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Created April 19, 2012 15:02
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Save csasbach/2421513 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is a custom helper file I created for use in CodeIgniter. It generates form elements with semantic and accessible HTML and CSS with the hooks needed to utilize error reporting in CodeIgniter and in jQuery.
* Some more accesible and semantic form helpers. I utilize the default form helpers as
* much as possible to preserve the original syntax.
* RETURNS html to open a form
* @param string the URI segments of the form destination
* @param array a key/value pair of attributes
* @param array a key/value pair hidden data
* @param string The displayed title of the form.
* @param string A longer description or instructions for the form.
* @param boolean Choose if errors will be displayed at the top of the form.
* @return string
function sa_form_open($action, $atts, $hidden, $title="", $desc="", $top_errors=TRUE)
// prepend sa-form class to class(es) in $atts['class']
$class = 'sa-form '.(isset($atts['class']) ? $atts['class'] : '');
// update $atts['class']
$atts['class'] = $class;
// call the original form_open() helper function
$sa_form_open = form_open($action, $atts, $hidden);
// write form title
$sa_form_open .= ($title != "" ? '<h1>'.$title.'</h1>' : '');
// write form description
$sa_form_open .= ($desc != "" ? '<p>'.$desc.'</p>' : '');
// display errors
if ($top_errors) {
$errors = validation_errors('<li>','</li>');
$sa_form_open .= (!empty($errors) ? '<ul class="error">'.$errors.'</ul>' : '');
// write form instructions
$sa_form_open .= '<small>';
$sa_form_open .= '<span style="float:right">';
$sa_form_open .= '<abbr class="requiredField" title="Fields marked with this symbol are required.">*</abbr>';
$sa_form_open .= ' denotes a required field.</span>';
$sa_form_open .= '<abbr title="Use these symbols to help you correctly fill out the form.">[?]</abbr>';
$sa_form_open .= ' for help. ';
$sa_form_open .= '<div style="clear:both"></div></small>';
return $sa_form_open;
/* FORM SECTION (fieldset) */
* RETURNS html to open a section in a form
* @param string The id attribute of the fieldset tag and the legend title if no title is given.
* @param string The legend title and if NOT "" also the displayed title of the section.
* @param string A longer description or instructions for the section.
* @param array a key/value pair of attributes
* @param string additional data for the field (i.e. javascript)
* @return string
function sa_form_section($id, $title="", $desc="", $atts=array(),$extra="") {
// declare default attributes
$default_atts = array();
// open fieldset tag and write attributes
$sa_form_section = '<fieldset id="'.$id.'" '._parse_form_attributes($atts, $default_atts).' '.$extra.'>';
// write section title
$sa_form_section .= ($title != "" ? '<h2>'.$title.'</h2>' : '');
if ($title == "") $title= $id;
// write legend
$sa_form_section .= '<legend class="screen-reader-text" >'.$title.'</legend>';
// write description
$sa_form_section .= ($desc != "" ? '<p>'.$desc.'</p>' : '');
return $sa_form_section;
* RETURNS field wrapped in a label tag with optional title and description
* @param string a field
* @param string the id of the field
* @param bool is it a required field?
* @param string The displayed title of the form.
* @param string A longer description or instructions for the form.
* @param array a key/value pair of attributes
* @return string
function sa_label_wrapper($field, $id, $req, $title="", $desc="", $atts=array())
// if required field add requiredField class to label
$atts['class'] = ($req ? 'requiredField ' : '').(isset($atts['class']) ? $atts['class'] : '');
// write errors
$label_text = form_error($id);
// open .field-info span tag
$label_text .= '<span class="field-info">';
// write required field abbreviation
$label_text .= ($req ? '<abbr class="requiredField" title="This is a required field.">*</abbr>' : '');
if ($title == "") $title = $id;
// write field title
$label_text .= $title.' ';
// write description abbreviation
$label_text .= ($desc != "" ? '<abbr title="'.$desc.'">[?]</abbr> ' : '');
// close .field-info span tag
$label_text .= '</span>';
// write the field
$label_text .= $field;
return form_label($label_text, $id, $atts);
* RETURNS a text input field wrapped in a label
* @param array a key/value pair of attributes for the field
* @param string a default value for the field
* @param string additional data for the field (i.e. javascript)
* @param bool is the string required?
