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morganrallen /
Last active January 15, 2023 19:41
Janky Browser


The only cross-platform browser that fits in a Gist!

One line install. Works on Linux, MacOSX and Windows.

Local Install

$> npm install
bruienne /
Last active October 4, 2018 09:40
xhyve boot2docker sample config
#CMDLINE="earlyprintk=serial console=ttyS0 acpi=off"
CMDLINE="loglevel=3 user=docker console=ttyS0 console=tty0 noembed nomodeset norestore waitusb=10:LABEL=boot2docker-data base"
MEM="-m 1G"
#SMP="-c 2"
NET="-s 2:0,virtio-net,en0"
CMCDragonkai /
Last active June 26, 2024 23:03
Rust/Haskell: Higher-Kinded Types (HKT)

Rust/Haskell: Higher-Kinded Types (HKT)

A higher kinded type is a concept that reifies a type constructor as an actual type.

A type constructor can be thought of in these analogies:

  • like a function in the type universe
  • as a type with a "hole" in it
bishboria /
Last active June 8, 2024 06:39
Springer made a bunch of books available for free, these were the direct links