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Created August 28, 2021 00:12
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  • Save csaybar/311cb07bca1eeac9da439e0448112c9f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save csaybar/311cb07bca1eeac9da439e0448112c9f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
scribble_ano <- function(file) {
segmentation_point <- jsonlite::read_json(file)
segmentation_point$classes <- list(
name = "Clear",
description = "All clear pixels, i.e. without cloud contamination or cloud shadows.",
colour = c(255, 255, 255, 0),
user_colour = c(0, 255, 255, 85)
name = "Thick Cloud - C",
description = "All clear pixels, i.e. without cloud contamination or cloud shadows.",
colour = c(255, 255, 0, 85)
name = "Thick Cloud - E",
description = "All clear pixels, i.e. without cloud contamination or cloud shadows.",
colour = c(150, 105, 0, 85)
name = "Thin Cloud - C",
description = "All clear pixels, i.e. without cloud contamination or cloud shadows.",
colour = c(0, 255, 0, 85)
name = "Thin Cloud - E",
description = "All clear pixels, i.e. without cloud contamination or cloud shadows.",
colour = c(50, 255, 200, 95)
name = "Cloud Shadows - C",
description = "All pixels contaminated by cloud shadows (not terrain shadows).",
colour = c(255, 0, 0, 85)
name = "Cloud Shadows - E",
description = "All pixels contaminated by cloud shadows (not terrain shadows).",
colour = c(100, 0, 0, 85)
name = "No data",
description = "Reserved for no data pixels, e.g. pixels outside of the satellite's swath.",
colour = c(50, 50, 255, 85)
x = segmentation_point,
path = file,
auto_unbox = T
get_json_files <- function(PATH) {
geoson_files <- list.files(path = PATH, full.names = TRUE)
json_files <- foreach (index=seq_along(geoson_files), .combine = c) %do% {
list.files(geoson_files[index], "cloud_segmentation_point", full.names = TRUE)
PATH <- "/media/csaybar/Elements SE/cloudSEN12/scribble/"
cloud_json_files <- get_json_files(PATH)
sapply(cloud_json_files, scribble_ano)
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