* @param string The title displayed in the label for the field.
* @param string A longer description or instructions for the field.
* @param array a key/value pair of attributes for the fields label
* @return string
function sa_form_input($atts, $value="", $extra="", $req=FALSE, $title="", $desc="", $label_atts=array())
// set value
$value = set_value($atts['id'],$value);
//add a default tabindex of 1 for accessibility
if (!isset($atts['tabindex'])) $atts['tabindex'] = 1;
// call the original form_input() helper function
$sa_form_input = form_input($atts, $value, $extra);
// wrap field with label_wrapper()
$sa_form_input = sa_label_wrapper($sa_form_input, $atts['id'], $req, $title, $desc, $label_atts);
return $sa_form_input;
* RETURNS a password input field wrapped in a label
* @param array a key/value pair of attributes for the field
* @param string a default value for the field
* @param string additional data for the field (i.e. javascript)
* @param bool is the string required?
* @param string The title displayed in the label for the field.
* @param string A longer description or instructions for the field.
* @param array a key/value pair of attributes for the fields label
* @return string
function sa_form_password($atts, $value="", $extra="", $req=TRUE, $title="", $desc="", $label_atts=array())
// set value
$value = set_value($atts['id'],$value);
//add a default tabindex of 1 for accessibility
if (!isset($atts['tabindex'])) $atts['tabindex'] = 1;
// call the original form_password() helper function
$sa_form_password = form_password($atts, $value, $extra);
// wrap field with label_wrapper()
$sa_form_password = sa_label_wrapper($sa_form_password, $atts['id'], $req, $title, $desc, $label_atts);
return $sa_form_password;
* RETURNS a file input field wrapped in a label
* @param array a key/value pair of attributes for the field
* @param string a default value for the field
* @param string additional data for the field (i.e. javascript)
* @param bool is the string required?
* @param string The title displayed in the label for the field.
* @param string A longer description or instructions for the field.
* @param array a key/value pair of attributes for the fields label
* @return string
function sa_form_upload($atts, $value="", $extra="", $req=FALSE, $title="", $desc="", $label_atts=array())
//add a default tabindex of 1 for accessibility
if (!isset($atts['tabindex'])) $atts['tabindex'] = 1;
// call the original form_upload() helper function
$sa_form_upload = form_upload($atts, $value, $extra);
// wrap field with label_wrapper()
$sa_form_upload = sa_label_wrapper($sa_form_upload, $atts['id'], $req, $title, $desc, $label_atts);
return $sa_form_upload;
* RETURNS a textarea field wrapped in a label
* @param array a key/value pair of attributes for the field
* @param string a default value for the field
* @param string additional data for the field (i.e. javascript)
* @param bool is the string required?
* @param string The title displayed in the label for the field.
* @param string A longer description or instructions for the field.
* @param array a key/value pair of attributes for the fields label
* @return string
function sa_form_textarea($atts, $value="", $extra="", $req=FALSE, $title="", $desc="", $label_atts=array())
// set value
$value = set_value($atts['id'],$value);
//add a default rows of 5
if (!isset($atts['rows'])) $atts['rows'] = 5;
//add a default tabindex of 1 for accessibility
if (!isset($atts['tabindex'])) $atts['tabindex'] = 1;
// call the original form_textarea() helper function
$sa_form_textarea = form_textarea($atts, $value, $extra);
// wrap field with label_wrapper()
$sa_form_textarea = sa_label_wrapper($sa_form_textarea, $atts['id'], $req, $title, $desc, $label_atts);
return $sa_form_textarea;
* RETURNS a text input field wrapped in a label
* @param array a key/value pair of attributes for the field
* @param string a default value for the field
* @param string additional data for the field (i.e. javascript)
* @return string
function sa_form_submit($atts, $value="", $extra="")
//add a default tabindex of 1 for accessibility
if (!isset($atts['tabindex'])) $atts['tabindex'] = 1;
// call the original form_input() helper function
$sa_form_submit = form_submit($atts, $value, $extra);
return $sa_form_submit;
/* End of file MY_form_helper.php */
/* Location: ./application/helpers/MY_form_helper.php */
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