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Created August 19, 2020 01:26
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# remotes::install_github("r-spatial/rgee@v.1.0.5")
ee_Initialize("csaybar", gcs = TRUE)
# Properties to attach to the uploaded raster
raster_properties <- list(prop2=1, prop1=2)
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Case N°01: Upload a raster to Earth Engine and set properties
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# 1.1 Read the raster you want to upload
tif <- system.file("tif/L7_ETMs.tif", package = "stars") %>%
read_stars(proxy = TRUE)
# 1.2 Create a destination asset ID
asset_id <- sprintf("%s/%s", ee_get_assethome(),"l7_example")
# 1.3 Upload raster with stars_as_ee (or raster_as_ee)
ee_tif <- stars_as_ee(
x = tif,
assetId = asset_id,
overwrite = TRUE,
bucket = "rgee_dev", # set here your GCS bucket
properties = raster_properties # set here your properties (ee_utils_create_manifest_image)
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Case N°02: Set properties to a previous raster uploaded
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# 2.1 Specify a in/out EE path
server_path <- "LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1/"
user_asset_path <- ee_get_assethome()
final_path <- paste0(user_asset_path,"/LC08_044034_20140318")
# 2.2 Copy an asset
path_asset = paste0(server_path,"/LC08_044034_20140318"), # server path
final_path = final_path # ur personal path
# 2.3 Set properties
ee_manage_set_properties(final_path, list(p1 = "rgee", p2 = 10))
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