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Simple prover based on the approach used in the B-Book by J.R. Abrial
Simple prover based on the approach used in the B-Book by J.R. Abrial
Copyright (C) 2024 Cole Blakley
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
val p = Placeholder "p";
val q = Placeholder "q";
val r = Placeholder "r";
(* Precedence sanity checks*)
val impl_equiv_check = (p == q --> q == p) = Equiv (Equiv (p, Implies (q, q)), p);
val impl_and_check = (p && q --> q && p) = Implies (And (p, q), And (q, p));
val equiv_and_check = (p && q == q && p) = Equiv (And (p, q), And (q, p));
val ex_check = (p && Not q --> Not q && p) = Implies (And (p, Not q), And (Not q, p));
val multi_impl_check = (p --> q --> q) = (Implies (Implies (p, q), q));
val impl_122 = (p --> Not q --> Not (p && q)) = (Implies (Implies (p, Not q), Not (And (p, q))));
(* Theorems from the B Book *)
val theorem_1_2_1 = all_true (simple_prove ( p --> Not (Not p) ));
val theorem_1_2_2 = all_true (simple_prove ( p && Not q --> Not (p --> q) ));
val theorem_1_2_3 = all_true (simple_prove ( p --> Not q --> Not (p && q) ));
val theorem_1_2_4 = all_true (simple_prove ( p --> r --> (Not (Not p) --> r) ));
val theorem_1_2_5 = all_true (simple_prove ( (p --> (Not q --> r)) --> (Not (p --> q) --> r) ));
val theorem_1_2_6 = all_true (simple_prove ( ((Not p --> r) && (Not q --> r)) --> (Not (p && q) --> r) ));
val theorem_1_2_7 = all_true (simple_prove ( (Not p --> r) && (q --> r) --> (p --> q --> r) ));
val theorem_1_2_8 = all_true (simple_prove ( (p --> (q --> r)) --> (p && q --> r) ));
val theorem_1_2_9 = all_true (simple_prove ( (Not p --> q) && r --> (Not (p && r) --> q && r) ));
val theorem_1_2_10 = all_true (simple_prove ( (p --> r) && (q --> r) && (p || q) --> r ));
(* Basic properties *)
val commutative_1 = all_true (simple_prove ( p || q == q || p ));
val commutative_2 = all_true (simple_prove ( p && q == q && p ));
val commutative_3 = all_true (simple_prove ( (p == q) == (q == p) ));
val associative_1 = all_true (simple_prove ( p || q || r == p || (q || r) ));
val associative_2 = all_true (simple_prove ( p && q && r == p && (q && r) ));
val associative_3 = all_true (simple_prove ( (p == q == r) == (p == (q == r)) ));
val distributive_1 = all_true (simple_prove ( r && (p || q) == (r && p) || (r && q) ));
val distributive_2 = all_true (simple_prove ( r || (p && q) == (r || p) && (r || q) ));
val distributive_3 = all_true (simple_prove ( r --> (p && q) == (r --> p) && (r --> q) ));
val excluded_middle = all_true (simple_prove ( p || Not p ));
val idempotence_1 = all_true (simple_prove ( p || p == p) );
val idempotence_2 = all_true (simple_prove ( p && p == p) );
val absorption_1 = all_true (simple_prove ( (p || q) && p == p ));
val absorption_2 = all_true (simple_prove ( (p && q) || p == p ));
val de_morgan_1 = all_true (simple_prove ( Not (p || q) == Not p && Not q ));
val de_morgan_2 = all_true (simple_prove ( Not (p && q) == Not p || Not q ));
val de_morgan_3 = all_true (simple_prove ( Not (p && q) == p --> Not q ));
val de_morgan_4 = all_true (simple_prove ( Not (p --> q) == p && Not q ));
val double_negation = all_true (simple_prove ( Not (Not p) == p ));
val transitivity = all_true (simple_prove ( ((p --> q) && (q --> r)) --> (p --> r) ));
Simple prover based on the approach used in the B-Book by J.R. Abrial
Copyright (C) 2024 Cole Blakley
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
datatype variable = Var of int;
datatype expression = VarExpr of variable
| SubstExpr of variable * expression * expression;
datatype predicate = Bool of bool
| Placeholder of string
| Not of predicate
| And of predicate * predicate
| Implies of predicate * predicate
| Or of predicate * predicate
| Equiv of predicate * predicate
| Forall of variable * predicate
| SubstPred of variable * expression * predicate;
val == = fn (a, b) => Equiv (a, b);
infix 4 ==;
val --> = fn (a, b) => Implies (a, b);
infix 5 -->;
val && = fn (a, b) => And (a, b);
infix 6 &&;
val || = fn (a, b) => Or (a, b);
infix 6 ||;
Rule 1 (CNJ or and-introduction):
HYP :- P
HYP :- Q
HYP :- P and Q
Rule 2 and 2' (and-elimination):
HYP :- P and Q
HYP :- P
HYP :- Q
fun cnj (And (p, q)) = [p, q]
| cnj pred = [];
Rule 3 (DED):
HYP, P :- Q
HYP :- P -> Q
Rule 4:
HYP :- P -> Q
HYP, P :- Q
fun ded context (Implies (p, q)) = (p::context, [q])
| ded context _ = (context, []);
(* Dummy function used as a type-compatible label with the inference_rules set.
