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anonymous / gist:4356798
Created December 22, 2012 00:35
An adventurer with an Injured Foot may equip a Medical Boot. For 3d6+4 days, you cannot run, climb, or swim, but may heal an Injured Foot sooner at DM's discretion
"Serious Business Footsloggers"
100pts [HQ] Librarian(?, Smite)
200pts [Troop] Tactical Squad | 10-man | Power fist, Melta gun, Multi-melta, Melta bombs
200pts [Troop] Tactical Squad | 10-man | Power sword, Melta gun, Lascannon
"Purge the...something?"
100pts [HQ] Librarian(?, The Avenger)
225pts [Troop] Tactical Squad | 10-man | Powersword, Flamer, Missile launcher | Razorback(Heavy bolter)
csampson / gist:7724476
Last active December 29, 2015 20:29
Skyrim mods
- SkyRE(Skyrim Redone)
User Interface
- SkyUI
joerx / index.js
Last active May 17, 2023 12:58
Mocking S3 in Node.js using Sinon
var Aws = require('aws-sdk');
var sinon = require('sinon');
// Only works for 'createBucket', 'update' and a few others since most API methods are generated dynamically
// upon instantiation. Very counterintuitive, thanks Amazon!
var createBucket = sinon.stub(Aws.S3.prototype, 'createBucket');
createBucket.yields(null, 'Me create bucket');
// For other methods, we can 'assign' the stubs to the proto, already defined function won't be overridden
var listBuckets = Aws.S3.prototype.listBuckets = sinon.stub();
csampson /
Last active May 11, 2016 01:43
GearVR app recommendations


Action (Casual)

Shooting Showdown 2

Virtual shooting range

Controller: ?
Multiplayer: Yes