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Monoids in Haskell, an Introduction

Monoids in Haskell, an Introduction

Why should programmers care about Monoids? Because Monoids are a common pattern that shows up over and over in programming. And when patterns show up, we can abstract them and leverage work we've done in the past. This allows us to quickly develop solutions on top of proven, stable code.

Add Commutative Property to a Monoid (Commutative Monoid) and you have something that can be executed in parallel. With the end of Moore's Law, parallelism is our only hope to increasing processing speeds.

What follows is what I've learned after studying Monoids. It is hardly complete, but hopefully will prove to be helpful as an introduction for others.

Monoid Lineage

A Monoid is from mathematics and is in a lineage of other constructs. So it helps to start at the beginning and work our way up to Monoids. (Actually, we'll go one step further to Groups)


A Magma is a Set and a single Binary Operator which must be closed:

∀ a, b ∈ M : a • b ∈ M

A binary operator is closed if when applied to any 2 elements of the set, it produces another member of the set. (Here · is the binary operator)

An example of a Magma is the set of Boolean and the AND operator.


A Semigroup is a Magma with 1 addition requirement. The Binary Operator must be Associative for all members of the set:

∀ a, b, c ∈ S : a · (b · c) = (a · b) · c

An example of a Semigroup is the set of Non-empty Strings and the Concatenation operator.


A Monoid is a Semigroup with 1 addition requirement. There exists a Neutral Element in the set that can be combined using the binary operator with any member of the set resulting in that same member of the set.

e ∈ M : ∀ a ∈ M, a · e = e · a = a

An example of a Monoid is the set of Strings and the Concatenation operator. Note the addition of the empty string to the set is the Neutral Element and turns the Semigroup into a Monoid.

Another example of a Monoid is the set of Non-negative Integers and the Addition operator. The Neutral Element is 0.


A Group is Monoid with 1 addition requirement. There exist Inverses in the set such that:

∀ a, b, e ∈ G : a · b = b · a = e

Here e is the Neutral Element.

An example of a Group is the set of Integers and the Addition operator. The Inverses are Negative Numbers and the Neutral Element is 0.

By allowing Negative Numbers, we've turned the second example of a Monoid above into a Group.

Reference: Math StackExchange question: What's the difference between a monoid and a group?

Monoids in Haskell

Monoid typeclass

In Haskell's Prelude (via GHC.Base), the Monoid typeclass is defined:

class Monoid a where
  mempty  :: a
  -- ^ Identity of 'mappend'
  mappend :: a -> a -> a
  -- ^ An associative operation
  mconcat :: [a] -> a

  -- ^ Fold a list using the monoid.
  -- For most types, the default definition for 'mconcat' will be
  -- used, but the function is included in the class definition so
  -- that an optimized version can be provided for specific types.

  mconcat = foldr mappend mempty

Here mempty is the Neutral Element, mappend is the Associative Binary operator.

This is enough to be a Monoid, but mconcat is added as a convenience. It has a default implementation to fold over the list using the Binary operator, mappend, starting with the Neutral Element, mempty.

Instances can override this default implementation as we shall see later.

Monoid Instances

Monoid ()

A trivial example of a set which only contains ():

instance Monoid () where
  mempty        = ()
  _ `mappend` _ = ()
  mconcat _     = ()

Here the set contains only the Neutral Element, (). So mappend doesn't really care about the parameters and will just return (). Turns out that the only valid parameters are always () since our set only contains ().

Also, mconcat is overridden for efficiency to ignore the list of elements of the set since they're all () and so it just returns (). Note that if mconcat was omitted here, the default implementation would produce the same result thanks to mappend's implementation.

Monoid () in Action

You cannot really do much with this Monoid by itself.

n :: ()
n = () `mappend` ()

ns :: ()
ns = mconcat [(), (), ()]

Monoid [a]

The Monoid of all possible lists:

instance Monoid [a] where
  mempty  = []
  mappend = (++)
  mconcat xss = [x | xs <- xss, x <- xs]

mappend is the concatenation operator which means the Neutral Element, mempty can only be the empty list, [].

It's important to realize that mconcat takes a List of elements from the set which here are Lists. Therefore, it takes a List of Lists, hence the parameter name xss.

I suspect that List Comprehensions are more efficient than foldr otherwise there's no reason to implement mconcat.

If we think about it, foldr will call mappend with 2 lists repeatedly which isn't efficient due to repeated processing of elements in the intermediate list returned each interation.

Using a List Comprehension will be a low-level operation that most likely visits each element of each sublist only once.

