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Created November 11, 2020 00:32
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module CSS.Cursor where
import Prelude
import CSS (CSS)
import CSS.Property (class Val, Value)
import CSS.String (fromString)
import CSS.Stylesheet (key)
newtype Cursor = Cursor Value
cursor :: Cursor -> CSS
cursor = key $ fromString "cursor"
instance valCursor :: Val Cursor where
value (Cursor v) = v
auto :: Cursor
auto = Cursor $ fromString "auto"
default :: Cursor
default = Cursor $ fromString "default"
none :: Cursor
none = Cursor $ fromString "none"
contextMenu :: Cursor
contextMenu = Cursor $ fromString "context-menu"
help :: Cursor
help = Cursor $ fromString "help"
pointer :: Cursor
pointer = Cursor $ fromString "pointer"
progress :: Cursor
progress = Cursor $ fromString "progress"
wait :: Cursor
wait = Cursor $ fromString "wait"
cell :: Cursor
cell = Cursor $ fromString "cell"
crosshair :: Cursor
crosshair = Cursor $ fromString "crosshair"
text :: Cursor
text = Cursor $ fromString "text"
verticalText :: Cursor
verticalText = Cursor $ fromString "vertical-text"
alias :: Cursor
alias = Cursor $ fromString "alias"
copy :: Cursor
copy = Cursor $ fromString "copy"
move :: Cursor
move = Cursor $ fromString "move"
noDrop :: Cursor
noDrop = Cursor $ fromString "no-drop"
notAllowed :: Cursor
notAllowed = Cursor $ fromString "not-allowed"
grab :: Cursor
grab = Cursor $ fromString "grab"
grabbing :: Cursor
grabbing = Cursor $ fromString "grabbing"
allScroll :: Cursor
allScroll = Cursor $ fromString "all-scroll"
colResize :: Cursor
colResize = Cursor $ fromString "col-resize"
rowResize :: Cursor
rowResize = Cursor $ fromString "row-resize"
nResize :: Cursor
nResize = Cursor $ fromString "n-resize"
eResize :: Cursor
eResize = Cursor $ fromString "e-resize"
sResize :: Cursor
sResize = Cursor $ fromString "s-resize"
wResize :: Cursor
wResize = Cursor $ fromString "w-resize"
neRsize :: Cursor
neRsize = Cursor $ fromString "ne-resize"
nwResize :: Cursor
nwResize = Cursor $ fromString "nw-resize"
seResize :: Cursor
seResize = Cursor $ fromString "se-resize"
swResize :: Cursor
swResize = Cursor $ fromString "sw-resize"
ewRsize :: Cursor
ewRsize = Cursor $ fromString "ew-resize"
nsResize :: Cursor
nsResize = Cursor $ fromString "ns-resize"
neswResize :: Cursor
neswResize = Cursor $ fromString "nesw-resize"
nwseResize :: Cursor
nwseResize = Cursor $ fromString "nwse-resize"
zoomIn :: Cursor
zoomIn = Cursor $ fromString "zoom-in"
zoomOut :: Cursor
zoomOut = Cursor $ fromString "zoom-out"
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