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Created November 20, 2018 14:16
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#!/usr/bin/env xcrun swift
<script> filePath -targetsToExclude Target1 Target2 -packagesToExclude Package1 Package2
import Foundation
// This script should be called with at least 1 parameter
if CommandLine.arguments.count < 2 {
// First parameter should be the file path of the xccov generated json file
let filePath = CommandLine.arguments[1]
let targetsToExcludeKey = "-targetsToExclude"
let packagesToExcludeKey = "-packagesToExclude"
var targetsToExclude = [String]()
var packagesToExclude = [String]()
if CommandLine.arguments.count > 2 {
let parameters = Array(CommandLine.arguments[2..<CommandLine.arguments.count])
let targetsKeyIndex = parameters.index(of: targetsToExcludeKey)
let packagesKeyIndex = parameters.index(of: packagesToExcludeKey)
switch (targetsKeyIndex, packagesKeyIndex) {
case let (.some(targetsIndex), .some(packagesIndex)) where targetsIndex < packagesIndex:
targetsToExclude.append(contentsOf: parameters[targetsIndex + 1..<packagesIndex])
packagesToExclude.append(contentsOf: parameters[packagesIndex + 1..<parameters.count])
case let (.some(targetsIndex), .some(packagesIndex)) where targetsIndex > packagesIndex:
targetsToExclude.append(contentsOf: parameters[packagesIndex + 1..<targetsIndex])
packagesToExclude.append(contentsOf: parameters[targetsIndex + 1..<parameters.count])
case let (.some(targetsIndex), .none):
targetsToExclude.append(contentsOf: parameters[targetsIndex + 1..<parameters.count])
case let (.none, .some(packagesIndex)):
packagesToExclude.append(contentsOf: parameters[packagesIndex + 1..<parameters.count])
The structure of xccov coverage report generated by the command line tool is represented by the following structures:
struct FunctionCoverageReport: Codable {
let coveredLines: Int
let executableLines: Int
let executionCount: Int
let lineCoverage: Double
let lineNumber: Int
let name: String
struct FileCoverageReport: Codable {
let coveredLines: Int
let executableLines: Int
let functions: [FunctionCoverageReport]
let lineCoverage: Double
let name: String
let path: String
struct TargetCoverageReport: Codable {
let buildProductPath: String
let coveredLines: Int
let executableLines: Int
let files: [FileCoverageReport]
let lineCoverage: Double
let name: String
struct CoverageReport: Codable {
let executableLines: Int
let targets: [TargetCoverageReport]
let lineCoverage: Double
let coveredLines: Int
// Trying to get the JSON String from the input parameter filePath
guard let json = try? String(contentsOfFile: filePath, encoding: .utf8), let data = .utf8) else {
// Trying to decode the JSON into CoverageReport structure
guard let report = try? JSONDecoder().decode(CoverageReport.self, from: data) else {
extension String {
func contains(elementOfArray: [String]) -> Bool {
for element in elementOfArray {
if self.contains(element) {
return true
return false
func generateCoberturaReport(from coverageReport: CoverageReport) -> String {
let currentDirectoryPath = FileManager.default.currentDirectoryPath
let dtd = try! XMLDTD(contentsOf: URL(string: "")!) = "coverage"
dtd.systemID = ""
let rootElement = XMLElement(name: "coverage")
rootElement.addAttribute(XMLNode.attribute(withName: "line-rate", stringValue: "\(coverageReport.lineCoverage)") as! XMLNode)
rootElement.addAttribute(XMLNode.attribute(withName: "branch-rate", stringValue: "1.0") as! XMLNode)
rootElement.addAttribute(XMLNode.attribute(withName: "lines-covered", stringValue: "\(coverageReport.coveredLines)") as! XMLNode)
rootElement.addAttribute(XMLNode.attribute(withName: "lines-valid", stringValue: "\(coverageReport.executableLines)") as! XMLNode)
rootElement.addAttribute(XMLNode.attribute(withName: "timestamp", stringValue: "\(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)") as! XMLNode)
rootElement.addAttribute(XMLNode.attribute(withName: "version", stringValue: "diff_coverage 0.1") as! XMLNode)
rootElement.addAttribute(XMLNode.attribute(withName: "complexity", stringValue: "0.0") as! XMLNode)
rootElement.addAttribute(XMLNode.attribute(withName: "branches-valid", stringValue: "1.0") as! XMLNode)
rootElement.addAttribute(XMLNode.attribute(withName: "branches-covered", stringValue: "1.0") as! XMLNode)
let doc = XMLDocument(rootElement: rootElement)
doc.version = "1.0"
doc.dtd = dtd
doc.documentContentKind = .xml
let sourceElement = XMLElement(name: "sources")
sourceElement.addChild(XMLElement(name: "source", stringValue: currentDirectoryPath))
let packagesElement = XMLElement(name: "packages")
var allFiles = [FileCoverageReport]()
for targetCoverageReport in report.targets {
// Filter out targets
if targetsToExclude) {
// Filter out files by package
let targetFiles = targetCoverageReport.files.filter { !$0.path.contains(elementOfArray: packagesToExclude) }
allFiles.append(contentsOf: targetFiles)
// Sort files to avoid duplicated packages
allFiles = allFiles.sorted(by: { $0.path > $1.path })
var currentPackage = ""
var currentPackageElement: XMLElement!
var isNewPackage = false
for fileCoverageReport in allFiles {
// Define file path relative to source!
let filePath = fileCoverageReport.path.replacingOccurrences(of: currentDirectoryPath + "/", with: "")
let pathComponents = filePath.split(separator: "/")
let packageName = pathComponents[0..<pathComponents.count - 1].joined(separator: ".")
isNewPackage = currentPackage != packageName
if isNewPackage {
currentPackageElement = XMLElement(name: "package")
currentPackage = packageName
if isNewPackage {
currentPackageElement.addAttribute(XMLNode.attribute(withName: "name", stringValue: packageName) as! XMLNode)
currentPackageElement.addAttribute(XMLNode.attribute(withName: "line-rate", stringValue: "\(fileCoverageReport.lineCoverage)") as! XMLNode)
currentPackageElement.addAttribute(XMLNode.attribute(withName: "branch-rate", stringValue: "1.0") as! XMLNode)
currentPackageElement.addAttribute(XMLNode.attribute(withName: "complexity", stringValue: "0.0") as! XMLNode)
let classElement = XMLElement(name: "class")
classElement.addAttribute(XMLNode.attribute(withName: "name", stringValue: "\(packageName).\(( as NSString).deletingPathExtension)") as! XMLNode)
classElement.addAttribute(XMLNode.attribute(withName: "filename", stringValue: "\(filePath)") as! XMLNode)
classElement.addAttribute(XMLNode.attribute(withName: "line-rate", stringValue: "\(fileCoverageReport.lineCoverage)") as! XMLNode)
classElement.addAttribute(XMLNode.attribute(withName: "branch-rate", stringValue: "1.0") as! XMLNode)
classElement.addAttribute(XMLNode.attribute(withName: "complexity", stringValue: "0.0") as! XMLNode)
let linesElement = XMLElement(name: "lines")
for functionCoverageReport in fileCoverageReport.functions {
for index in 0..<functionCoverageReport.executableLines {
// Function coverage report won't be 100% reliable without parsing it by file (would need to use xccov view --file filePath currentDirectory + Build/Logs/Test/*.xccovarchive)
let lineElement = XMLElement(kind: .element, options: .nodeCompactEmptyElement) = "line"
lineElement.addAttribute(XMLNode.attribute(withName: "number", stringValue: "\(functionCoverageReport.lineNumber + index)") as! XMLNode)
lineElement.addAttribute(XMLNode.attribute(withName: "branch", stringValue: "false") as! XMLNode)
let lineHits: Int
if index < functionCoverageReport.coveredLines {
lineHits = functionCoverageReport.executionCount
} else {
lineHits = 0
lineElement.addAttribute(XMLNode.attribute(withName: "hits", stringValue: "\(lineHits)") as! XMLNode)
return doc.xmlString(options: [.nodePrettyPrint])
print("\(generateCoberturaReport(from: report))")
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No, not yet - luckily we're still building with Xcode 10...