Monoid [a] in Action
as :: [Int]
as = [1, 2, 3]

bs :: [Int]
bs = [4, 5, 6]

asbs :: [Int]
asbs = mconcat [as, bs] -- [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

(Monoid a, Monoid b) => Monoid (a, b)

The Monoid of all possible 2-tuples of Monoids:

instance (Monoid a, Monoid b) => Monoid (a,b) where
  mempty = (mempty, mempty)
  (a1,b1) `mappend` (a2,b2) = (a1 `mappend` a2, b1 `mappend` b2)

At first mempty's definition can seem confusing. At initial glance, the definition can be misunderstood as a recursive definition.

Turns out the the first mempty of the pair is the mempty of the a type.

The second mempty is the mempty of the b type.

Imagine a is () and b is [Int]. Then mempty would be ( (), [] ), i.e. the first is the mempty for () and the second is the mempty for [Int].

mappend's implemenation is pretty straightforward. It performs a mappend for the a's and the b's returning a 2-tuple of (a, b). Since a and b are both Monoids, the closure requirement of Magmas and hence Monoids is maintained.

Monoid (a, b) in Action
p1 :: ((), [Int])
p1 = ((), [1, 2, 3])

p2 :: ((), [Int])
p2 = ((), [4, 5, 6])

p1p2 :: ((), [Int])
p1p2 = mconcat [p1, p2] -- ((), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])

Monoid b => Monoid (a -> b)

The Monoid of all possible functions of 1 or many parameters that returns a Monoid:

instance Monoid b => Monoid (a -> b) where
  mempty _ = mempty
  mappend f g x =  f x `mappend` g x

It isn't obvious how this definition handles functions that take multiple parameters. A little reminder may help.

Function annotations are right associative, i.e. they associate on the right:

f :: Int -> (Bool -> String) -- unnecessary parenthesis
f s1 s2 = s1 ++ s2

Int -> (Bool -> String) is equivalent to Int -> Bool -> String, which is why we don't include the parenthesis. Right associativity implies them.

Remembering that String is equivalent to [Char], we know that f eventually returns a Monoid since we've seen Monoid [a] above.

But not so fast. We first must breakdown the annotation in terms of a -> b as it's defined in the Monoid instance:

Int -> (Bool -> String)
 a  ->       b

Here b must be a Monoid and thanks to Monoid (a -> b), it is.

Now looking into b we get:

(Bool -> String)
( a   ->    b  )

So reapplication of Monoid (a -> b) takes care of functions with multiple parameters, e.g.:

Int -> (String -> (Int -> String))
 a  -> (           b             )
 a  -> (a'     -> (     b'      ))
 a  -> (a'     -> (a'' ->   b''  )

Here b is a Monoid because b' is a Monoid because b'' is String which is a Monoid because String is [Char] and we saw earlier that all lists are Monoids.

Once again, the definition:

instance Monoid b => Monoid (a -> b) where
  mempty _ = mempty
  mappend f g x =  f x `mappend` g x

Hopefully, mempty's definition makes more sense now. mempty is of type a -> b which is why it takes a single parameter. It disregards the parameter and simply returns the mempty of type b.

In the case of a function of type Bool -> String, mempty is [], i.e. the mempty for Monoid [a].

In the case of a function of type Int -> Bool -> String, mempty is recursive, i.e. it first returns itself with the type Bool -> String, which in turn returns [].

Notice that a is immaterial here. In fact, all input types to the function are immaterial. The only thing that matters here is the type of the return value. That's why only b must be a Monoid.

So the following functions types will have mempty eventually return [] since they all return String:

Int -> String
Int -> Int -> String
Int -> Bool -> Int -> Double -> String

Similarly, mappend applies a single parameter to BOTH functions then calls b's mappend.

In the case of a function of type String -> String, mappend calls BOTH functions with the input String and then calls mappend for String which is Monoid [a], i.e. (++).

In the case of a function of type String -> String -> String, mappend calls BOTH functions with the FIRST input String and then calls mappend for String -> String which is Monoid (a -> b), i.e. itself.

Which in turn, calls BOTH functions with the SECOND input String and then calls mappend for String which is Monoid [a], i.e. (++).

Monoid (a -> b) in Action
import Data.Monoid ((<>))

parens :: String -> String
parens str = "(" ++ str ++ ")"

curlyBrackets :: String -> String
curlyBrackets str = "{" ++ str ++ "}"

squareBrackets :: String -> String
squareBrackets str = "[" ++ str ++ "]"

pstr :: String -> String
pstr = parens <> curlyBrackets <> squareBrackets

astr :: String
astr = pstr "abc"

Notice the <> operator is used in pstr. This operator is imported from Data.Monoid and is the mappend operation.

If you look back at the class definition of Monoid, you'll see that mappend has the type a -> a -> a.