This allows us to record fn ded as a proof step in the same way we record other rules
as proof steps *)
fun ded_lbl (pl:predicate list) (p:predicate) = [] : predicate list;
DR 1:
HYP :- P
HYP :- !!P
fun dr1 (Not (Not p)) = [p]
| dr1 pred = [];
DR 2:
HYP :- P
HYP :- !Q
HYP :- !(P -> Q)
fun dr2 (Not (Implies (p, q))) = [p, Not q]
| dr2 pred = [];
DR 3:
HYP :- P -> !Q
HYP :- !(P and Q)
fun dr3 (Not (And (p, q))) = [Implies (p, Not q)]
| dr3 pred = [];
DR 4:
HYP :- P -> R
HYP :- !!P -> R
fun dr4 (Implies (Not (Not p), r)) = [Implies (p, r)]
| dr4 pred = [];
DR 5:
HYP :- P -> (!Q -> R)
HYP :- !(P -> Q) -> R
fun dr5 (Implies (Not (Implies (p, q)), r)) = [Implies (p, Implies (Not q, r))]
| dr5 pred = [];
DR 6:
HYP :- !P -> R
HYP :- !Q -> R
HYP :- !(P and Q) -> R
fun dr6 (Implies ((Not (And (p, q))), r)) = [Implies (Not p, r), Implies (Not q, r)]
| dr6 pred = [];
DR 7:
HYP :- !P -> R
HYP :- Q -> R
HYP :- (P -> Q) -> R
fun dr7 (Implies (Implies (p, q), r)) = [Implies (Not p, r), Implies (q, r)]
| dr7 pred = [];
DR 8:
HYP :- P -> (Q -> R)
P and Q -> R
fun dr8 (Implies (And (p, q), r)) = [Implies (p, Implies (q, r))]
| dr8 pred = [];
DB 1:
P occurs in HYP
HYP :- !P -> R
fun db1 context (Implies (Not p, r)) = if List.exists (fn x => x = p) context then [Bool true]
else []
| db1 context pred = [];
DB 2:
!P occurs in HYP
HYP :- P -> R
fun db2 context (Implies (p, r)) = if List.exists (fn x => x = (Not p)) context then [Bool true]
else []
| db2 context pred = [];
BS 1:
R occurs in HYP
HYP :- P -> R
fun bs1 context (Implies (p, r)) = if List.exists (fn x => x = r) context then [Bool true]
else []
| bs1 context pred = [];
BS 2:
P occurs in HYP
HYP :- P
fun bs2 context (p:predicate) = if List.exists (fn x => x = p) context then [Bool true]
else [];
DR 9:
HYP :- !P -> R
HYP :- !(forall x : P) -> R
fun dr9 (Implies (Not (Forall (x, p)), r)) = [Not p --> r]
| dr9 pred = [];
DR 10: (Note: requires manual effort to pick E)
HYP :- [x := E]!P
HYP :- !(forall x : P)
fun dr10 e (Not (Forall (x, p))) = [SubstPred (x, e, Not p)]
| dr10 e pred = [];
DR 11: (Note: requires manual effort to pick E and P)
(forall x : P) occurs in HYP
HYP :- [x := E]P -> R
HYP :- R
- Assumes (forall x : P) is known to be in context
- x should be a fresh new variable
fun dr11 x e p r = [SubstPred (x, e, p) --> r];
SUB 1:
[x := E]x
SUB 2:
[x := E]y
y (if y is a variable that is not x)
fun sub1 (SubstExpr (x, e, VarExpr y)) = if x = y then [e] else [VarExpr y]
| sub1 expr = [];
SUB 3:
[x := E](P and Q)
[x := E]P and [x := E]Q
fun sub3 (SubstPred (x, e, And (p, q))) = [SubstPred (x, e, p) && SubstPred (x, e, q)]
| sub3 pred = [];
SUB 4:
[x := E](P -> Q)
[x := E]P -> [x := E]Q
fun sub4 (SubstPred (x, e, Implies (p, q))) = [SubstPred (x, e, p) --> SubstPred (x, e, q)]
| sub4 pred = [];
SUB 5:
[x := E]!P
![x := E]P
fun sub5 (SubstPred (x, e, Not p)) = [Not (SubstPred (x, e, p))]
| sub5 pred = [];
SUB 6:
[x := E](forall x : P)
forall x : P
SUB 7:
[x := E](forall y : P)
forall y : [x := E]P
fun sub6 (SubstPred (x, e, Forall (y, p))) =
if x = y then [Forall (y, p)]
else [Forall (y, SubstPred (x, e, p))]
| sub6 pred = [];
SUB 8:
[x := x]F
