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Created December 5, 2020 14:23
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## Travel time to school facilities as a marker of geographical ##
## accessibility across heterogeneous land cov ##
##' @GabrielCarrasco-Escobar, @EdgarManrique, @KellyTello-Lizarraga, ##
##' @J.JaimeMiranda,@AntonyBarja ##
# Requerements
# Preparing dataset (pq cargas una geometria tan pesada!, siempre usa un bbox!!)
peru <- ee$FeatureCollection('users/edgarmanrique30/Peru_geometry/Limite_departamental') %>%
ee$FeatureCollection$geometry() %>%
ee$Geometry$bounds() %>%
ee_as_sf() %>%
st_bbox() %>%
# DEM y slope
dem <- ee$Image('USGS/SRTMGL1_003') %>%
slope <- ee$Terrain$slope(dem)
# Land use
landc <- ee$ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MCD12Q1') %>%
ee$ImageCollection$select("LC_Type1") %>%
ee$ImageCollection$filterDate("2017-01-01", "2017-12-31") %>%
ee$ImageCollection$median() %>%
# vias
vias_dep <- ee$FeatureCollection('users/edgarmanrique30/Peru_geometry/red_vial_departamental_dic16')
vias_nac <- ee$FeatureCollection('users/edgarmanrique30/Peru_geometry/red_vial_nacional_dic16')
vias_vec <- ee$FeatureCollection('users/edgarmanrique30/Peru_geometry/red_vial_vecinal_dic16')
rios <- ee$Image('WWF/HydroSHEDS/15ACC') %>%
ee$Image$gt(5000) %>%
ee$Image$remap(c(0,1), c(0,9))
anp <- ee$FeatureCollection('users/edgarmanrique30/Peru_geometry/ANP-Nacional')
school <- ee$FeatureCollection('users/antonybarja8/school')
black <- ee$Image(0)$byte()
vias_nac <- black$paint(vias_nac, 80)$clip(peru)
vias_dep <- black$paint(vias_dep, 50)$clip(peru)
vias_vec <- black$paint(vias_vec, 30)$clip(peru)
# LC_Type1, Remapping the pixel values of each category of land cover to their respective speed in km/h.
landcspeed <- landc$
remap(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ,14, 15, 16, 17),
c(3.24, 1.62, 3.24, 4, 3.24, 3, 4.2, 4.86, 4.86, 4.86, 2, 2.5, 5, 3.24, 1.62, 3, 1))
# Filtering urban areas to multiply the roads speed by .7
landc_urban <- landc$eq(13)
# Filtering urban areas to multiply the roads speed by .7
landc_urban <- landc_urban$remap(c(0,1),c(1,0.7))
vias_nac <- vias_nac$multiply(landc_urban) # Multiplying roads layers by 0.7 in urban areas
vias_dep <- vias_dep$multiply(landc_urban) # Multiplying roads layers by 0.7 in urban areas
vias_vec <- vias_vec$multiply(landc_urban) # Multiplying roads layers by 0.7 in urban areas
# Creating Natural protected areas layer
anp <- black$paint(anp, 1)$
#Remapping values to 0.2 km/h of Natural protected areas to multiply Landcover speed
anp <- anp$remap(c(0,1),c(1,0.2))
landcspeed <- landcspeed$multiply(anp) # Multiplying Landcover speed by 0.2 on Natural protected areas
landcspeed <- landcspeed$toDouble()$select(list(0),list("speed"))
rios <- rios$toDouble()$select(list(0),list("speed"))
vias_nac <- vias_nac$toDouble()$select(list(0),list("speed")) # unifying the band name
vias_dep <- vias_dep$toDouble()$select(list(0),list("speed")) # unifying the band name
vias_vec <- vias_vec$toDouble()$select(list(0),list("speed")) # unifying the band name
# Mergging all layers into a collection
collection <- ee$ImageCollection(
fsurface <- collection$max() # Calculating the maximum value of speed on a single pixel
# eaf <- function(x) {1.01*exp(-0.0001072*x)} # Elevation adjustment factor
eaf <- dem$expression(
'DEM'= dem$select('elevation')))
# thf <- function(x) {6*exp(-3.5*abs((tan(x/57.296) + 0.05)))/5} # Tobler's hikking function adjustment
thf <- slope$expression(
c('6*exp(-3.5*abs((tan(slope/57.296) + 0.05)))/5'), list(
'slope'= slope$select(list(0))
# Adjusting the friction surface by EAF and THF
fsurface <- fsurface$multiply(eaf)$multiply(thf)
# convert <- function(x) {(x * 1000 / 60) ^ -1} # converts km/h to min/m
fsurface <- fsurface$expression(
c('(x * 1000 / 60) ** -1'),
list('x'= fsurface$select(list(0)))
# Paint the input points, essentially converting them to a raster.
# Theoretically this will merge any points that fall within the same pixel (of the resulting 30-arc-second resolution).
sources <- black$paint(school, 1)
sources <- sources$updateMask(sources)
# Compute the min cost path distance map, with a horizon of 1500 km.
# This can be reduced for high-latitude areas and/or to shorten processing time.
distance <- fsurface$cumulativeCost(sources, 400000) # The function accepts meters rather than km.
distance <- ee$Image(distance)$toInt() # Here we convert the output to integer to make the output .tif smaller (and the code more likely to run successfully).
distance <- distance$clip(peru)$reproject("EPSG:4326")
# Final Map
viz <- list(
min = 0,
max = 600,
palette = cpt(pal = 'grass_bcyr',n = 5,rev = T)
Map$addLayer(distance,viz,'accessibility') +
Map$addLayer(fsurface$clip(peru),viz,'friction') +
# Extract value of IIEE
extract_value <- function(x, y, by = 1000){
y_len <- y$size()$getInfo()
for(i in seq(1,y_len,by)) {
index <- i - 1
print(sprintf("Extracting information [%s/%s]...",index,y_len))
ee_value_school <- ee$FeatureCollection(y) %>%
ee$FeatureCollection$toList(by, index) %>%
if(i == 1) {
dataset <- ee_extract(
x = x,
fun = ee$Reducer$median(),
y = ee_value_school,
scale = 10000,
sf = F)
} else {
db_local <- ee_extract(x = x,y = ee_value_school,
fun = ee$Reducer$median(),
sf = TRUE)
dataset <- rbind(da(taset,db_local)
school_value <- extract_value(x = distance, y = school)
school %>% ee_get(0) %>% ee$FeatureCollection$getInfo()
Map$addLayer(eeObject = distance, visParams = list(min = 0, max = 1))
rr1 = ee_as_raster(distance, scale = 10000)
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csaybar commented Dec 29, 2020


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csaybar commented Dec 29, 2020


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