Since parens and curlyBrackets both have type -> String -> String, then parens <> curlyBrackets will have the type String -> String as will parens <> curlyBrackets <> squareBrackets.

pstr will take a String and apply it to parens, curlyBrackets and squareBrackets concatenating the results of those calls.

Therefore, astr is (abc){abc}[abc].

If the number of functions to be applied gets large, using the <> approach can get tedious. This is why the Monoid class has the helper function mconcat.

We can rewrite the code as such:

pstr :: String -> String
pstr = mconcat [parens, curlyBrackets, squareBrackets]

astr :: String
astr = pstr "abc"

Monoid <number-type>

Looking back at the Monoid definition, we have to choose an Associative Binary operator, but for numbers it can be either Addition or Multiplication.

If we pick Addition then there will be times where Multiplication would be missed and visa versa.

Unfortunately, we can only have 1 Monoid per type.

The way to solve this is to create a new type that contains a Num for Addition and another type for Multiplication.

These types can be found in Data.Monoid:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

import GHC.Generics

newtype Sum a = Sum { getSum :: a }
        deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Bounded, Generic, Generic1, Num)

newtype Product a = Product { getProduct :: a }
        deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Bounded, Generic, Generic1, Num)

Now we can make Monoids for each.

Monoid Sum

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

import Data.Coerce

instance Num a => Monoid (Sum a) where
  mempty = Sum 0
  mappend = coerce ((+) :: a -> a -> a)

mempty is 0 wrapped in Sum.

Here coerce is used to safely coerce Sum a to its Representational type, e.g. Sum Integer will be coerced to Integer and use the appropriate + operator.

ScopedTypeVariables pragma allows us to equate a in a -> a -> a to the scope of the instance and hence the a in Num a.

Monoid Sum in action
sum :: Sum Integer
sum = mconcat [Sum 1, Sum 2] -- Sum 3

Monoid Product

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

import Data.Coerce

instance Num a => Monoid (Product a) where
        mempty = Product 1
        mappend = coerce ((*) :: a -> a -> a)

mempty is 0 wrapped in Product.

Here coerce is used to safely coerce Product a to its Representational type, e.g. Product Integer will be coerced to Integer and use the appropriate * operator.

ScopedTypeVariables pragma allows us to equate a in a -> a -> a to the scope of the instance and hence the a in Num a.

Monoid Product in action
product :: Product Integer
product = mconcat [Product 2, Product 3] -- Product 6

Monoid Ordering

Before we look at the Monoid, let's review Ordering and comparisons:

data Ordering = LT | EQ | GT

This type is used when using compare from class Ord, e.g.:

compare :: a -> a -> Ordering

An example of its use:

compare "abcd" $ "abed" -- LT

Now there's a great helper function in Data.Ord for comparisons, called comparing:

comparing :: (Ord a) => (b -> a) -> b -> b -> Ordering
comparing p x y = compare (p x) (p y)

This helper applies a function to each element BEFORE comparing. This is great for things like tuples:

comparing fst (1, 2) (1, 3) -- EQ
comparing snd (1, 2) (1, 3) -- LT

Now for the Monoid:

-- lexicographical ordering
instance Monoid Ordering where
  mempty         = EQ
  LT `mappend` _ = LT
  EQ `mappend` y = y
  GT `mappend` _ = GT

This implemenation looks random. Why would anyone implement Monoid Ordering this way?

Well, if you want to append comparisons as part of a sortBy then you want this implementation.

Looking at sortBy:

sortBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a]

Notice that the first parameter is the same type as compare, comparing fst, comparing snd andcomparing fst `mappend` comparing snd.

Why? Because mappend's type is a -> a -> a, here a is (a, b) -> (a, b) -> Ordering.

So we can combine or mappend comparision functions and we will have an overall comparison function.

Remember that Monoid (a -> b) requires b to also be a Monoid.

So if we want to be able to mappend our comparison functions, we'll have to make Ordering a Monoid, which we did above.

But we still haven't answered why it has this seemingly bizzare definition.

Well, the comment is a bit of a clue, i.e. lexicographical ordering. What this essentially means is alphabetical order, or left precedence, i.e. if the leftmost is GT or LT then all comparisons to the right no longer matter.

If, however, the leftmost is EQ then we need to look to the right to determine the final result of the combined comparison.

And that's exactly what the implementation does. Here it is again with some extra comments to illustrate this:

-- lexicographical ordering
instance Monoid Ordering where
  mempty         = EQ	-- EQ as far left or far right has no effect on final result
  LT `mappend` _ = LT	-- if left is LT then ignore right
  EQ `mappend` y = y	-- if left is EQ then use right
  GT `mappend` _ = GT	-- if left is GT then ignore right

Take a minute to really understand this. Once you do, this will be easier to understand:

sortBy (comparing fst <> comparing snd) [(1,0),(2,1),(1,1),(2,0)]
-- [(1,0),(1,1),(2,0),(2,1)]

To understand how this works, you have to remember Monoid (a -> b).

