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Created October 15, 2021 09:27
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__author__ = 'Wray Buntine'
_VERSION = '0.1'
import numpy;
import random;
# globals
# WARNING: need to recode to remove dependence of beta on x-range!!!
# x range ... don't change
xmin = 0
xmax = 10
# smoothing parameter for Smoothed Legendre Polynomials ... pairs with x-range!!
beta = 0.00001
# scale parameter for noise
sigma = 0.2
# support for making datasets
def setSigma(noise):
global sigma
sigma = noise
# shift X domain to be in [-1,1]
def xshift(x):
return ((x-xmin)/(xmax-xmin)*2.0 - 1.0)
# have to generate an x sample several times
def makeX(pts,uniform=False):
if uniform:
xm = numpy.linspace(xmin, xmax, pts)
xm = xmin + numpy.sort(numpy.random.random([pts]))*(xmax-xmin)
return xm
# here is a noise function
def addNoise(yt,laplace=False):
if laplace:
y = yt + sigma/2.0*numpy.random.laplace(size=yt.size)
y = yt + sigma*numpy.random.randn(len(yt))
return y
# build a set of polynomial orders to use to fit
def makeOrders(points):
orders = [int(points/1.2)]
if orders[0]>200:
orders[0] = 200
while orders[0]/2>2:
return orders
def maxOrder(points):
order = int(points/1.2)
if order>200:
order = 200
return order
# simple regression
# stops polyfit complaining about poor matrix
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', numpy.RankWarning)
# return yts for poly fit to (xs,ys)
def linReg(xs,ys,xts,order):
# build the polynomial, a Python object from numpy
polynomial = numpy.poly1d(numpy.polyfit(xs, ys, order))
# build the fitted poly curve (xts,???) from the polynomial
return polynomial(xts)
# return a polynomial that is about as good as you get
def bestLinReg(func,xts,order):
# fit with large amount of data and no noise
numpts = order*50
xb = numpy.linspace(xmin, xmax, numpts)
yb = func(xb)
return linReg(xb, yb, xts, order)
# smoothed Legendre polynomials
from numpy.polynomial import legendre
class LegPoly:
# make a Smoothing matrix
def smoother(self):
dim = self.order
A = numpy.zeros((dim+1))
B = numpy.zeros((dim+1))
C = numpy.zeros((dim+1))
for n in numpy.arange(2,dim+1):
A[n] = (2*n-1)*(2*n-3)
for n in numpy.arange(4,dim+1):
B[n] = 2*(2*n-3)*(2*n-7)
for n in numpy.arange(6,dim+1):
C[n] = (2*n-5)*(2*n-11)
self.smooth = numpy.zeros((dim+1,dim+1))
self.smooth[0][0] = 0.01 # make these smaller since not so fussed
self.smooth[1][1] = 0.01
for n in numpy.arange(2,dim+1):
self.smooth[n][n] += A[n]*A[n] + B[n]*B[n] + C[n]*C[n]
for n in numpy.arange(2,dim-1):
self.smooth[n][n+2] += A[n]*B[n+2] + B[n]*C[n+2]
self.smooth[n+2][n] = self.smooth[n][n+2]
for n in numpy.arange(2,dim-3):
self.smooth[n][n+4] += A[n]*C[n+4]
self.smooth[n+4][n] = self.smooth[n][n+4]
def __init__(self, order,lmbda=beta):
self.order = order
# initialise smoothing matrix
# tradeoff parameter fer smoother
self.lmbda = lmbda
# hyperparameter, prior for self.lmbda
self.beta = lmbda
# vector giving the polynomial
self.coeff = numpy.zeros(order+1)
# Vandermonde matrix, saved in some cases
self.vander = None
self.x = None
def apply(self, x):
xs = numpy.copy(x)
xs = xshift(xs)
return legendre.legval(xs, self.coeff)
# store x and compute the Vandermonde matrix
def setX(self, x):
self.x = numpy.copy(x)
self.x = xshift(self.x)
self.vander = legendre.legvander(self.x, self.order)
# equivalent to polyfit() but using smoothed Legendre polynomials
# also calls setX()
def fit(self, x,y):
VtV =,self.vander)
# should do SVD for robustness, but this is a simple demo
legcoeff = numpy.linalg.inv(VtV + sigma*sigma*self.lmbda*self.smooth),, self.vander))
# estimate lambda
# lambda is posterior Gamma(alpha+order/2, beta + cosq/2)
cosq =,,legcoeff))
self.lmbda = (2+self.order)/(2/self.beta+cosq)
# recompute based on estimate of lambda
legcoeff = numpy.linalg.inv(VtV + sigma*sigma*self.lmbda*self.smooth),, self.vander))
# save the value
self.coeff = numpy.array(legcoeff).flatten()
# an MCMC sampler working off previously stored value
# samples both self.coeff and self.lmbda
def sample(self, y):
# self.x, self.vander, self.coeff already set
VtV =,self.vander)/(sigma*sigma) + self.lmbda*self.smooth
# do SVD as we want a sqrt of the matrix
Vu, Vs, Vv = numpy.linalg.svd(VtV)
# inefficient because we also compute inverse here!
legcoeff = numpy.linalg.inv(VtV)/(sigma*sigma),, self.vander))
self.coeff = numpy.array(legcoeff).flatten() +,1/numpy.sqrt(Vs)*numpy.random.normal(0,1,self.order+1))
cosq =,,legcoeff))
# lambda is posterior Gamma(alpha+order/2, beta + cosq/2)
self.lmbda = numpy.random.gamma(1+self.order/2, 1.0/(self.beta+cosq/2))
# print "New lambda = "+str(self.lmbda)
# print "Mean lambda = "+str((2+self.order)/(2/self.beta+cosq))
def demoReg1(nmpts):
x = makeX(nmpts)
y = numpy.sin(0.2 + 6/(1+(x/2.5)**1.5))
y = addNoise(y)
return x,y
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csaybar commented Oct 17, 2021

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