fun sub8 (SubstPred (x, VarExpr y, f)) = if x = y then [f] else []
| sub8 pred = [];
SUB 9:
[x := E]F
SKIPPED: It is inefficient to check if x is non-free in F. Instead, in the final step of formula simplification,
we will rewrite all substitutions [x := E]F into F' such that all occurrences of x in F' have been
replaced by E. If x is not found anywhere within F, this rule will have effectively been applied since F'
will equal F after the rewrite process.
SUB 10:
[y := E][x := y]F
[x := E]F if y \ F
SKIPPED: It is inefficient to check if y is non-free in F. Instead, it is easier to rewrite [x := y]F, resulting
in expanded formula F', then rewrite [y := E]F'. If y ends up being non-free in F, the result will be the same
since all occurrences of x in F will be replaced by y, which will then be replaced by E.
SUB 11:
SKIPPED: Same reasons as SUB 9 and SUB 10.
(* TODO: Have the prover build a proof tree at each step *)
(* TODO: Add the new rules to the proof procedure *)
(* TODO: Add way to pause execution when needing to apply DR10 or DR11
so user can manually pick values, then continue proving *)
Rewrite all occurrences of Or and Equiv using simpler operations
fun op_rewrite (Or (p, q)) = Not (op_rewrite p) --> op_rewrite q
| op_rewrite (Equiv (p, q)) = (op_rewrite p --> op_rewrite q) && (op_rewrite q --> op_rewrite p)
| op_rewrite (Not p) = Not (op_rewrite p)
| op_rewrite (And (p, q)) = op_rewrite p && op_rewrite q
| op_rewrite (Implies (p, q)) = op_rewrite p --> op_rewrite q
| op_rewrite (Bool v) = Bool v
| op_rewrite (Placeholder v) = Placeholder v
| op_rewrite (Forall (v, p)) = Forall (v, op_rewrite p)
| op_rewrite (SubstPred (v, e, p)) = SubstPred (v, e, op_rewrite p);
fun rule_wrapper rule context p = rule p;
val inference_rules = bs1::bs2::db1::db2::(map (fn r => rule_wrapper r) [dr1, dr2, dr3, dr4, dr5, dr6, dr7, dr8, cnj]);
Generates new goal(s) such that proving all of the new goals is sufficient
to prove the original goal. Returns (new_context, new_goals, rule_used). If
new_goals = [], then the original goal failed to be proved.
fun prove_step context goal (rule::rules) =
(* Try each inference rule in order *)
(case (rule context goal) of
[] => prove_step context goal rules
| goals' => (context, goals', SOME rule))
| prove_step context goal [] =
(* Only try to use the deduction rule when no other rules are applicable *)
(case (ded context goal) of
(_, []) => (context, [], NONE)
| (context', goals') => (context', goals', SOME ded_lbl));
(* Prove the given goal. Returns a list of proof results.
If a proof result is Bool true, then that proof was discharged; otherwise,
that proof failed to discharge. *)
fun prove context main_goal = let
fun prove' context goal =
(case (prove_step context goal inference_rules) of
(_, [], _) => [goal] (* Can't reduce any further *)
| (context', goals', rule_used) => List.concat (map (fn g => prove' context' g) goals'));
prove' context (op_rewrite main_goal)
(* Prove goal with no initial hypotheses *)
fun simple_prove goal = prove [] goal;
fun all_true discharges = List.all (fn x => x = Bool true) discharges;
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