We are mappending functions with type (a, b) -> (a, b) -> Ordering. And once both functions have executed, we mappend the 2 Orderings that were returned following our lexicographical ordering.

This means that comparing fst has precidence over comparing snd which is why all (1, x) will precede all (2, y) even when x > y.

We can do a different comparison where we only care about comparing snd:

sortBy (comparing snd) [(1,0),(2,1),(1,1),(2,0)]
-- [(1,0),(2,0),(2,1),(1,1)]

Here fst is in an unpredictable order while snd is in ascending order.

Just for fun we can control ascending and descending order independently. First lets define some helper functions:

asc, desc :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> a -> a -> Ordering
asc = comparing
desc = flip . asc

Now we can sort fst descending and snd ascending:

sortBy (desc fst <> asc snd) [(1,0),(2,1),(1,1),(2,0)]
-- [(2,0),(2,1),(1,0),(1,1)]
Optimizing Monoid Ordering

The example sorts all use only a few comparisons. In fact, most sorts will only use a small handful of comparisons.

Even so, the mappends all have to be evaluated even if the first one returns LT or GT. This may not seem like a big deal when there's only few comparisons. But it can add up over a large list.

What we want our comparisons to do is short-circuit as is commonly done with Boolean Binary operators, && and ||.

Short-circuting is not possible with the current definition for Monoid Ordering because it relies on the default mconcat implementation which uses foldr which visits each list element.

If we write our own Moniod Ordering and implement an mconcat that exits early, we will have a more efficient sort.

import Prelude hiding (Monoid, mempty, mappend, mconcat)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Arrow

instance Monoid Ordering where
  mempty         = EQ
  LT `mappend` _ = LT
  EQ `mappend` y = y
  GT `mappend` _ = GT
  mconcat = find (/= EQ) >>> fromMaybe EQ

This implementation allows us to rewrite our previous sort:

sortBy (mconcat [desc fst, asc snd]) [(1,0),(2,1),(1,1),(2,0)]
-- [(2,0),(2,1),(1,0),(1,1)]

Same result, but any time dest fst returns LT or GT, then asc snd will be skipped.

N.B. our implementation requires Data.List, Data.Maybe and Control.Arrow which if implemented in the standard would unnecessarily couple Data.Monoid. This limitation could be overcome by writing a specialized function (not very DRY).

But, the biggest problem with overriding the standard implementation is that we have to hide all Monoid definitions.

These are some pretty hefty downsides to optimizing for an edge case. But it's a nice exercise just the same. Also, if the list we're trying to sort was huge, then it just might be worth it.


Commutative Monoid (Abelian Monoid)

As stated at the beginning, if we add just 1 more constraint to Monoid (or a Group), we can do things in parallel.

That restriction is the Commutative Property.

∀ a, b ∈ M : a · b = b · a

By requiring this law, we can process the list in ANY order. This can get parallelized by the compiler, via a library or even doled out to other machines.

Here is the definition:

class Monoid m => CommutativeMonoid m

It may seem strange that there are no functions, but it's interface is the same as Monoid with only the requirement that Commutativity is supported by the Binary operator.

Unfortunately, there is no way to require these laws in Haskell.

Num a => CommutativeMonoid (Sum a)

Here's the definition:

instance Num a => CommutativeMonoid (Sum a)

The reasons to use CommutativeMonoid over Monoid for Sum (or `Product):

  1. Better communicate how the Monoid is to be used
  2. Call functions that require a CommutativeMonoid


Monoids are great abstractions for combining like things and these abstractions can be found over and over again in programming.

Hopefully, this proved to be a good introduction to Monoids. There are lots of other types of Monoids but once you have the general understanding, investigating these other speciality Monoids should be much easier.

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newjam commented Aug 1, 2018


I think your quantifiers in the axioms for Monoids and Groups are slightly off.

Monoid identity: Ǝ e ∈ M : ∀ a ∈ M, a · e = e · a = a
I.e. "There is an 'identity' element e in M such that for all a in M, a · e = e · a = a"

Group inverses: Ǝ e ∈ G: ∀ a ∈ G: Ǝ b ∈ G : a · b = b · a = e
I.e. "there is an 'identity' element e in G such that for all a in G there exists its "inverse" b such that a · b = b · a = e"

Also for groups, you would have to link the identity element in the two axioms.

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Thank you, @cscalfani!

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