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Oh, i see. Well, I tried and did not succeed and I switched to using Slather framework. I noticed that is faster than using XCOV and some script to transform JSON to XML for Cobertura. Slather directly outputs the xml file that you want :)

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Yes, we've been using slather in other projects, but it requires an additional install - the beauty of your script is it just uses what's available anyway... Thanks for that, btw.

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Actually, it is not my script, but that's ok. Well, I guess you can continue using the script. I stopped using it since XCode 11 caused me some problems and I think that using Slather ( even if it means installing it ) is faster :)

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Speakus commented Jan 7, 2020

@cristianbanarescu could you share the slather command which works for you? I was unable to use slather since Xcode 11 :(

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ollitapa commented Jan 8, 2020

I'm running these commands and it works just fine with Xcode 11.3

xcrun xccov view --report --json /Users/olli/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-bydisxbacbtoxnfsrziycoktswmr/Logs/Test/Test-MyProject-2020.01.07_14-40-33-+0200.xcresult > sonar-reports/coverage.json
xcrun swift xccov-json-to-cobertura-xml.swift sonar-reports/coverage.json > sonar-reports/cobertura.xml

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cristianbanarescu commented Jan 8, 2020


Before the 'slather' command, you need to use the 'scan' command, like this:

scan(scheme: "SchemeName",
code_coverage: true,
clean: true,
workspace: "./MyApp.xcworkspace",
derived_data_path: "../testOutput/",
skip_build: true)

slather(build_directory: "../testOutput/",
scheme: "SchemeName",
workspace: "./MyApp.xcworkspace",
proj: "./MyApp.xcodeproj",
output_directory: "../testOutput/slatherOutput",
cobertura_xml: true,
ignore: ["Pods/", "ThirdParty/", “Frameworks/*"])

For this 'ignore' part, please note the after the '/', you need to add an asterisk ( * ) in order to ignore all the subfolders for the specified folder. It seems like the comments in github ignore the '*' that i have put inside the 'ignore' parameter

Also, please note that the slather command MUST be run inside the same folder where you will run the 'scan' command

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I'm running these commands and it works just fine with Xcode 11.3

xcrun xccov view --report --json /Users/olli/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-bydisxbacbtoxnfsrziycoktswmr/Logs/Test/Test-MyProject-2020.01.07_14-40-33-+0200.xcresult > sonar-reports/coverage.json
xcrun swift xccov-json-to-cobertura-xml.swift sonar-reports/coverage.json > sonar-reports/cobertura.xml

@ollitapa I see you put both these files in a "sonar-reports" folder, so I assume you are using Sonarqube?
Have you found a way to have it accept code coverage either in the json format produced by xccov, or in the cobertura xml format? Or do you transform it into the "generic sonar coverage" format?

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@nfrydenholm I'm using plugin. It accepts the format directly. You can take a look at my sonar confs here: The junit file is done by Trainer

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Thanks for the info @ollitapa 👍

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twittemb commented Jul 25, 2020

If this can help, I've made a tool based on that script that can be installed with brew to be more CI friendly. I have also structured the code so it can be easily extended with new output formats:

Thanks @csaby02 for his original code.

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This script may not work with Gitlab due to missing classes XML tag.
Read more here for info and solution -

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