath, o.html());
var osaCMD1 = "";
osaCMD1 += "on readFile(unixPath)\n";
osaCMD1 += "\tset targetFile to (open for access (POSIX file unixPath))\n";
osaCMD1 += "\tset newcontent to (read targetFile as «class utf8»)\n";
osaCMD1 += "\tclose access targetFile\n";
osaCMD1 += "\treturn newcontent\n";
osaCMD1 += "end readFile\n\n";
osaCMD1 += "set newContent to readFile(\"" + tempFilePath + "\")\n\n";
osaCMD1 += "tell application \"Evernote\"\n";
osaCMD1 += "\tset note1 to find note \"" + noteLink + "\"\n";
osaCMD1 += "\tif note1 is not missing value then\n";
osaCMD1 += "\t\tset HTML content of note1 to newContent\n";
osaCMD1 += "\tend if\n";
osaCMD1 += "end tell\n";
tempFile1Pre = 'evernote-update-html-temp';
tempFile1Suf = '.AppleScript';
info1 = temp.openSync({prefix: tempFile1Pre, suffix:tempFile1Suf});
fs.writeFileSync(info1.path, osaCMD1, 'utf8');
var fullcmd = "osascript " + info1.path;
exec(fullcmd, function(err, stdout, stderr){
if (err) {
}else {
console.log("Note updated!");
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