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Created July 30, 2017 20:10
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Configuring stm32f7 for 216MHz using svd2rust api
///This configures the clock for full 216mHz performace. Copied from SystemClock_Config() in ST hal examples
fn configure_clock(&self, rcc: &RCC, pwr: &PWR, flash: &FLASH) {
/* Enable HSE Oscillator and activate PLL with HSE as source */
//Enable the HSE|_, w| w.hseon().enabled());
//Wait till HSE is ready (should add a timeout comparing to HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT
//hprintln!("Waiting for HSE to be ready");
//hprintln!("HSE is ready");
//Disable the main PLL before configuring it|_, w| w.pllon().disabled());
//Wait till PLL is disabled (should add a timout comparing to PLL_STARTUP_TIMEOUT)
//hprintln!("Waiting for PLL to be disabled");
//hprintln!("PLL is disabled");
//Configure the PLL for 216mHz (25mHz HSE / 25 = 1 * 432 = 432 / 2 = 216. PllQ gives 216 / 9 = 24mHz for USB, SD card and RNG clocks
rcc.pllcfgr.write(|w| w.pllm().bits(25)
//Enable the pll|_, w| w.pllon().enabled());
//Wait till PLL is enabled (should add a timeout comparing to PLL_STARTUP_TIMEOUT)
//hprintln!("Waiting for PLL to be ready");
//hprintln!("PLL is ready");
//Activate OverDrive to reach 216 Mhz Frequency
//Enable power interface clock
rcc.apb1enr.modify(|_, w| w.pwren().enabled());
//Enable OverDrive
pwr.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.oden().enabled());
//Wait till OD is enabled (should add a timeout comparing to PWR_OVERDRIVE_TIMEOUT_VALUE)
//hprintln!("Waiting for OD to be ready");
//hprintln!("OD is ready");
//Enable OverDrive switching
pwr.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.odswen().enabled());
//Wait till ODSW is enabled (should add a timeout comparing to PWR_OVERDRIVE_TIMEOUT_VALUE)
//hprintln!("Waiting for ODSW to be ready");
//hprintln!("ODSW is ready");
//Switch to the PLL as system clock source and configure the various clocks for this
//Program the new number of wait states to the LATENCY bits in the FLASH_ACR register
flash.acr.modify(|_, w| w.latency().bits(7));
//Check this was applied correctly
if != 7 {
//hprintln!("Flash latency wasn't applied correctly");
} else {
//hprintln!("Flash latency was applied correctly");
//Change AHB prescaler to not divided (AHB = 216mHz)
rcc.cfgr.modify(|_, w| w.hpre().not_divided());
//Switch the system clock to PLL
rcc.cfgr.modify(|_, w| w.sw().pll());
//Wait till system clock switches (should add a timeout comparing to CLOCKSWITCH_TIMEOUT_VALUE)
//hprintln!("Waiting for SWS to be PLL");
//hprintln!("SWS is PLL");
//Set the APB low speed (APB1) prescaler
rcc.cfgr.modify(|_, w| w.ppre1().div4());
//Set the APB high speed (APB2) prescaler
rcc.cfgr.modify(|_, w| w.ppre2().div2());
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